descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownergit repository hosting
last changeSun, 27 Oct 2024 10:26:50 +0000 (11:26 +0100)
2024-10-27 Greg BurriUpdate dependencies master
2023-12-12 Greg BurriSend an email after a certain amount of error
2023-11-24 Greg BurriSend email only if there are two successive errors
2023-11-22 Greg BurriRemove two useless comments
2023-11-22 Greg BurriMove smtp relay address to the configuration
2023-11-22 Greg BurriBetter error formatting
2023-10-02 Greg BurriCheck the alive UDP socket
2023-10-02 Greg BurriActivate command to stop and start the service.
2023-09-30 Greg BurriRemove unused 'use'.
2023-09-29 Greg BurriPeriodically print a "no error" status
2023-09-29 Greg BurriHide smtp password when printing the configuration
2023-09-29 Greg BurriChange deployment to 'release'
2023-09-29 Greg BurriSend an email in case of error
2023-09-29 Greg BurriFirst commit: check status without sending email
7 weeks ago master