member this.Y = this.Cy
-let findCells (ellipses: Ellipse list) (parasites: ParasitesMarker.Result) (fg: Image<Gray, byte>) (config: Config.Config) : Cell list =
+let findCells (ellipses: Ellipse list) (parasites: ParasitesMarker2.Result) (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (config: Config.Config) : Cell list =
if ellipses.IsEmpty
let infection = parasites.infection.Copy() // To avoid to modify the parameter.
// This is the minimum window size to check if other ellipses touch 'e'.
- let searchRegion (e: Ellipse) = { KdTree.minX = e.Cx - (e.A + config.maxRBCSize) * config.scale
- KdTree.maxX = e.Cx + (e.A + config.maxRBCSize) * config.scale
- KdTree.minY = e.Cy - (e.A + config.maxRBCSize) * config.scale
- KdTree.maxY = e.Cy + (e.A + config.maxRBCSize) * config.scale }
+ let searchRegion (e: Ellipse) = { KdTree.minX = e.Cx - (e.A + config.RBCMax) * config.Parameters.scale
+ KdTree.maxX = e.Cx + (e.A + config.RBCMax) * config.Parameters.scale
+ KdTree.minY = e.Cy - (e.A + config.RBCMax) * config.Parameters.scale
+ KdTree.maxY = e.Cy + (e.A + config.RBCMax) * config.Parameters.scale }
// The minimum window to contain a given ellipse.
let ellipseWindow (e: Ellipse) =
let a = int (e.A + 0.5)
cx - a, cy - a, cx + a, cy + a
- let w = float fg.Width
- let h = float fg.Height
+ let w = img.Width
+ let w_f = float w
+ let h = img.Height
+ let h_f = float h
let ellipses = ellipses |> EllipseFlaggedKd
let ellipsesWithNeigbors = ellipses |> List.choose (fun e -> if e.Removed then None else Some (e, neighbors e))
// 2) Remove ellipses with a lower percentage of foreground. (taken from the lower score to the highest).
- for e, neighbors in List.rev ellipsesWithNeigbors do
+ (*for e, neighbors in List.rev ellipsesWithNeigbors do
let minX, minY, maxX, maxY = ellipseWindow e
let mutable totalElement = 0
fgElement <- fgElement + 1
- if (float fgElement) / (float totalElement) < config.percentageOfFgValidCell
+ if (float fgElement) / (float totalElement) < config.Parameters.percentageOfFgValidCell
- e.Removed <- true
+ e.Removed <- true*)
// 3) Remove ellipses touching the edges.
for e in ellipses do
- if e.isOutside w h then e.Removed <- true
+ if e.isOutside w_f h_f then e.Removed <- true
// 4) Remove ellipses with little area.
for e, neighbors in ellipsesWithNeigbors do
let minX, minY, maxX, maxY = ellipseWindow e
let mutable area = 0
- for y in (if minY < 0 then 0 else minY) .. (if maxY >= fg.Height then fg.Height - 1 else maxY) do
- for x in (if minX < 0 then 0 else minX) .. (if maxX >= fg.Width then fg.Width - 1 else maxX) do
+ for y in (if minY < 0 then 0 else minY) .. (if maxY >= h then h - 1 else maxY) do
+ for x in (if minX < 0 then 0 else minX) .. (if maxX >= w then w - 1 else maxX) do
let yf, xf = float y, float x
- if fg.Data.[y, x, 0] > 0uy &&
- e.Contains xf yf &&
+ if e.Contains xf yf &&
neighbors |> List.forall (fun (otherE, _, _) -> otherE.Removed || not <| otherE.Contains xf yf)
area <- area + 1
- if area < config.minimumCellArea
+ if area < int config.RBCMinArea
e.Removed <- true
for y in minY .. maxY do
for x in minX .. maxX do
let p = PointD(float x, float y)
- if pixelOwnedByE p e (neighbors |> List.choose (fun (otherE, p1, p2) -> if otherE.Removed then None else Some (Utils.lineFromTwoPoints p1 p2))) &&
- fg.Data.[y, x, 0] > 0uy
+ if pixelOwnedByE p e (neighbors |> List.choose (fun (otherE, p1, p2) -> if otherE.Removed then None else Some (Utils.lineFromTwoPoints p1 p2)))
elements.[y-minY, x-minX] <- 1uy
nbElement <- nbElement + 1
darkStainPixels <- darkStainPixels + 1
let cellClass =
- if float darkStainPixels > config.MaxDarkStainRatio * (float nbElement) (* ||
+ if float darkStainPixels > config.Parameters.maxDarkStainRatio * (float nbElement) (* ||
sqrt (((float sumCoords_x) / (float nbElement) - e.Cx) ** 2.0 + ((float sumCoords_y) / (float nbElement) - e.Cy) ** 2.0) > e.A * config.maxOffcenter *)
- elif infectedPixels.Count > config.infectionPixelsRequired
+ elif infectedPixels.Count > config.Parameters.infectionPixelsRequired
let infectionToRemove = ImgTools.connectedComponents parasites.stain infectedPixels
for p in infectionToRemove do
module Config
+open System
type Debug =
| DebugOff
| DebugOn of string // Output directory.
-type Config = {
- debug: Debug
+type Parameters = {
scale: float
- minRBCSize: float
- maxRBCSize: float
+ minRbcRadius: float
+ maxRbcRadius: float
preFilterSigma: float
// Parasites detection.
darkStainLevel: float
- stainSigma: float
- stainLevel: float
- stainSpreadRequired: float
+ stainArea: float // Factor of a RBC area. 0.5 means the half of RBC area.
+ stainLevel: float // [0, 1]
- infectionSigma: float
- infectionLevel: float
+ infectionArea: float // Factor of a RBC area. 0.5 means the half of RBC area.
+ infectionLevel: float // [0, 1]
infectionPixelsRequired: int
- percentageOfFgValidCell: float
+ maxDarkStainRatio: float
+ minimumCellArea: float // Factor of RBC area.
+type Config (param: Parameters) =
+ member this.Parameters = param
+ member val Debug = DebugOff with get, set
+ member val RBCSize = 30. with get, set
+ member this.RBCMin = this.RBCSize + param.minRbcRadius * this.RBCSize
+ member this.RBCMax = this.RBCSize + param.maxRbcRadius * this.RBCSize
- MaxDarkStainRatio: float
+ member this.RBCMinArea = param.minimumCellArea * Math.PI * this.RBCSize ** 2.0
- minimumCellArea: int
- maxOffcenter: float
\ No newline at end of file
+ member this.ParasiteArea = param.infectionArea * Math.PI * this.RBCSize ** 2.0
+ member this.StainArea = param.stainArea * Math.PI * this.RBCSize ** 2.0
// Ellipse.A is always equal or greater than Ellipse.B.
// Ellipse.Alpha is between 0 and Pi.
let ellipse (p1x: float) (p1y: float) (m1: float) (p2x: float) (p2y: float) (m2: float) (p3x: float) (p3y: float) : Types.Ellipse option =
- let accuracy_extremum_search_1 = 7 // 3
- let accuracy_extremum_search_2 = 7 // 4
+ let accuracy_extremum_search_1 = 8 // 3
+ let accuracy_extremum_search_2 = 8 // 4
// p3 as the referencial.
let p1x = p1x - p3x
(yDir: Image<Gray, float>)
(config: Config) : MatchingEllipses =
- let r1, r2 = config.scale * config.minRBCSize, config.scale * config.maxRBCSize
- let windowSize = roundInt (config.factorWindowSize * r2)
- let factorNbPick = config.factorNbPick
+ let r1, r2 = config.Parameters.scale * config.RBCMin, config.Parameters.scale * config.RBCMax // FIXME: scale factor should be applied in Config!?
+ let windowSize = roundInt (config.Parameters.factorWindowSize * r2)
+ let factorNbPick = config.Parameters.factorNbPick
let increment = windowSize / 4
--- /dev/null
+module Heap
+open System.Collections.Generic
+let inline private parent (i: int) : int = (i - 1) / 2
+let inline private left (i: int) : int = 2 * (i + 1) - 1
+let inline private right (i: int) : int = 2 * (i + 1)
+type private Node<'k, 'v> = { key: 'k; value : 'v } with
+ override this.ToString () = sprintf "%A -> %A" this.key this.value
+type Heap<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> () =
+ let a = List<Node<'k, 'v>>()
+ let rec heapUp (i: int) =
+ let l, r = left i, right i
+ let mutable max = if l < a.Count && a.[l].key > a.[i].key then l else i
+ if r < a.Count && a.[r].key > a.[max].key
+ then
+ max <- r
+ if max <> i
+ then
+ let tmp = a.[i]
+ a.[i] <- a.[max]
+ a.[max] <- tmp
+ heapUp max
+ member this.Next () : 'k * 'v =
+ let { key = key; value = value} = a.[0]
+ a.RemoveAt(0)
+ key, value
+ member this.Add (key: 'k) (value: 'v) =
+ a.Insert(0, { key = key; value = value})
+ heapUp 0
+ member this.IsEmpty = a.Count = 0
+ member this.Max : 'k = a.[0].key
+ member this.Clear () = a.Clear()
for p in points do
img.Data.[p.Y, p.X, 0] <- intensity
-let findMaxima (img: Image<Gray, byte>) : IEnumerable<Points> =
- use suppress = new Image<Gray, byte>(img.Size)
+type ExtremumType =
+ | Maxima = 1
+ | Minima = 2
+let findExtremum (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (extremumType: ExtremumType) : IEnumerable<Points> =
let w = img.Width
let h = img.Height
+ let se = [| -1, 0; 0, -1; 1, 0; 0, 1 |]
let imgData = img.Data
- let suppressData = suppress.Data
+ let suppress: bool[,] = Array2D.zeroCreate h w
let result = List<List<Point>>()
while betterLevelToCheck.Count > 0 do
let p = betterLevelToCheck.Pop()
- if suppressData.[p.Y, p.X, 0] = 0uy
+ if not suppress.[p.Y, p.X]
- suppressData.[p.Y, p.X, 0] <- 1uy
+ suppress.[p.Y, p.X] <- true
let current = List<Point>()
let p' = sameLevelToCheck.Pop()
let currentLevel = imgData.[p'.Y, p'.X, 0]
current.Add(p') |> ignore
- for i in -1 .. 1 do
- for j in -1 .. 1 do
- if i <> 0 || j <> 0
+ for i, j in se do
+ let ni = i + p'.Y
+ let nj = j + p'.X
+ if ni >= 0 && ni < h && nj >= 0 && nj < w
+ then
+ let level = imgData.[ni, nj, 0]
+ let notSuppressed = not suppress.[ni, nj]
+ if level = currentLevel && notSuppressed
- let ni = i + p'.Y
- let nj = j + p'.X
- if ni >= 0 && ni < h && nj >= 0 && nj < w
+ suppress.[ni, nj] <- true
+ sameLevelToCheck.Push(Point(nj, ni))
+ elif if extremumType = ExtremumType.Maxima then level > currentLevel else level < currentLevel
+ then
+ betterExists <- true
+ if notSuppressed
- let level = imgData.[ni, nj, 0]
- let notSuppressed = suppressData.[ni, nj, 0] = 0uy
- if level = currentLevel && notSuppressed
- then
- suppressData.[ni, nj, 0] <- 1uy
- sameLevelToCheck.Push(Point(nj, ni))
- elif level > currentLevel
- then
- betterExists <- true
- if notSuppressed
- then
- betterLevelToCheck.Push(Point(nj, ni))
+ betterLevelToCheck.Push(Point(nj, ni))
if not betterExists
for j in 0 .. w - 1 do
let maxima = flood (Point(j, i))
if maxima.Count > 0
- then result.AddRange(maxima)
+ then
+ result.AddRange(maxima)
result.Select(fun l -> Points(l))
+let findMaxima (img: Image<Gray, byte>) : IEnumerable<Points> =
+ findExtremum img ExtremumType.Maxima
+let findMinima (img: Image<Gray, byte>) : IEnumerable<Points> =
+ findExtremum img ExtremumType.Minima
type PriorityQueue () =
let size = 256
- let q: Points[] = Array.init size (fun i -> Points()) // TODO: Check performance with an HasSet
+ let q: Points[] = Array.init size (fun i -> Points())
let mutable highest = -1 // Value of the first elements of 'q'.
let mutable lowest = size
- member this.Next () : byte * Point =
+ member this.NextMax () : byte * Point =
if this.IsEmpty
invalidOp "Queue is empty"
value, next
+ member this.NextMin () : byte * Point =
+ if this.IsEmpty
+ then
+ invalidOp "Queue is empty"
+ else
+ let l = q.[lowest + 1]
+ let next = l.First()
+ l.Remove(next) |> ignore
+ let value = byte (lowest + 1)
+ if l.Count = 0
+ then
+ lowest <- lowest + 1
+ while lowest < highest && q.[lowest + 1].Count = 0 do
+ lowest <- lowest + 1
+ if highest = lowest
+ then
+ highest <- -1
+ lowest <- size
+ value, next
member this.Max =
highest |> byte
+ member this.Min =
+ lowest + 1 |> byte
member this.Add (value: byte) (p: Point) =
let vi = int value
lowest <- size
-type AreaState =
+type private AreaState =
| Removed = 1
| Unprocessed = 2
| Validated = 3
+type private AreaOperation =
+ | Opening = 1
+ | Closing = 2
-type Area (elements: Points) =
+type private Area (elements: Points) =
member this.Elements = elements
member val Intensity = None with get, set
member val State = AreaState.Unprocessed with get, set
-let areaOpen (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (area: int) =
+let private areaOperation (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (area: int) (op: AreaOperation) =
let w = img.Width
let h = img.Height
let imgData = img.Data
+ let se = [| -1, 0; 0, -1; 1, 0; 0, 1 |]
- let areas = List<Area>(findMaxima img |> Area)
+ let areas = List<Area>((if op = AreaOperation.Opening then findMaxima img else findMinima img) |> Area)
let pixels: Area[,] = Array2D.create h w null
for m in areas do
let addEdgeToQueue (elements: Points) =
for p in elements do
- for i in -1 .. 1 do
- for j in -1 .. 1 do
- if i <> 0 || j <> 0
- then
- let ni = i + p.Y
- let nj = j + p.X
- let p' = Point(nj, ni)
- if ni >= 0 && ni < h && nj >= 0 && nj < w && not (elements.Contains(p'))
- then
- queue.Add (imgData.[ni, nj, 0]) p'
+ for i, j in se do
+ let ni = i + p.Y
+ let nj = j + p.X
+ let p' = Point(nj, ni)
+ if ni >= 0 && ni < h && nj >= 0 && nj < w && not (elements.Contains(p'))
+ then
+ queue.Add (imgData.[ni, nj, 0]) p'
// Reverse order is quicker.
for i in areas.Count - 1 .. -1 .. 0 do
addEdgeToQueue m.Elements
- let mutable intensity = queue.Max
+ let mutable intensity = if op = AreaOperation.Opening then queue.Max else queue.Min
let nextElements = Points()
let mutable stop = false
while not stop do
- let intensity', p = queue.Next ()
+ let intensity', p = if op = AreaOperation.Opening then queue.NextMax () else queue.NextMin ()
let mutable merged = false
if intensity' = intensity // The intensity doesn't change.
nextElements.Add(p) |> ignore
- elif intensity' < intensity
+ elif if op = AreaOperation.Opening then intensity' < intensity else intensity' > intensity
for e in nextElements do
nextElements.Add(p) |> ignore
- else // i' > i
+ else
let m' = pixels.[p.Y, p.X]
if m' <> null
queue.Remove imgData.[e.Y, e.X, 0] e
addEdgeToQueue m'.Elements
- let intensityMax = queue.Max
+ let intensityMax = if op = AreaOperation.Opening then queue.Max else queue.Min
if intensityMax <> intensity
intensity <- intensityMax
if not stop && not merged
- for i in -1 .. 1 do
- for j in -1 .. 1 do
- if i <> 0 || j <> 0
- then
- let ni = i + p.Y
- let nj = j + p.X
- let p' = Point(nj, ni)
- if ni < 0 || ni >= h || nj < 0 || nj >= w
- then
- m.State <- AreaState.Validated
- m.Intensity <- Some (intensity)
- stop <- true
- elif not (m.Elements.Contains(p')) && not (nextElements.Contains(p'))
- then
- queue.Add (imgData.[ni, nj, 0]) p'
+ for i, j in se do
+ let ni = i + p.Y
+ let nj = j + p.X
+ let p' = Point(nj, ni)
+ if ni < 0 || ni >= h || nj < 0 || nj >= w
+ then
+ m.State <- AreaState.Validated
+ m.Intensity <- Some (intensity)
+ stop <- true
+ elif not (m.Elements.Contains(p')) && not (nextElements.Contains(p'))
+ then
+ queue.Add (imgData.[ni, nj, 0]) p'
if queue.IsEmpty
+let areaOpen (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (area: int) =
+ areaOperation img area AreaOperation.Opening
+let areaClose (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (area: int) =
+ areaOperation img area AreaOperation.Closing
+let areaOpen2 (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (area: int) =
+ let w = img.Width
+ let h = img.Height
+ let imgData = img.Data
+ let se = [| -1, 0; 0, -1; 1, 0; 0, 1 |]
+ let histogram = Array.zeroCreate 256
+ for i in 0 .. h - 1 do
+ for j in 0 .. w - 1 do
+ let v = imgData.[i, j, 0] |> int
+ histogram.[v] <- histogram.[v] + 1
+ let flooded : bool[,] = Array2D.zeroCreate h w
+ let pointsChecked = HashSet<Point>()
+ let pointsToCheck = Stack<Point>()
+ for level in 255 .. -1 .. 0 do
+ let mutable n = histogram.[level]
+ if n > 0
+ then
+ for i in 0 .. h - 1 do
+ for j in 0 .. w - 1 do
+ if not flooded.[i, j] && imgData.[i, j, 0] = byte level
+ then
+ let mutable maxNeighborValue = 0uy
+ pointsChecked.Clear()
+ pointsToCheck.Clear()
+ pointsToCheck.Push(Point(j, i))
+ while pointsToCheck.Count > 0 do
+ let next = pointsToCheck.Pop()
+ pointsChecked.Add(next) |> ignore
+ flooded.[next.Y, next.X] <- true
+ for nx, ny in se do
+ let p = Point(next.X + nx, next.Y + ny)
+ if p.X >= 0 && p.X < w && p.Y >= 0 && p.Y < h
+ then
+ let v = imgData.[p.Y, p.X, 0]
+ if v = byte level
+ then
+ if not (pointsChecked.Contains(p))
+ then
+ pointsToCheck.Push(p)
+ elif v > maxNeighborValue
+ then
+ maxNeighborValue <- v
+ if int maxNeighborValue < level && pointsChecked.Count <= area
+ then
+ for p in pointsChecked do
+ imgData.[p.Y, p.X, 0] <- maxNeighborValue
// Zhang and Suen algorithm.
// Modify 'mat' in place.
let thin (mat: Matrix<byte>) =
let doAnalysis (img: Image<Bgr, byte>) (name: string) (config: Config) : Cell list =
- use scaledImg = if config.scale = 1.0 then img else img.Resize(config.scale, CvEnum.Inter.Area)
+ use scaledImg = if config.Parameters.scale = 1.0 then img else img.Resize(config.Parameters.scale, CvEnum.Inter.Area)
- use blue = scaledImg.Item(0)
use green = scaledImg.Item(1)
- use red = scaledImg.Item(2)
let greenFloat = green.Convert<Gray, float32>()
- let filteredGreen = gaussianFilter green config.preFilterSigma
- logTime "areaOpen" (fun () -> ImgTools.areaOpen filteredGreen 2000)
+ let filteredGreen = gaussianFilter green config.Parameters.preFilterSigma
+ (*let maximaImg = filteredGreen.Copy()
+ let maxima = logTime "maxima" (fun () -> ImgTools.findMaxima maximaImg)
+ for m in maxima do
+ ImgTools.drawPoints maximaImg m 255uy
- let RBCSize = Granulometry.findRadius filteredGreen (10, 100) 0.5 |> float
- let RBCSizeDelta = RBCSize / 3.0
+ let greenOpen1 = filteredGreen.Copy()
+ logTime "areaOpen1" (fun () -> ImgTools.areaOpen greenOpen1 2000)*)
+ logTime "areaOpen" (fun () -> ImgTools.areaOpen filteredGreen 2000)
- let config = { config with minRBCSize = RBCSize - RBCSizeDelta ; maxRBCSize = RBCSize + RBCSizeDelta }
+ config.RBCSize <- Granulometry.findRadius filteredGreen (10, 100) 0.5 |> float
let filteredGreenFloat = filteredGreen.Convert<Gray, float32>() // Is it neccessary?
+ let kmediansResults = logTime "Finding foreground (k-medians)" (fun () -> KMedians.kmedians filteredGreenFloat 1.0)
+ let parasites, filteredGreenWhitoutParasites, filteredGreenWhitoutStain = ParasitesMarker2.find filteredGreen filteredGreenFloat kmediansResults config
+ let filteredGreenWhitoutParasitesFloat = filteredGreenWhitoutParasites.Convert<Gray, float32>()
use sobelKernel =
new ConvolutionKernelF(array2D [[ 1.0f; 0.0f; -1.0f ]
[ 2.0f; 0.0f; -2.0f ]
[ 1.0f; 0.0f; -1.0f ]], Point(0, 0))
- use xEdges = filteredGreenFloat.Convolution(sobelKernel).Convert<Gray, float>()
- use yEdges = filteredGreenFloat.Convolution(sobelKernel.Transpose()).Convert<Gray, float>()
+ use xEdges = filteredGreenWhitoutParasitesFloat.Convolution(sobelKernel).Convert<Gray, float>()
+ use yEdges = filteredGreenWhitoutParasitesFloat.Convolution(sobelKernel.Transpose()).Convert<Gray, float>()
let xEdgesData = xEdges.Data
let yEdgesData = yEdges.Data
logTime "Finding edges" (fun() -> thin edges)
logTime "Removing small connected components from thinning" (fun () -> removeArea edges 12)
- let kmediansResults = logTime "Finding foreground (k-medians)" (fun () -> KMedians.kmedians filteredGreenFloat 1.0)
- let parasites = ParasitesMarker.find greenFloat filteredGreenFloat kmediansResults config
let allEllipses, ellipses = logTime "Finding ellipses" (fun () ->
let matchingEllipses = Ellipse.find edges xEdges yEdges config
matchingEllipses.Ellipses, matchingEllipses.PrunedEllipses )
- let cells = logTime "Classifier" (fun () -> Classifier.findCells ellipses parasites kmediansResults.fg config)
+ let cells = logTime "Classifier" (fun () -> Classifier.findCells ellipses parasites filteredGreenWhitoutParasites config)
// Output pictures if debug flag is set.
- match config.debug with
+ match config.Debug with
| DebugOn output ->
let dirPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(output, name)
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory dirPath |> ignore
drawCells imgCells' true cells
saveImg imgCells' (buildFileName " - cells - full.png")
- let filteredGreenMaxima = gaussianFilter green config.preFilterSigma
+ let filteredGreenMaxima = gaussianFilter green config.Parameters.preFilterSigma
for m in ImgTools.findMaxima filteredGreenMaxima do
ImgTools.drawPoints filteredGreenMaxima m 255uy
saveImg filteredGreenMaxima (buildFileName " - filtered - maxima.png")
saveImg filteredGreen (buildFileName " - filtered.png")
- saveImg blue (buildFileName " - blue.png")
+ saveImg filteredGreenWhitoutParasites (buildFileName " - filtered closed.png")
+ (*saveImg parasitesMarker (buildFileName " - parasites (area closing).png")
+ saveImg stainMarker (buildFileName " - stain (area closing).png")*)
saveImg green (buildFileName " - green.png")
+ use blue = scaledImg.Item(0)
+ saveImg blue (buildFileName " - blue.png")
+ use red = scaledImg.Item(2)
saveImg red (buildFileName " - red.png")
| _ -> ()
let matchingScoreThreshold1 = 0.6
// All ellipsee with a score below this is removed.
-let matchingScoreThreshold2 = 1. / 100.
+let matchingScoreThreshold2 = 2.
type private EllipseScoreFlaggedKd (matchingScore: float, e: Ellipse) =
let mutable matchingScore = matchingScore
- let perimeter = e.Perimeter
member this.Ellipse = e
member this.MatchingScore = matchingScore
- // The score is proportional to the perimeter because large ellipse will receive more votes.
member this.AddMatchingScore(score: float) =
- matchingScore <- matchingScore + score / perimeter
+ matchingScore <- matchingScore + score
member val Processed = false with get, set
member val Removed = false with get, set
- <StartArguments>--folder "../../../Images/areaopen" --output "../../../Images/output" --debug</StartArguments>
+ <StartArguments>--folder "../../../Images/debug" --output "../../../Images/output" --debug</StartArguments>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<Compile Include="Config.fs" />
<Compile Include="KMedians.fs" />
<Compile Include="EEOver.fs" />
+ <Compile Include="ParasitesMarker2.fs" />
<Compile Include="ParasitesMarker.fs" />
<Compile Include="KdTree.fs" />
<Compile Include="MatchingEllipses.fs" />
// * 'Dark stain' corresponds to the colored pixel, it's independent of the size of the areas.
// * 'Stain' corresponds to the stain around the parasites.
// * 'Infection' corresponds to the parasite. It shouldn't contain thrombocytes.
-let find (green: Image<Gray, float32>) (filteredGreen: Image<Gray, float32>) (kmediansResult: KMedians.Result) (config: Config.Config) : Result =
+(*let find (green: Image<Gray, float32>) (filteredGreen: Image<Gray, float32>) (kmediansResult: KMedians.Result) (config: Config.Config) : Result =
// We use the filtered image to find the dark stain.
let { KMedians.fg = fg; KMedians.median_bg = median_bg; KMedians.median_fg = median_fg; KMedians.d_fg = d_fg } = kmediansResult
- let darkStain = d_fg.Cmp(median_bg * config.darkStainLevel, CvEnum.CmpType.GreaterThan)
+ let darkStain = d_fg.Cmp(median_bg * config.Parameters.darkStainLevel, CvEnum.CmpType.GreaterThan)
darkStain._And(filteredGreen.Cmp(median_fg, CvEnum.CmpType.LessThan))
{ darkStain = darkStain;
- stain = findSmears config.stainSigma config.stainLevel
- infection = findSmears config.infectionSigma config.infectionLevel }
+ stain = findSmears config.Parameters.stainSigma config.Parameters.stainLevel
+ infection = findSmears config.Parameters.infectionSigma config.Parameters.infectionLevel }*)
--- /dev/null
+module ParasitesMarker2
+open System.Drawing
+open Emgu.CV
+open Emgu.CV.Structure
+type Result = {
+ darkStain: Image<Gray, byte>
+ stain: Image<Gray, byte>
+ infection: Image<Gray, byte> }
+// Create three binary markers :
+// * 'Dark stain' corresponds to the colored pixel, it's independent of the size of the areas.
+// * 'Stain' corresponds to the stain around the parasites.
+// * 'Infection' corresponds to the parasite. It shouldn't contain thrombocytes.
+let find (filteredGreen: Image<Gray, byte>) (filteredGreenFloat: Image<Gray, float32>) (kmediansResult: KMedians.Result) (config: Config.Config) : Result * Image<Gray, byte> * Image<Gray, byte> =
+ // We use the filtered image to find the dark stain.
+ let { KMedians.fg = fg; KMedians.median_bg = median_bg; KMedians.median_fg = median_fg; KMedians.d_fg = d_fg } = kmediansResult
+ let darkStain = d_fg.Cmp(median_bg * config.Parameters.darkStainLevel, CvEnum.CmpType.GreaterThan)
+ darkStain._And(filteredGreenFloat.Cmp(median_fg, CvEnum.CmpType.LessThan))
+ let marker (area: int) (threshold: float) : Image<Gray, byte> * Image<Gray, byte> =
+ let closed = filteredGreen.Copy()
+ ImgTools.areaClose closed area
+ let diff = closed - filteredGreen
+ let min = ref [| 0. |]
+ let minLocation = ref <| [| Point() |]
+ let max = ref [| 0. |]
+ let maxLocation = ref <| [| Point() |]
+ diff.MinMax(min, max, minLocation, maxLocation)
+ diff._ThresholdBinary((!max).[0] * threshold |> Gray, Gray(255.))
+ diff, closed
+ let parasitesMarker, filteredGreenWithoutParasites = marker (int config.ParasiteArea) config.Parameters.infectionLevel
+ let stainMarker, filteredGreenWithoutStain = marker (int config.StainArea) config.Parameters.stainLevel
+ { darkStain = darkStain
+ stain = parasitesMarker
+ infection = stainMarker },
+ filteredGreenWithoutParasites,
+ filteredGreenWithoutStain
let main args =
match parseArgs args with
| mode, debug ->
- let scale = 1.
- let config = {
- debug = if debug then DebugOn "." else DebugOff
+ let config =
+ Config(
+ { scale = 1.
- scale = scale
+ minRbcRadius = -0.3
+ maxRbcRadius = 0.3
- // RBC size range in px at scale = 1.0.
- minRBCSize = 20.
- maxRBCSize = 42.
+ preFilterSigma = 1.5
- preFilterSigma = 1.5
+ factorNbPick = 1.0
+ factorWindowSize = 2.0
- factorNbPick = 1.0 // 1.0
- factorWindowSize = 2.0
+ darkStainLevel = 0.4 // Lower -> more sensitive.
- darkStainLevel = 0.4 // Lower -> more sensitive.
+ stainArea = 0.02
+ stainLevel = 0.2
- stainSigma = 10.
- stainLevel = 0.9
- stainSpreadRequired = 3.0
+ infectionArea = 0.06
+ infectionLevel = 0.2
+ infectionPixelsRequired = 1
- infectionSigma = 2.2
- infectionLevel = 0.87
- infectionPixelsRequired = 1
+ maxDarkStainRatio = 0.1
- percentageOfFgValidCell = 0.4
- MaxDarkStainRatio = 0.1
- minimumCellArea = 1000. * scale ** 2. |> int
- maxOffcenter = 0.5 }
+ minimumCellArea = 0.3 })
match mode with
| CmdLine (input, output) ->
- let config = if debug then { config with debug = DebugOn output } else config
+ if debug
+ then
+ config.Debug <- DebugOn output
Directory.CreateDirectory output |> ignore
let app = new Application()
let mainWindow = Views.MainWindow()
+ if debug
+ then
+ config.Debug <- DebugOn "."
Utils.log <- (fun m -> log mainWindow m)
//display mainWindow img