descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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last changeTue, 10 Dec 2024 22:16:17 +0000 (23:16 +0100)
10 days ago Greg Burri- Use of advent_of_code_common crate master
10 days ago Greg BurriFormat the code to standards
2022-12-05 Greg BurriGroup imports
2022-12-05 Greg BurriUpdate dependencies
2020-11-19 Greg BurriAdd conditional logs.
2020-11-18 Greg Burriuse 'enumerate' instead of a custom variable.
2020-08-06 Grégory BurriRemove some warnings
2020-08-04 Grégory BurriNew (slow) version for day 18 part 1.
2020-07-16 Grégory BurriUpdate dependencies and readme
2020-07-15 Grégory BurriDay 18 (work in progress).
2020-01-13 Grégory BurriDay 17 part 2
2020-01-05 Greg BurriPreparing for day 17 part 2
2020-01-01 Greg BurriDay 4 part 1&2
2019-12-20 Grégory BurriUse a common trait (TryFrom)
2019-12-20 Grégory BurriAdd movements (part2, WIP)
2019-12-20 Grégory BurriReplace an 'if' by a 'match'
10 days ago master