let inline private left (i: int) : int = 2 * (i + 1) - 1
let inline private right (i: int) : int = 2 * (i + 1)
-type private Node<'k, 'v> = { key: 'k; value : 'v } with
+// TODO: measure performance with a struct.
+type private Node<'k, 'v> = { mutable key: 'k; value : 'v } with
override this.ToString () = sprintf "%A -> %A" this.key this.value
-type Heap<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> () =
+type Heap<'k, 'v> (kComparer : IComparer<'k>) =
let a = List<Node<'k, 'v>>()
let rec heapUp (i: int) =
let l, r = left i, right i
- let mutable max = if l < a.Count && a.[l].key > a.[i].key then l else i
- if r < a.Count && a.[r].key > a.[max].key
+ // Is the left child greater than the parent?
+ let mutable max = if l < a.Count && kComparer.Compare(a.[l].key, a.[i].key) > 0 then l else i
+ // Is the right child greater than the parent and the left child?
+ if r < a.Count && kComparer.Compare(a.[r].key, a.[max].key) > 0
max <- r
+ // If a child is greater than the parent.
if max <> i
let tmp = a.[i]
a.[max] <- tmp
heapUp max
+ let rec checkIntegrity (i: int) : bool =
+ let l, r = left i, right i
+ let leftIntegrity =
+ if l < a.Count
+ then
+ if kComparer.Compare(a.[l].key, a.[i].key) > 0
+ then false
+ else checkIntegrity l
+ else
+ true
+ let rightIntegrity =
+ if r < a.Count
+ then
+ if kComparer.Compare(a.[r].key, a.[i].key) > 0
+ then false
+ else checkIntegrity r
+ else
+ true
+ leftIntegrity && rightIntegrity
+ interface IEnumerable<'k * 'v> with
+ member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'k * 'v> =
+ (seq { for e in a -> e.key, e.value }).GetEnumerator()
+ interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with
+ member this.GetEnumerator () : System.Collections.IEnumerator =
+ (this :> IEnumerable<'k * 'v>).GetEnumerator() :> System.Collections.IEnumerator
member this.Next () : 'k * 'v =
- let { key = key; value = value} = a.[0]
- a.RemoveAt(0)
+ let { key = key; value = value } = a.[0]
+ a.[0] <- a.[a.Count - 1]
+ a.RemoveAt(a.Count - 1)
+ heapUp 0
key, value
- member this.Add (key: 'k) (value: 'v) =
- a.Insert(0, { key = key; value = value})
+ member this.RemoveNext () =
+ a.[0] <- a.[a.Count - 1]
+ a.RemoveAt(a.Count - 1)
heapUp 0
+ member this.Add (key: 'k) (value: 'v) =
+ a.Add({ key = key; value = value })
+ let mutable i = a.Count - 1
+ while i > 0 && kComparer.Compare(a.[parent i].key, a.[i].key) < 0 do
+ let tmp = a.[parent i]
+ a.[parent i] <- a.[i]
+ a.[i] <- tmp
+ i <- parent i
member this.IsEmpty = a.Count = 0
- member this.Max : 'k = a.[0].key
+ member this.Count = a.Count
+ member this.Max : 'k * 'v =
+ let max = a.[0]
+ max.key, max.value
member this.Clear () = a.Clear()
yGradientData.[h - 1, c, 0] <- 0.0
use magnitudes = new Matrix<float>(xGradient.Size)
- CvInvoke.CartToPolar(xGradient, yGradient, magnitudes, new Mat()) // Compute the magnitudes (without angles).
+ use angles = new Matrix<float>(xGradient.Size)
+ CvInvoke.CartToPolar(xGradient, yGradient, magnitudes, angles) // Compute the magnitudes (without angles).
let thresholdHigh, thresholdLow =
let sensibility = 0.1
// Non-maximum suppression.
use nms = new Matrix<byte>(xGradient.Size)
- nms.SetValue(1.0)
for i in 0 .. h - 1 do
nms.Data.[i, 0] <- 0uy
for j in 1 .. w - 2 do
let vx = xGradient.Data.[i, j, 0]
let vy = yGradient.Data.[i, j, 0]
- let angle =
- let a = atan2 vy vx
- if a < 0.0 then 2. * Math.PI + a else a
- let mNeigbors (sign: int) : float =
- if angle < Math.PI / 8. || angle >= 15.0 * Math.PI / 8. then magnitudes.Data.[i, j + sign]
- elif angle < 3.0 * Math.PI / 8. then magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j + sign]
- elif angle < 5.0 * Math.PI / 8. then magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j]
- elif angle < 7.0 * Math.PI / 8. then magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j - sign]
- elif angle < 9.0 * Math.PI / 8. then magnitudes.Data.[i, j - sign]
- elif angle < 11.0 * Math.PI / 8. then magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j - sign]
- elif angle < 13.0 * Math.PI / 8. then magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j]
- else magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j + sign]
- let m = magnitudes.Data.[i, j]
- if m < mNeigbors 1 || m < mNeigbors -1 || m < thresholdLow
+ if vx <> 0. || vy <> 0.
- nms.Data.[i, j] <- 0uy
+ let angle = angles.[i, j]
+ let vx', vy' = abs vx, abs vy
+ let ratio2 = if vx' > vy' then vy' / vx' else vx' / vy'
+ let ratio1 = 1. - ratio2
+ let mNeigbors (sign: int) : float =
+ if angle < Math.PI / 4.
+ then
+ ratio1 * magnitudes.Data.[i, j + sign] + ratio2 * magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j + sign]
+ elif angle < Math.PI / 2.
+ then
+ ratio2 * magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j + sign] + ratio1 * magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j]
+ elif angle < 3.0 * Math.PI / 4.
+ then
+ ratio1 * magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j] + ratio2 * magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j - sign]
+ elif angle < Math.PI
+ then
+ ratio2 * magnitudes.Data.[i + sign, j - sign] + ratio1 * magnitudes.Data.[i, j - sign]
+ elif angle < 5. * Math.PI / 4.
+ then
+ ratio1 * magnitudes.Data.[i, j - sign] + ratio2 * magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j - sign]
+ elif angle < 3. * Math.PI / 2.
+ then
+ ratio2 * magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j - sign] + ratio1 * magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j]
+ elif angle < 7. * Math.PI / 4.
+ then
+ ratio1 * magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j] + ratio2 * magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j + sign]
+ else
+ ratio2 * magnitudes.Data.[i - sign, j + sign] + ratio1 * magnitudes.Data.[i, j + sign]
+ let m = magnitudes.Data.[i, j]
+ if m >= thresholdLow && m > mNeigbors 1 && m > mNeigbors -1
+ then
+ nms.Data.[i, j] <- 1uy
- // suppressMConnections nms // It's not usefull for the rest of the process (ellipse detection).
+ // suppressMConnections nms // It's not helpful for the rest of the process (ellipse detection).
let edges = new Matrix<byte>(xGradient.Size)
nms.Data.[ni, nj] <- 0uy
toVisit.Push(Point(nj, ni))
edges, xGradient, yGradient
type Points = HashSet<Point>
-let drawPoints (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (points: Points) (intensity: byte) =
+let drawPoints (img: Image<Gray, 'TDepth>) (points: Points) (intensity: 'TDepth) =
for p in points do
img.Data.[p.Y, p.X, 0] <- intensity
| Maxima = 1
| Minima = 2
-let findExtremum (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (extremumType: ExtremumType) : IEnumerable<Points> =
+let findExtremum (img: Image<Gray, 'TDepth>) (extremumType: ExtremumType) : IEnumerable<Points> =
let w = img.Width
let h = img.Height
let se = [| -1, 0; 0, -1; 1, 0; 0, 1 |]
result.Select(fun l -> Points(l))
-let findMaxima (img: Image<Gray, byte>) : IEnumerable<Points> =
+let findMaxima (img: Image<Gray, 'TDepth>) : IEnumerable<Points> =
findExtremum img ExtremumType.Maxima
-let findMinima (img: Image<Gray, byte>) : IEnumerable<Points> =
+let findMinima (img: Image<Gray, 'TDepth>) : IEnumerable<Points> =
findExtremum img ExtremumType.Minima
let areaClose (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (area: int) =
areaOperation img area AreaOperation.Closing
+type Island (cmp: IComparer<float32>) =
+ member val Shore = Heap.Heap<float32, Point>(cmp) with get
+ member val Level = 0.f with get, set
+ member val Surface = 0 with get, set
+let private areaOperationF (img: Image<Gray, float32>) (area: int) (op: AreaOperation) =
+ let w = img.Width
+ let h = img.Height
+ let earth = img.Data
+ let se = [| -1, 0; 0, -1; 1, 0; 0, 1 |]
+ let comparer = if op = AreaOperation.Opening
+ then { new IComparer<float32> with member this.Compare(v1, v2) = v1.CompareTo(v2) }
+ else { new IComparer<float32> with member this.Compare(v1, v2) = v2.CompareTo(v1) }
+ let ownership: Island[,] = Array2D.create h w null
+ // Initialize islands with their shore.
+ let islands = List<Island>()
+ let extremum = img |> if op = AreaOperation.Opening then findMaxima else findMinima
+ for e in extremum do
+ let island =
+ let p = e.First()
+ Island(comparer, Level = earth.[p.Y, p.X, 0], Surface = e.Count)
+ islands.Add(island)
+ let shorePoints = Points()
+ for p in e do
+ ownership.[p.Y, p.X] <- island
+ for i, j in se do
+ let ni = i + p.Y
+ let nj = j + p.X
+ let neighbor = Point(nj, ni)
+ if ni >= 0 && ni < h && nj >= 0 && nj < w && ownership.[ni, nj] = null && not (shorePoints.Contains(neighbor))
+ then
+ shorePoints.Add(neighbor) |> ignore
+ island.Shore.Add earth.[ni, nj, 0] neighbor
+ for island in islands do
+ let mutable stop = island.Shore.IsEmpty
+ // 'true' if 'p' is owned or adjacent to 'island'.
+ let ownedOrAdjacent (p: Point) : bool =
+ ownership.[p.Y, p.X] = island ||
+ (p.Y > 0 && ownership.[p.Y - 1, p.X] = island) ||
+ (p.Y < h - 1 && ownership.[p.Y + 1, p.X] = island) ||
+ (p.X > 0 && ownership.[p.Y, p.X - 1] = island) ||
+ (p.X < w - 1 && ownership.[p.Y, p.X + 1] = island)
+ while not stop && island.Surface < area do
+ let level, next = island.Shore.Max
+ let other = ownership.[next.Y, next.X]
+ if other = island // During merging, some points on the shore may be owned by the island itself -> ignored.
+ then
+ island.Shore.RemoveNext ()
+ else
+ if other <> null
+ then // We touching another island.
+ if island.Surface + other.Surface >= area
+ then
+ stop <- true
+ else // We can merge 'other' into 'surface'.
+ island.Surface <- island.Surface + other.Surface
+ island.Level <- if comparer.Compare(island.Level, other.Level) > 0 then island.Level else other.Level
+ for l, p in other.Shore do
+ let mutable currentY = p.Y + 1
+ while currentY < h && ownership.[currentY, p.X] = other do
+ ownership.[currentY, p.X] <- island
+ currentY <- currentY + 1
+ island.Shore.Add l p
+ other.Shore.Clear()
+ elif comparer.Compare(level, island.Level) > 0
+ then
+ stop <- true
+ else
+ island.Shore.RemoveNext ()
+ for i, j in se do
+ let ni = i + next.Y
+ let nj = j + next.X
+ if ni < 0 || ni >= h || nj < 0 || nj >= w
+ then
+ island.Surface <- Int32.MaxValue
+ stop <- true
+ else
+ let neighbor = Point(nj, ni)
+ if not <| ownedOrAdjacent neighbor
+ then
+ island.Shore.Add earth.[ni, nj, 0] neighbor
+ if not stop
+ then
+ ownership.[next.Y, next.X] <- island
+ island.Level <- level
+ island.Surface <- island.Surface + 1
+ for i in 0 .. h - 1 do
+ for j in 0 .. w - 1 do
+ let island = ownership.[i, j]
+ if island <> null
+ then
+ earth.[i, j, 0] <- island.Level
+ ()
+let areaOpenF (img: Image<Gray, float32>) (area: int) =
+ areaOperationF img area AreaOperation.Opening
+let areaCloseF (img: Image<Gray, float32>) (area: int) =
+ areaOperationF img area AreaOperation.Closing
// A simpler algorithm than 'areaOpen' but slower.
let areaOpen2 (img: Image<Gray, byte>) (area: int) =
let w = img.Width
let greenFloat = green.Convert<Gray, float32>()
- let filteredGreen = gaussianFilter green config.Parameters.preFilterSigma
+ let filteredGreen = gaussianFilter greenFloat config.Parameters.preFilterSigma
(*let maximaImg = filteredGreen.Copy()
let maxima = logTime "maxima" (fun () -> ImgTools.findMaxima maximaImg)
logTime "areaOpen1" (fun () -> ImgTools.areaOpen greenOpen1 2000)*)
let initialAreaOpen = 2000
- logTime "areaOpen 1" (fun () -> ImgTools.areaOpen filteredGreen 2000)
+ logTime "areaOpen 1" (fun () -> ImgTools.areaOpenF filteredGreen initialAreaOpen)
config.RBCRadius <- Granulometry.findRadius filteredGreen (10, 100) 0.5 |> float
let secondAreaOpen = int <| config.RBCArea / 3.
if secondAreaOpen > initialAreaOpen
- logTime "areaOpen 2" (fun () -> ImgTools.areaOpen filteredGreen secondAreaOpen)
+ logTime "areaOpen 2" (fun () -> ImgTools.areaOpenF filteredGreen secondAreaOpen)
- let filteredGreenFloat = filteredGreen.Convert<Gray, float32>() // Is it neccessary?
- let parasites, filteredGreenWhitoutInfection, filteredGreenWhitoutStain = ParasitesMarker.find filteredGreen filteredGreenFloat config
+ let parasites, filteredGreenWhitoutInfection, filteredGreenWhitoutStain = ParasitesMarker.find filteredGreen config
//let parasites, filteredGreenWhitoutInfection, filteredGreenWhitoutStain = ParasitesMarker.findMa greenFloat filteredGreenFloat config
- let filteredGreenWhitoutInfectionFloat = filteredGreenWhitoutInfection.Convert<Gray, float32>()
- let filteredGreenWhitoutStainFloat = filteredGreenWhitoutStain.Convert<Gray, float32>()
- let canny = green.Canny(60., 40.)
- (*let min = ref 0.0
- let minLocation = ref <| Point()
- let max = ref 0.0
- let maxLocation = ref <| Point()
- magnitudes.MinMax(min, max, minLocation, maxLocation)
- use magnitudesByte = ((magnitudes / !max) * 255.0).Convert<byte>() // Otsu from OpenCV only support 'byte'.
- use edges = new Matrix<byte>(xEdges.Size)
- CvInvoke.Threshold(magnitudesByte, edges, 0.0, 1.0, CvEnum.ThresholdType.Otsu ||| CvEnum.ThresholdType.Binary) |> ignore
- logTime "Finding edges" (fun() -> thin edges)*)
- let edges, xGradient, yGradient = ImgTools.findEdges filteredGreenWhitoutStainFloat
+ let edges, xGradient, yGradient = ImgTools.findEdges filteredGreenWhitoutStain
logTime "Removing small connected components from thinning" (fun () -> removeArea edges 12)
let buildFileName postfix = System.IO.Path.Combine(dirPath, name + postfix)
- saveImg canny (buildFileName " - canny.png")
+ //saveImg canny (buildFileName " - canny.png")
saveMat (edges * 255.0) (buildFileName " - edges.png")
drawEllipses imgEllipses ellipses (Bgr(0.0, 240.0, 240.0)) 1.0
saveImg imgEllipses (buildFileName " - ellipses.png")
- // saveImg (kmediansResults.fg * 255.0) (buildFileName " - foreground.png")
let imgCells = img.Copy()
drawCells imgCells false cells
saveImg imgCells (buildFileName " - cells.png")
drawCells imgCells' true cells
saveImg imgCells' (buildFileName " - cells - full.png")
- let filteredGreenMaxima = gaussianFilter green config.Parameters.preFilterSigma
+ let filteredGreenMaxima = gaussianFilter greenFloat config.Parameters.preFilterSigma
for m in ImgTools.findMaxima filteredGreenMaxima do
- ImgTools.drawPoints filteredGreenMaxima m 255uy
+ ImgTools.drawPoints filteredGreenMaxima m 255.f
saveImg filteredGreenMaxima (buildFileName " - filtered - maxima.png")
saveImg filteredGreen (buildFileName " - filtered.png")
saveImg filteredGreenWhitoutStain (buildFileName " - filtered closed stain.png")
saveImg filteredGreenWhitoutInfection (buildFileName " - filtered closed infection.png")
- (*saveImg parasitesMarker (buildFileName " - parasites (area closing).png")
- saveImg stainMarker (buildFileName " - stain (area closing).png")*)
saveImg green (buildFileName " - green.png")
use blue = scaledImg.Item(0)