// use futures::sink::With;
use listenfd::ListenFd;
use actix_files as fs;
-use actix_web::{ get, Responder, middleware, App, HttpServer };
+use actix_web::{ get, web, Responder, middleware, App, HttpServer };
use askama::Template;
-use std::{ /*sync::Mutex, */fs::File, env::args, io::prelude::* };
+use std::{ sync::Mutex, env::args, fs::File, io::prelude::* };
use ron::{ de::from_reader, ser::{ to_string_pretty, PrettyConfig } };
use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
const VALUE_UNKNOWN: &str = "-";
-async fn main_page() -> impl Responder {
- //let key = key_shared.lock().unwrap();
+async fn main_page(config_shared: web::Data<Mutex<Config>>) -> impl Responder {
+ let config = config_shared.lock().unwrap();
- match valheim_controller::get_valheim_executable_information() {
+ match valheim_controller::get_valheim_executable_information(&config.world_path) {
Some(info) =>
MainTemplate {
text_status: String::from("Valheim server is up and running :)"),
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Config {
- port: u16
+ port: u16,
+ #[serde(default = "empty_string")]
+ world_path: String,
-const DEFAULT_CONFIG: Config = Config { port: 8082 };
+fn empty_string() -> String { "".to_string() }
+impl Config {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Config { port: 8082, world_path: String::from("") }
+ }
fn get_exe_name() -> String {
let first_arg = std::env::args().next().unwrap();
Ok(file) => from_reader(file).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to open configuration file {}", consts::FILE_CONF)),
Err(_) => {
let mut file = File::create(consts::FILE_CONF) .unwrap();
- file.write_all(to_string_pretty(&DEFAULT_CONFIG, PrettyConfig::new()).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap(); // We do not use 'to_writer' because it can't pretty format the output.
+ let default_config = Config::default();
+ file.write_all(to_string_pretty(&default_config, PrettyConfig::new()).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap(); // We do not use 'to_writer' because it can't pretty format the output.
+ default_config
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
+ let config = load_config();
+ let port = config.port;
- if process_args() { return Ok(()) }
+ if process_args(&config) { return Ok(()) }
println!("Starting Valheim Admin as web server...");
- let config = load_config();
println!("Configuration: {:?}", config);
+ let config_shared = web::Data::new(Mutex::new(config));
let mut listenfd = ListenFd::from_env();
let mut server =
move || {
- // .app_data(key_shared.clone())
+ .app_data(config_shared.clone())
if let Some(l) = listenfd.take_tcp_listener(0).unwrap() {
} else {
- server.bind(&format!("{}", config.port)).unwrap()
+ server.bind(&format!("{}", port)).unwrap()
-fn process_args() -> bool {
+fn process_args(config: &Config) -> bool {
fn print_usage() {
println!(" {} [--help] [--status]", get_exe_name());
return true
} else if args.iter().any(|arg| arg == "--status") {
- println!("{:?}", valheim_controller::get_valheim_executable_information());
+ println!("{:?}", valheim_controller::get_valheim_executable_information(&config.world_path));
return true
const VALHEIM_PROCESS_NAME: &str = "valheim_server";\r
-const VALHEIM_WORLD_PATH: &str = "/home/greg/ValheimWorld/pouet.db"; // TODO: Put in conf.\r
-pub fn get_valheim_executable_information() -> Option<ValheimExe> {\r
+pub fn get_valheim_executable_information(world_path : &str) -> Option<ValheimExe> {\r
let mut system = sysinfo::System::new_all();\r
let processes = system.get_process_by_name(VALHEIM_PROCESS_NAME);\r
if processes.len() >= 1 {\r
let process = processes.first().unwrap();\r
- let world_size = match std::fs::metadata(VALHEIM_WORLD_PATH) { Ok(f) => f.len(), Err(_) => 0u64 };\r
+ let world_size = match std::fs::metadata(world_path) { Ok(f) => f.len(), Err(_) => 0u64 };\r
ValheimExe {\r