Implementation of Shamir's trick (working in progress).
[crypto_lab3.git] / rapport / main.bib
1 @misc {Boneh-DeMillo-Lipton-attack,
2 author = "Boneh, Dan and DeMillo, Richard A. and Lipton, Richard J.",
3 title = "On the Importance of Eliminating Errors in Cryptographic Computations",
4 year = "1999",
5 howpublished = "\url{}"
6 }
8 @misc {Barenghi-Breveglieri-Koren-Naccache-fault-injection,
9 author = "Barenghi, Alessandro and Breveglieri, Luca and Koren, Israel and Naccache, David",
10 title = "Fault Injection Attacks on Cryptographic Devices: Theory, Practice and Countermeasures",
11 year = "2012",
12 howpublished = "\url{}"
13 }
15 @misc {wiki-rsa,
16 author = "Wikipedia",
17 title = "RSA (cryptosystem) --- {W}ikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
18 year = "2014",
19 howpublished = "\url{}"
20 }