member this.Copy () =
this.MemberwiseClone () :?> Config
+ override this.ToString () =
+ $"{{{nameof Config}: " +
+ $"{nameof this.LPFStandardDeviationParasite} = {this.LPFStandardDeviationParasite}, " +
+ $"{nameof this.LPFStandardDeviationRBC} = {this.LPFStandardDeviationRBC}, " +
+ $"{nameof this.RBCRadiusByResolution} = {this.RBCRadiusByResolution}, " +
+ $"{nameof this.RBCRadius} = {this.RBCRadius}, " +
+ $"{nameof this.Parameters} = {this.Parameters}}}"
PI * (3.f * (this.A + this.B) - sqrt ((3.f * this.A + this.B) * (this.A + 3.f * this.B)))
override this.ToString () =
- $"{{Ellipse: cx = %f{this.Cx}, cy = %f{this.Cy}, a = %f{this.A}, b = %f{this.B}, alpha = %f{this.Alpha}}}"
+ $"{{{nameof Ellipse}: {nameof this.Cx} = %f{this.Cx}, {nameof this.Cy} = %f{this.Cy}, {nameof this.A} = %f{this.A}, {nameof this.B} = %f{this.B}, {nameof this.Alpha} = %f{this.Alpha}}}"
override this.Equals (other : obj) =
match other with
| :? Ellipse as otherEllipse ->
--- /dev/null
+module ParasitemiaUI.Args
+open System
+type Input =
+ | File of string
+ | Dir of string
+type RunningMode =
+ | CmdLine of Input * string // A file or a directory to process and the output directory.
+ | Window of string option // An optional path to a file to open can be given in window mode.
+type Arguments = RunningMode * bool // bool : true if in debug mode.
+let parse (args : string[]) : Arguments =
+ let output = Array.tryFindIndex ((=) "--output") args
+ let runningMode =
+ match Array.tryFindIndex ((=) "--folder") args, output with
+ | Some i, Some i_output when i < args.Length - 2 && i_output < args.Length - 2 ->
+ CmdLine ((Dir args.[i + 1]), args.[i_output + 1])
+ | _ ->
+ match Array.tryFindIndex ((=) "--file") args, output with
+ | Some i, Some i_output when i < args.Length - 2 && i_output < args.Length - 2 ->
+ CmdLine ((File args.[i + 1]), args.[i_output + 1])
+ |_ ->
+ Window (if args.Length > 0 && not (args.[0].StartsWith ("--")) then Some args.[0] else None)
+ runningMode, Array.exists ((=) "--debug") args
+let showArgsHelp () =
+ Console.WriteLine Utils.argsHelp
\ No newline at end of file
module ParasitemiaUI.Constants
+open System
+open System.IO
+ Path.Combine (
+ Environment.GetFolderPath Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData,
+ "Parasitemia"
+ )
+ Path.Combine (
+ "Log",
+#if DEBUG
+ "Debug"
+ ""
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
+ <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|AnyCPU'">
+ <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE</DefineConstants>
+ </PropertyGroup>
<Compile Include="Constants.fs" />
<Compile Include="Types.fs" />
<Compile Include="CommandLineArguments.fs" />
<Compile Include="About.fs" />
<Compile Include="GUI.fs" />
+ <Compile Include="Args.fs" />
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<Content Include="License-LGPL.txt" />
<Content Include="OpenTK.dll.config" />
open ParasitemiaCore.Utils
open ParasitemiaCore.Config
-type Input =
- | File of string
- | Dir of string
-type RunningMode =
- | CmdLine of Input * string // A file or a directory to process and the output directory.
- | Window of string option // An optional path to a file to open can be given in window mode.
-type Arguments = RunningMode * bool // bool : true if in debug mode.
-let parseArgs (args : string[]) : Arguments =
- let output = Array.tryFindIndex ((=) "--output") args
- let runningMode =
- match Array.tryFindIndex ((=) "--folder") args, output with
- | Some i, Some i_output when i < args.Length - 2 && i_output < args.Length - 2 ->
- CmdLine ((Dir args.[i + 1]), args.[i_output + 1])
- | _ ->
- match Array.tryFindIndex ((=) "--file") args, output with
- | Some i, Some i_output when i < args.Length - 2 && i_output < args.Length - 2 ->
- CmdLine ((File args.[i + 1]), args.[i_output + 1])
- |_ ->
- Window (if args.Length > 0 && not (args.[0].StartsWith ("--")) then Some args.[0] else None)
- runningMode, Array.exists ((=) "--debug") args
-let showArgsHelp () =
- Console.WriteLine Utils.argsHelp
[<System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport "kernel32.dll">]
extern bool AttachConsole (int dwProcessId)
// To redirect stdout to the attached console.
AttachConsole -1 |> ignore // -1 to attach to the parent process.
+ Log.LogDirectory <- Constants.USER_DIRECTORY_LOG
+#if DEBUG
+ Log.ClearLogFiles ()
+ Log.AvoidRepeatingIdenticalMessages <- true
if Array.exists (fun e -> e = "--help" || e = "-h") args then
- showArgsHelp ()
+ Args.showArgsHelp ()
- Log.Info "Starting of Parasitemia UI ..."
+ Log.Info ">>>>> Starting of Parasitemia UI ..."
+ // Log.Info "UI Version: %s" Utils.UIVersion TODO
let result =
- match parseArgs args with
+ match Args.parse args with
| mode, debug ->
let config = Config defaultParameters
+#if DEBUG
+ Log.DebugLoggingEnabled <- true
+ Log.DebugLoggingEnabled <- debug
+ Log.Info "Command line arguments: %s" (args |> String.concat " ")
+ Log.Info "Configuration: %O" config
+ // Log.Info "Settings from %s:\n%s" Settings.Instance.Path Settings.Instance.AsJson TODO
match mode with
- | CmdLine (input, output) ->
+ | Args.CmdLine (input, output) ->
if debug then
config.Debug <- DebugOn output
Log.Info "=== New run : %O %s ===" DateTime.Now (if debug then "[DEBUG]" else "[RELEASE]")
- let files = match input with
- | File file -> [ file ]
- | Dir dir -> Directory.EnumerateFiles dir |> List.ofSeq
+ let files =
+ match input with
+ | Args.File file -> [ file ]
+ | Args.Dir dir -> Directory.EnumerateFiles dir |> List.ofSeq
use resultFile = new StreamWriter (new FileStream (Path.Combine (output, "results.txt"), FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))
Log.RemoveListener listener
- | Window fileToOpen ->
+ | Args.Window fileToOpen ->
if debug then config.Debug <- DebugOn "." config fileToOpen
- Log.Info "Parasitemia UI closed"
+ Log.Info "<<<<< Parasitemia UI closed"
+ Log.Close ()
| ex ->
Log.Fatal "Error: %A" ex
+ Log.Close ()
\ No newline at end of file
let percent = 100. * (float nb) / (float nbTotal)
sprintf "%.1f %% (%d / %d)" percent nb nbTotal
-let roamingDir =
- Path.Combine (System.Environment.GetFolderPath (System.Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Parasitemia")
let predefinedPPIFilename = "predefined-ppi.json"
-let predefinedPPIFilepath = Path.Combine (roamingDir, predefinedPPIFilename)
+let predefinedPPIFilepath = Path.Combine (Constants.USER_DIRECTORY, predefinedPPIFilename)
let sensorSizesFilename = "sensor-sizes.json"
-let sensorSizesFilepath = Path.Combine (roamingDir, sensorSizesFilename)
+let sensorSizesFilepath = Path.Combine (Constants.USER_DIRECTORY, sensorSizesFilename)
let private savePredefinedPPIToFile (predefinedPPI : PredefinedPPI list) =
- Directory.CreateDirectory roamingDir |> ignore
+ Directory.CreateDirectory Constants.USER_DIRECTORY |> ignore
use file = new StreamWriter (predefinedPPIFilepath)
file.Write (JsonConvert.SerializeObject (predefinedPPI, JsonSerializerSettings (Formatting = Formatting.Indented)))
let private saveSensorSizesToFile (sensorSizes : SensorSize list) =
- Directory.CreateDirectory roamingDir |> ignore
+ Directory.CreateDirectory Constants.USER_DIRECTORY |> ignore
use file = new StreamWriter (sensorSizesFilepath)
file.Write (JsonConvert.SerializeObject (sensorSizes, JsonSerializerSettings (Formatting = Formatting.Indented)))
" --folder <folder> : an input folder containing images to analyze\n" +
" --file <file> : an image file to be analyzed\n" +
" --output <folder> : a folder to put the results\n" +
- " --debug : output more information like intermediate images (it takes more CPU and memory)\n" +
+ " --debug : output more information like intermediate images (it takes more CPU and memory) and write debug information to the log files\n" +
"Interactive mode:\n" +
(sprintf " %s [<document-file>] [--debug]\n" programName) +