descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownergit repository hosting
last changeThu, 18 Dec 2014 13:10:13 +0000 (14:10 +0100)
2014-12-18 UmmonTypo. master
2014-12-15 UmmonRemove a usless binding.
2014-12-15 UmmonRename the report according the needs.
2014-12-09 UmmonCiphertext length was wrong.
2014-12-08 UmmonTypos in report + clean up.
2014-12-08 UmmonAdd the original task.
2014-12-08 Ummonchange RSA key size from 2048 to 3072.
2014-12-04 UmmonCleaning.
2014-12-04 Ummon.bib.
2014-12-04 UmmonClean up.
2014-12-04 UmmonClean up + report in PDF.
2014-12-02 UmmonUpdate the report and change RSA padding to PKCS#1 v2.
2014-11-30 UmmonClean up.
2014-11-30 UmmonAES 256 -> AES 128.
2014-11-30 UmmonRemove user preferences.
2014-11-30 UmmonAdd some speed measures.
10 years ago master