descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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last changeMon, 16 Dec 2024 21:55:22 +0000 (22:55 +0100)
2024-12-16 Greg BurriDay 15 master
2024-12-14 Greg BurriDay 14
2024-12-13 Greg BurriDay 13
2024-12-13 Greg BurriRename test functions
2024-12-13 Greg BurriDay 12
2024-12-11 Greg BurriOptimize a bit day 11: reduce to 1.9 ms
2024-12-11 Greg BurriA bit quicker and more readable without recursion
2024-12-11 Greg BurriUse Stones alias
2024-12-11 Greg BurriDay 11
2024-12-10 Greg BurriMove some functions to an external crate.
2024-12-10 Greg BurriAdd debug information in release profile
2024-12-10 Greg BurriMore efficient matrix construction during data parsing
2024-12-10 Greg BurriDown to 65 μs from 80 μs (average on 1000 runs)
2024-12-10 Greg BurriSimplify and speed optimization
2024-12-10 Greg BurriRemove a useless '&mut'.
2024-12-10 Greg BurriAdd a way to measure average execution time on multiple...
2 months ago master