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[master-thesis.git] / ParasitemiaCore / Heap.fs
1 module ParasitemiaCore.Heap
3 open System.Collections.Generic
5 let inline private parent (i : int) : int = (i - 1) / 2
6 let inline private left (i : int) : int = 2 * (i + 1) - 1
7 let inline private right (i : int) : int = 2 * (i + 1)
9 [<Struct>]
10 type private Node<'k, 'v> =
11 val mutable key : 'k
12 val value : 'v
13 new (k, v) = { key = k; value = v }
14 override this.ToString () = sprintf "%O -> %O" this.key this.value
16 /// <summary>
17 /// An heap min or max depending of the given key comparer.
18 /// The goal is to have a set of data and be able to get the value associated with the min (or max) key value.
19 /// </summary>
20 type Heap<'k, 'v> (kComparer : IComparer<'k>) =
21 let a = List<Node<'k, 'v>>()
23 let rec heapUp (i : int) =
24 let l, r = left i, right i
26 // Is the left child greater than the parent?
27 let mutable max = if l < a.Count && kComparer.Compare(a.[l].key, a.[i].key) > 0 then l else i
29 // Is the right child greater than the parent and the left child?
30 if r < a.Count && kComparer.Compare(a.[r].key, a.[max].key) > 0 then
31 max <- r
33 // If a child is greater than the parent.
34 if max <> i then
35 let tmp = a.[i]
36 a.[i] <- a.[max]
37 a.[max] <- tmp
38 heapUp max
40 // Check the integrity of the heap, use for debug only.
41 let rec checkIntegrity (i : int) : bool =
42 let l, r = left i, right i
43 let leftIntegrity =
44 if l < a.Count then
45 if kComparer.Compare(a.[l].key, a.[i].key) > 0 then false else checkIntegrity l
46 else
47 true
48 let rightIntegrity =
49 if r < a.Count then
50 if kComparer.Compare(a.[r].key, a.[i].key) > 0 then false else checkIntegrity r
51 else
52 true
53 leftIntegrity && rightIntegrity
55 interface IEnumerable<'k * 'v> with
56 member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'k * 'v> =
57 (seq { for e in a -> e.key, e.value }).GetEnumerator()
59 interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with
60 member this.GetEnumerator () : System.Collections.IEnumerator =
61 (this :> IEnumerable<'k * 'v>).GetEnumerator() :> System.Collections.IEnumerator
63 member this.Next () : 'k * 'v =
64 let node = a.[0]
65 a.[0] <- a.[a.Count - 1]
66 a.RemoveAt(a.Count - 1)
67 heapUp 0
68 node.key, node.value
70 member this.RemoveNext () =
71 a.[0] <- a.[a.Count - 1]
72 a.RemoveAt(a.Count - 1)
73 heapUp 0
75 member this.Add (key : 'k) (value : 'v) =
76 a.Add(Node(key, value))
78 let mutable i = a.Count - 1
79 while i > 0 && kComparer.Compare(a.[parent i].key, a.[i].key) < 0 do
80 let tmp = a.[parent i]
81 a.[parent i] <- a.[i]
82 a.[i] <- tmp
83 i <- parent i
85 member this.IsEmpty = a.Count = 0
86 member this.Count = a.Count
88 member this.Max : 'k * 'v =
89 let max = a.[0]
90 max.key, max.value
92 member this.Clear () = a.Clear()