--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Monash University
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Identify red blood cells and red blood cells infected with plasmodium in a set of images.
+from PIL import Image
+import sys, numpy, os, random
+from scipy import ndimage
+Help = """
+ python %s [parameter adjustments] <image_directory>
+Images should be in TIFF, PNG, or BMP format.
+Results will be placed in a new directory named <image_directory>_output.
+If the images were annotated using Cell Counting Aid, the hand annotations
+will be shown as circles in the output.
+Parameter adjustments take the form
+ variable_name=value
+See the top of the source code for parameters and their default values.
+These have been tuned for our microscope setup, optimal parameters for
+your setup may differ.
+# How many subprocesses to run at once
+N_processors = 1
+# ===========
+# Diagnostics
+# What to show in diagnostic output images
+Show_edges = False
+Show_stain = False
+Show_infection = False
+Show_hand_marks = True
+Show_computer_marks = True
+Show_cell_shapes = False
+# =================
+# Image scaling
+Resize_width = 680
+Resize_height = 512
+# ==========================================
+# Image enhancement and fg/bg discrimination
+# Blur slightly to reduce noise, and unsharp-mask
+# gaussian_blur(image, a) - b * gaussian_blur(image, c)
+Enhance_a = 1.0
+Enhance_b = 0.75
+Enhance_c = 20.0
+# Larger = enlarge background area, smaller = enlarge foreground area
+Background_weight = 0.915 #&median
+# =============================
+# Stain and infection detection
+Dark_stain_level = 0.839
+Stain_level = 0.9
+Stain_bg_blur = 10.0
+Stain_spread_required = 3.0
+Infection_level = 0.762
+Infection_bg_blur = 2.0
+Infection_pixels_required = 1
+# ====================
+# Cell size parameters
+# Size of cells, for Hough transform
+Hough_min_radius = 5
+Hough_max_radius = 20
+# Portion of cell used for classification as infected/weird
+# (may be abutting an infected cell, so be cautious)
+# (as a proportion of the true radius)
+Cell_inside_radius = 0.9
+# Do not allow another cell center to be detected within this radius
+Cell_suppression_radius = 1.25
+# =======================
+# Peculiar cell filtering
+# White blood cells appear to be composed entirely of dark staining, filter them out
+Max_dark_stain_proportion = 0.728
+# Minimum/maximum radius (as determined by Hough transform)
+Min_cell_radius = 9
+Max_cell_radius = 20
+# Proportion of radius that center of mass can be away from Hough determined center
+Max_offcenter = 0.5
+_offset_cache = { }
+def offsets(inner_radius, outer_radius):
+ """
+ Generate a list of offsets for pixels within a circular region
+ """
+ key = (inner_radius,outer_radius)
+ if key not in _offset_cache:
+ result = [ ]
+ int_radius = int(outer_radius)+1
+ for y in xrange(-int_radius,int_radius+1):
+ for x in xrange(-int_radius,int_radius+1):
+ if inner_radius*inner_radius <= y*y+x*x <= outer_radius*outer_radius:
+ result.append((y,x))
+ _offset_cache[key] = numpy.array(result)
+ return _offset_cache[key]
+def clipped_coordinates(inner_radius,outer_radius, y,x, height,width):
+ """
+ Coordinates contained within a ring or circle, clipped to rectangular bounds.
+ """
+ coords = offsets(inner_radius,outer_radius) + [[y,x]]
+ valid = (
+ (coords[:,0] >= 0) &
+ (coords[:,0] < height) &
+ (coords[:,1] >= 0) &
+ (coords[:,1] < width)
+ )
+ return coords[valid]
+def set(array, y, x, value):
+ """
+ Set an element of an array, if it is in bounds, otherwise silently do nothing
+ """
+ if y >= 0 and x >= 0 and y < array.shape[0] and x < array.shape[1]:
+ array[y,x] = value
+def mark_hand(array, filename_in):
+ """
+ If there is a file of hand marked cells from Cell Counting Aid, mark them.
+ """
+ hand_name = os.path.splitext(filename_in)[0] + '.txt'
+ if not os.path.exists(hand_name): return
+ f = open(hand_name,'rU')
+ #Skip header line
+ f.readline()
+ for line in f:
+ parts = line.rstrip('\n').split(',')
+ x,y,infected = parts[:3]
+ x = int( int(x)/1005.0*array.shape[1] +0.5)
+ y = int( int(y)/592.0*array.shape[0] +0.5)
+ if infected == 'True':
+ if len(parts) == 3:
+ color = (196,0,0)
+ else:
+ infection_type = parts[3]
+ if infection_type == '1':
+ color = (196, 196, 0)
+ elif infection_type == '3':
+ color = (196, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Unknown infection type')
+ else:
+ color = (0,0,196)
+ for i in (-2,-1,0,1,2):
+ set(array,y-3,x+i,color)
+ set(array,y+3,x+i,color)
+ set(array,y+i,x-3,color)
+ set(array,y+i,x+3,color)
+def gaussian_blur(array, amount):
+ """
+ Gaussian blur each channel of a color image.
+ """
+ output = numpy.empty(array.shape, array.dtype)
+ for i in xrange(array.shape[2]):
+ ndimage.gaussian_filter(array[:,:,i],amount,output=output[:,:,i])
+ return output
+def status(word):
+ pass
+ #sys.stdout.write(word+' ')
+ #sys.stdout.flush()
+def process(filename_in, filename_out, filename_coords, name):
+ # print 'File: ', filename_in
+ # Load image
+ i = Image.open(filename_in)
+ print 'Processing', filename_in, '->', filename_out
+ # Resize (mostly done for speed increase)
+ i = i.resize((Resize_width,Resize_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ # Convert to numpy array
+ a = numpy.asarray(i).astype('float64')
+ height = a.shape[0]
+ width = a.shape[1]
+ a_gray = numpy.sum(a, 2)
+ # Make a copy of the array to doodle various diagnostic markings on
+ a_output = a.copy()
+ # If there are hand-marked cells, show them in the output image
+ if Show_hand_marks:
+ mark_hand(a_output, filename_in)
+ # Denoise/unsharp mask
+ a_enhanced = gaussian_blur(a, Enhance_a) - Enhance_b*gaussian_blur(a,Enhance_c)
+ # Split into foreground and background using k-medians
+ status('fg/bg')
+ a_raveled = numpy.reshape(a_enhanced,(width*height,a_enhanced.shape[2]))
+ average = numpy.average(a_raveled, axis=0)
+ # Initial guess
+ color_bg = average*1.5
+ color_fg = average*0.5
+ for i in xrange(5):
+ d_bg = a_raveled-color_bg[None,:]
+ d_bg *= d_bg
+ d_bg = numpy.sum(d_bg,1)
+ d_fg = a_raveled-color_fg[None,:]
+ d_fg *= d_fg
+ d_fg = numpy.sum(d_fg,1)
+ fg = d_fg*Background_weight < d_bg
+ color_fg = numpy.median(a_raveled[fg,:],axis=0)
+ color_bg = numpy.median(a_raveled[~fg,:],axis=0)
+ fg = numpy.reshape(fg, (height,width))
+ edge = ndimage.maximum_filter(fg,size=3) != ndimage.minimum_filter(fg,size=3)
+ d_fg = numpy.sqrt(numpy.reshape(d_fg, (height,width)))
+ d_bg = numpy.sqrt(numpy.reshape(d_bg, (height,width)))
+ # Staining is taken as foreground pixels that differ markedly from the mean foreground color
+ # (also, they must be darker in the red and green channels)
+ # The background intensity is simply a useful basis for scaling
+ # (should be invariant under changes in brightness)
+ mag_bg = numpy.average(color_bg)
+ dark_stain = (
+ (d_fg > mag_bg*Dark_stain_level) &
+ (a_enhanced[:,:,0] < color_fg[0]) &
+ (a_enhanced[:,:,1] < color_fg[1]) &
+ fg
+ )
+ fg_float = fg.astype('float64')
+ green = a[:,:,1] * fg_float
+ green_local_bg = ndimage.gaussian_filter(green, Stain_bg_blur)
+ green_local_bg_divisor = ndimage.gaussian_filter(fg_float, Stain_bg_blur)
+ stain = (
+ (green * green_local_bg_divisor < green_local_bg * Stain_level) &
+ fg
+ )
+ # Detect infection as lumpiness in the green channel (green is most affected by staining)
+ # Must also be within a stained region
+ green_local_bg = ndimage.gaussian_filter(green, Infection_bg_blur)
+ green_local_bg_divisor = ndimage.gaussian_filter(fg_float, Infection_bg_blur)
+ infection = (
+ (green * green_local_bg_divisor < green_local_bg * Infection_level) &
+ stain
+ )
+ # Show edges and infection on output image
+ if Show_edges:
+ a_output[edge,:] += 64
+ if Show_stain:
+ a_output[stain,2] += 128
+ if Show_infection:
+ a_output[infection,0] += 128
+ # Hough transform
+ status('hough')
+ x_edge = ndimage.convolve(a_gray,
+ [[-1,0,1],
+ [-2,0,2],
+ [-1,0,1]])
+ y_edge = ndimage.convolve(a_gray,
+ [[-1,-2,-1],
+ [0,0,0],
+ [1,2,1]])
+ mag = numpy.sqrt(x_edge*x_edge+y_edge*y_edge)
+ x_dir = x_edge / mag
+ y_dir = y_edge / mag
+ # Vectorized for enhanced performance and incomprehensibility:
+ ys = []
+ xs = []
+ for y in xrange(height):
+ for x in xrange(width):
+ if edge[y,x]:
+ ys.append(y)
+ xs.append(x)
+ ys = numpy.array(ys)
+ xs = numpy.array(xs)
+ indexes = numpy.arange(len(ys))
+ def do_hough(radius):
+ hough = numpy.zeros((height,width), 'float64')
+ oys = (ys + y_dir[ys,xs]*radius + 0.5).astype('int')
+ oxs = (xs + x_dir[ys,xs]*radius + 0.5).astype('int')
+ valid = (
+ (oys >= 0) &
+ (oys < height) &
+ (oxs >= 0) &
+ (oxs < width)
+ )
+ for i in indexes[valid]:
+ hough[oys[i],oxs[i]] += 1.
+ #for y in xrange(height):
+ # for x in xrange(width):
+ # if edge[y,x]:
+ # oy = y + y_dir[y,x]*radius
+ # ox = x + x_dir[y,x]*radius
+ # ioy = int(oy+0.5)
+ # iox = int(ox+0.5)
+ # if ioy>0 and iox>0 and ioy<height and iox<width:
+ # hough[ioy,iox] += 1.
+ # Blur the transformed image a little
+ # (more blurring allows greater deviation from circularity)
+ # (if you alter this you will also need to alter thresh, below)
+ hough = ndimage.gaussian_filter(hough, 1.0)
+ return hough
+ hough = numpy.zeros((height,width),'float64')
+ hough_radius = numpy.zeros((height,width),'int')
+ for i in xrange(Hough_min_radius,Hough_max_radius+1):
+ #print 'Hough radius', i
+ this_hough = do_hough(i)
+ better = this_hough > hough
+ hough_radius[better] = i
+ hough[better] = this_hough[better]
+ # Show result of Hough transform in output image
+ #a_output[:,:,:] = hough[:,:,None]*20
+ # Find and classify peaks in Hough transform image
+ thresh = 1.5 #Hmm
+ candidates = [ ]
+ for y in xrange(height):
+ for x in xrange(width):
+ if hough[y,x] > thresh:
+ candidates.append((hough[y,x],y,x))
+ candidates.sort(reverse=True)
+ status('classify')
+ file_coords = open(filename_coords,'wt')
+ file_coords.write('Autocount on %dx%d image\n' % (width,height))
+ suppress = numpy.zeros((height,width), 'bool')
+ claim_strength = numpy.zeros((height,width), 'float64') + 1e30
+ cells = [ ] # [(y,x)]
+ n = 0
+ n_infected = 0
+ n_late = 0
+ for _,y,x in candidates:
+ radius = hough_radius[y,x]
+ # Make sure candidate is not near a previously detected cell,
+ # and does not abut the edge of the image
+ if not suppress[y,x] and \
+ y >= radius and x >= radius and y < height-radius and x < width-radius:
+ coords = clipped_coordinates(0,radius*Cell_inside_radius, y,x,height,width)
+ #Only include foreground
+ this_fg = fg[coords[:,0],coords[:,1]]
+ coords = coords[this_fg]
+ this_strength = ((coords[:,0]-y)**2 + (coords[:,1]-x)**2)
+ claim_strength[coords[:,0],coords[:,1]] = numpy.minimum(
+ claim_strength[coords[:,0],coords[:,1]],
+ this_strength
+ )
+ cells.append((y,x, coords,this_strength))
+ # Suppress detection of cells too close to here
+ # (note: we do this irrespective of whether we treated this location as a hit)
+ coords = clipped_coordinates(0,radius*Cell_suppression_radius, y,x,height,width)
+ suppress[coords[:,0],coords[:,1]] = True
+ #for oy, ox in offsets(0, radius*Cell_suppression_radius): #suppression_offsets:
+ # ny = y+oy
+ # nx = x+ox
+ # if ny >= 0 and nx >= 0 and ny < height and nx < width:
+ # suppress[ny,nx] = True
+ for y,x, coords, this_strength in cells:
+ radius = hough_radius[y,x]
+ if not len(coords): continue # No fg pixels within radius
+ winners = claim_strength[coords[:,0],coords[:,1]] >= this_strength
+ coords = coords[winners]
+ if not len(coords): continue # Did not win any foreground pixels
+ infected_pixels = 0
+ stain_pixels = 0
+ dark_stain_pixels = 0
+ fg_pixels = 0
+ stain_x = 0.0
+ stain_x2 = 0.0
+ stain_y = 0.0
+ stain_y2 = 0.0
+ for ny, nx in coords:
+ if infection[ny,nx]:
+ infected_pixels += 1
+ if stain[ny,nx]:
+ stain_pixels += 1
+ stain_x += nx
+ stain_x2 += nx*nx
+ stain_y += ny
+ stain_y2 += ny*ny
+ if dark_stain[ny,nx]:
+ dark_stain_pixels += 1
+ fg_pixels += 1
+ mass_y = numpy.average(coords[:,0])
+ mass_x = numpy.average(coords[:,1])
+ mass_offset = numpy.sqrt( (mass_y-y)**2 + (mass_x-x)**2 )
+ is_infected = (infected_pixels >= Infection_pixels_required and stain_pixels >= 1)
+ if is_infected:
+ stain_spread = (
+ stain_x2/stain_pixels - (stain_x/stain_pixels)**2 +
+ stain_y2/stain_pixels - (stain_y/stain_pixels)**2
+ )
+ is_infected = stain_spread >= Stain_spread_required
+ is_peculiar = (
+ (radius > Max_cell_radius) or
+ (radius < Min_cell_radius) or
+ (mass_offset > Max_offcenter * radius) or
+ (dark_stain_pixels >= fg_pixels*Max_dark_stain_proportion)
+ )
+ if is_peculiar:
+ color = (0,0,0)
+ file_coords.write('%d,%d,Rejected\n' % (x,y))
+ elif is_infected:
+ n += 1
+ n_infected += 1
+ color = (255,0,0)
+ file_coords.write('%d,%d,Infected\n' % (x,y))
+ else:
+ n += 1
+ color = (0,0,255)
+ file_coords.write('%d,%d,Uninfected\n' % (x,y))
+ # Mark detected cell on output image
+ if Show_computer_marks:
+ set(a_output,y,x,color)
+ for i in xrange(1,3):
+ set(a_output,y-i,x,color)
+ set(a_output,y+i,x,color)
+ set(a_output,y,x-i,color)
+ set(a_output,y,x+i,color)
+ if Show_cell_shapes:
+ a_output[coords[:,0],coords[:,1]] += [[ random.random()*64+32 for i in (0,1,2) ]]
+ file_coords.close()
+ # Save diagnostic output image
+ a_output = numpy.clip(a_output,0,255)
+ i2 = Image.fromarray(a_output.astype('uint8'))
+ i2.save(filename_out)
+def read_ac(filename):
+ f = open(filename,'rU')
+ f.readline()
+ n_total = 0
+ n_infected = 0
+ for line in f:
+ parts = line.rstrip().split(',')
+ if parts[2] == 'Uninfected':
+ n_total += 1
+ elif parts[2] == 'Infected':
+ n_total += 1
+ n_infected += 1
+ return n_total, n_infected
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ while len(args) > 1:
+ name, value = args.pop(0).split('=')
+ value = float(value)
+ assert hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], name), 'Parameter named %s does not exist' % name
+ setattr(sys.modules[__name__], name, value)
+ print name, '=', value
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ print Help % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if os.path.isfile(args[0]):
+ in_dir, filename = os.path.split(args[0])
+ filenames = [ filename ]
+ is_subprocess = True
+ else:
+ in_dir = args[0]
+ filenames = os.listdir(in_dir)
+ filenames.sort()
+ is_subprocess = False
+ out_dir = os.path.normpath(in_dir) + '_output'
+ if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
+ os.mkdir(out_dir)
+ if not is_subprocess:
+ for filename in filenames:
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ ac_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, root+'.ac')
+ if os.path.exists(ac_filename): os.unlink(ac_filename)
+ coord_filenames = [ ]
+ n_running = 0
+ for filename in filenames:
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if ext.lower() not in ('.bmp','.tif','.tiff','.png'): continue
+ filename_in = os.path.join(in_dir, filename)
+ filename_out = os.path.join(out_dir, root+'.tif')
+ filename_coords = os.path.join(out_dir, root+'.ac')
+ if is_subprocess or N_processors == 1:
+ process(filename_in, filename_out, filename_coords, root)
+ else:
+ while n_running >= N_processors:
+ os.wait()
+ n_running -= 1
+ os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, sys.executable, sys.executable, *(sys.argv[:-1]+[filename_in]))
+ n_running += 1
+ coord_filenames.append((filename_coords, root))
+ while n_running:
+ os.wait()
+ n_running -= 1
+ if not is_subprocess:
+ result_file = open(os.path.join(out_dir,'results.txt'),'wt')
+ for filename_coords, root in coord_filenames:
+ n_total, n_infected = read_ac(filename_coords)
+ print >> result_file, root, n_total, n_infected
+ result_file.close()