[master-thesis.git] / KdTree.fs
1 module ParasitemiaCore.KdTree
3 open System
4 open System.Collections.Generic
6 type I2DCoords =
7 abstract X : float32
8 abstract Y : float32
10 // Compare 'e1' and 'e2' by X.
11 let cmpX (e1 : I2DCoords) (e2 : I2DCoords) : int =
12 match e1.X.CompareTo e2.X with
13 | 0 -> match e1.Y.CompareTo e2.Y with
14 | 0 -> e1.GetHashCode().CompareTo (e2.GetHashCode ())
15 | v -> v
16 | v -> v
18 // Compare 'e1' and 'e2' by Y.
19 let cmpY (e1 : I2DCoords) (e2 : I2DCoords) : int =
20 match e1.Y.CompareTo e2.Y with
21 | 0 -> match e1.X.CompareTo e2.X with
22 | 0 -> e1.GetHashCode().CompareTo (e2.GetHashCode ())
23 | v -> v
24 | v -> v
26 type Region = { minX : float32; maxX : float32; minY : float32; maxY : float32 } with
27 member this.Contains px py : bool =
28 px >= this.minX && px <= this.maxX &&
29 py >= this.minY && py <= this.maxY
31 member this.IsSub otherRegion : bool =
32 this.minX >= otherRegion.minX && this.maxX <= otherRegion.maxX &&
33 this.minY >= otherRegion.minY && this.maxY <= otherRegion.maxY
35 member this.Intersects otherRegion : bool =
36 this.minX < otherRegion.maxX && this.maxX >= otherRegion.minX &&
37 this.minY < otherRegion.maxY && this.maxY >= otherRegion.minY
39 type Tree<'a when 'a :> I2DCoords> =
40 | Node of float32 * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a>
41 | Leaf of 'a
43 static member BuildTree (l : 'a list) : Tree<'a> =
44 let xSorted = List.toArray l
45 let ySorted = List.toArray l
46 Array.sortInPlaceWith cmpX xSorted
47 Array.sortInPlaceWith cmpY ySorted
49 let rec buildTreeFromSortedArray (pXSorted : 'a[]) (pYSorted : 'a[]) (depth : int) : Tree<'a> =
50 if pXSorted.Length = 1 then
51 Leaf pXSorted.[0]
52 else
53 if depth % 2 = 1 then // 'depth' is odd -> vertical splitting else horizontal splitting.
54 let leftX, rightX = Array.splitAt ((pXSorted.Length + 1) / 2) pXSorted
55 let splitElement = Array.last leftX
56 let leftY, rightY = Array.partition (fun (e : 'a) -> cmpX e splitElement <= 0) pYSorted // FIXME: Maybe this operation can be optimized.
57 Node (splitElement.X, buildTreeFromSortedArray leftX leftY (depth + 1), buildTreeFromSortedArray rightX rightY (depth + 1))
58 else
59 let downY, upY = Array.splitAt ((pYSorted.Length + 1) / 2) pYSorted
60 let splitElement = Array.last downY
61 let downX, upX = Array.partition (fun (e : 'a) -> cmpY e splitElement <= 0) pXSorted // FIXME: Maybe this operation can be optimized.
62 Node (splitElement.Y, buildTreeFromSortedArray downX downY (depth + 1), buildTreeFromSortedArray upX upY (depth + 1))
64 buildTreeFromSortedArray xSorted ySorted 1
66 member this.Search (searchRegion : Region) : List<'a> =
67 let result = List<'a> ()
68 let rec valuesFrom (tree : Tree<'a>) =
69 match tree with
70 | Node (_, left, right) ->
71 valuesFrom right
72 valuesFrom left
73 | Leaf v ->
74 result.Add v
76 let rec searchWithRegion (tree : Tree<'a>) (currentRegion : Region) (depth : int) =
77 match tree with
78 | Leaf v ->
79 if searchRegion.Contains v.X v.Y then
80 result.Add v
81 | Node (splitValue, part1, part2) ->
82 let inline valuesInRegion (region : Region) (treeRegion : Tree<'a>) =
83 if region.IsSub searchRegion then
84 valuesFrom treeRegion
85 elif region.Intersects searchRegion then
86 searchWithRegion treeRegion region (depth + 1)
88 if depth % 2 = 1 then // Vertical splitting.
89 valuesInRegion { currentRegion with maxX = splitValue } part1 // Left region.
90 valuesInRegion { currentRegion with minX = splitValue } part2 // Right region.
91 else // Horizontal splitting.
92 valuesInRegion { currentRegion with maxY = splitValue } part1 // Down region.
93 valuesInRegion { currentRegion with minY = splitValue } part2 // Up region.
95 searchWithRegion this { minX = Single.MinValue; maxX = Single.MaxValue; minY = Single.MinValue; maxY = Single.MaxValue } 1
96 result
98 [<Obsolete>]
99 member this.SearchOld (searchRegion : Region) : 'a list =
100 let rec valuesFrom (tree : Tree<'a>) (acc : 'a list) : 'a list =
101 match tree with
102 | Node (_, left, right) -> (valuesFrom right (valuesFrom left acc))
103 | Leaf v -> v :: acc
105 let rec searchWithRegion (tree : Tree<'a>) (currentRegion : Region) (depth : int) : 'a list =
106 match tree with
107 | Leaf v -> if searchRegion.Contains v.X v.Y then [v] else []
108 | Node (splitValue, part1, part2) ->
109 let valuesInRegion (region : Region) (treeRegion : Tree<'a>) =
110 if region.IsSub searchRegion then
111 valuesFrom treeRegion []
112 elif region.Intersects searchRegion then
113 searchWithRegion treeRegion region (depth + 1)
114 else
115 []
117 if depth % 2 = 1 then // Vertical splitting.
118 let leftRegion = { currentRegion with maxX = splitValue }
119 let rightRegion = { currentRegion with minX = splitValue }
120 (valuesInRegion leftRegion part1) @ (valuesInRegion rightRegion part2)
121 else // Horizontal splitting.
122 let downRegion = { currentRegion with maxY = splitValue }
123 let upRegion = { currentRegion with minY = splitValue }
124 (valuesInRegion downRegion part1) @ (valuesInRegion upRegion part2)
126 searchWithRegion this { minX = Single.MinValue; maxX = Single.MaxValue; minY = Single.MinValue; maxY = Single.MaxValue } 1