Début du TP convolution. Pour l'instant uniquement lecture d'une vidéo.
[GPU.git] / WCudaMSE / BUILDER / makefile / help / OptionVisual.txt
1 # version : 0.0.2\r
2 # Cedric.Bilat@he-arc.ch\r
3 #\r
4 #\r
6 \r
7 #######################\r
8 # Compilateur : Visual#\r
9 #######################\r
10 \r
11 # Compiler name\r
12 #\r
13 #       cl\r
14 #\r
15 # CL Compileur option:\r
16 #\r
17 #       Path\r
18 #\r
19 #               /I      XXX                             Header search path is XXX\r
20 #\r
21 #       Warning\r
22 #\r
23 #               /W3                                     Warning level\r
24 #               /w                                      Suppres warning messages        \r
25 #               /Wall                           Enables all warning\r
26 #\r
27 #       Optimisation\r
28 #\r
29 #               /Ox                             Optimisation\r
30 #               /Od                                     Sans optimisation\r
31 #               /arch:SSE                       Enables the use of SSE instructions.\r
32 #               /arch:SSE2                      Enables the use of SSE2 instructions.\r
33 #               /arch:AVX                       Advanced Vector Extensions instructions\r
34 #               /arch:AVX2                      Advanced Vector Extensions instructions\r
35 #\r
36 #       Avancer\r
37 #\r
38 #               /EHsc                           Enable C++ exception handling\r
39 #               /nologo                         Suppresses startup banner\r
40 #               /fp:precise                     Floating point precise\r
41 #               /Gd                                     Calling convention __cdecl\r
42 #               /MT                                     see after \r
43 #               /MD                                     see after\r
44 #                                                               \r
45 #        Truc\r
46 #\r
47 #               -DXXX                                           Passe au code la variable XXX (same as #define XXX in code)\r
48 #\r
49 #        OpenMP\r
50 #\r
51 #               /openmp                         Enable use of OpenMP\r
52 #                                                       Compilation:\r
53 #                                                               opm.h                                   (already include in visual distribution)\r
54 #                                                       Link:\r
55 #                                                               libiomp5md.lib                  (already include in visual distribution,but must be explicitly link!)\r
56 #                                                       Runtime: \r
57 #                                                               libiomp5md.dll                  (already include in visual distribution)\r
58 #                                                       Truc:\r
59 #                                                               Use dependencyWalker.exe to see which .dll is required)\r
60 #\r
61 #       Link (to pass to cl)\r
62 #\r
63 #               /Link                           Prefixe of all option below: Example : cl TTT /link /LIBPATH:XXX /LD\r
64 #\r
65 # CL Linker option (to write after /link)\r
66 #\r
67 #       Path\r
68 #\r
69 #               /LIBPATH:XXX            Library .a search path is XXX\r
70 #\r
71 #       Target\r
72 #\r
73 #               /DLL                            Target .dll             (don't forget to set extension .dll to TARGET_NAME)     (build the .dll and the associate.lib if __declspec(dllexport) is use at less once\r
74 #               /MACHINE:X64            Target 64 bits\r
75 #               /DEBUG\r
76 #\r
77 #       Avancer\r
78 #\r
79 #               /INCREMENTAL:NO         Incremental linking\r
80 #               /OPT:REF                        Eliminate Unreferenced Data\r
81 #               /DYNAMICBASE:NO         Disable Image Randomization\r
82 #\r
83 # About CRT (C Rutime library):\r
84 #\r
85 #       If your application use specificity of windows, you need to link some basic library as\r
86 #\r
87 #               kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib \r
88 #               shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib\r
89 #\r
90 #       or maybe all library available with visual and refered by the va LIBS (initialise by the script vcvarsamd64.bat). In this last case, you must choice \r
91 #       what CRT you want to use. There 5 choices. Every one is represented by one of this lib:\r
92 #\r
93 #               libcmt.lib libcmt.lib  libcmtd.lib msvcrtd.lib msvcmrt.lib msvcurt.lib msvcrt.lib\r
94 #\r
95 #       The general choice are:\r
96 #\r
97 #               (C1) use msvcrt.lib and compile with flag /MD\r
98 #               (C2) use libcmt.lib and compile with flag /MT\r
99 #\r
100 #       Put only on of this lib in the /LIBPATH\r
101 #\r
102 # Help\r
103 #\r
104 #       http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7t5yh4fd.aspx\r
105 \r
106 #######################\r
107 #               END                       #\r
108 #######################