41 hours ago Greg BurriUse thiserror crate for email (instead of manually... master
2 days ago Greg BurriGraceful shutdown with CTRL-C
2 days ago Greg BurriReplace Rinja by askama
2 days ago Greg BurriAdd the lang prefix to all links
3 days ago Greg BurriPut the lang in front of url (WIP)
3 days ago Greg Burri* Support for lang in URL as /fr/recipe/view/42
10 days ago Greg BurriUpdate ron version to 0.9
10 days ago Greg BurriDoc + formatting
10 days ago Greg BurriReplace PUT method by the more appropriate PATCH method.
10 days ago Greg BurriDoc
10 days ago Greg BurriUpdate dependencies
2025-03-11 Greg BurriReplace 'wasm-pack' by 'trunk'
2025-03-11 Greg BurriIncrease the number of request/s for sign_in/sign_up
2025-03-10 Greg BurriSet language cookie even when connected + increase...
2025-03-03 Greg BurriLimit the number of current request for a certain amoun...
2025-03-02 Greg BurriAdd favicon
2025-03-01 Greg BurriA bit of clean up
2025-02-14 Greg BurriRemove trailing slash for void elements... sadly
2025-02-12 Greg BurriShopping list items can now be checked/unchecked
2025-02-12 Greg BurriAdapt tests to new interface
2025-02-12 Greg BurriIngredients can now be remove from shopping list when...
2025-02-11 Greg BurriScheduled recipes can now be removed
2025-02-11 Greg BurriShopping list (WIP)
2025-02-10 Greg BurriIngredients can now be added to shopping list when...
2025-02-09 Greg BurriDo not display remove buttons for scheduled recipes...
2025-02-08 Greg BurriCalendar is now displayed on home page and recipes...
2025-02-05 Greg BurriToast message when scheduling a recipe
2025-02-04 Greg BurriRecipe can now be scheduled
2025-02-03 Greg BurriAdd default servings to profile + choose servings when...
2025-02-02 Greg BurriCalendar (WIP): user can select a day
2025-01-29 Greg BurriCalendar (WIP)
2025-01-23 Greg BurriAdd a calendar to schedule a recipe to a chosen date...
2025-01-21 Greg BurriAdd tables for shopping list and planner
2025-01-20 Greg BurriMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2025-01-20 Greg BurriAdd an admin flag to user
2025-01-19 Greg BurriAdd web site settings
2025-01-17 Greg BurriAvoid to commit sass cache
2025-01-17 Greg Burrisass cache should not be in repo
2025-01-16 Greg BurriRewrite README + use lettre crate to validate email...
2025-01-15 Greg BurriFactorize some ron api types
2025-01-15 Greg BurriIngredients can now be manually ordered
2025-01-15 Greg BurriAdd some fields to recipe view
2025-01-15 Greg BurriForced lower case tags
2025-01-15 Greg BurriReplace DragEvent data by a global state
2025-01-15 Greg BurriSteps can now be ordered (via drag and drop)
2025-01-14 Greg BurriUpdate to Axum 0.8
2025-01-10 Greg BurriGroups can now be ordered (via drag and drop)
2025-01-08 Greg BurriRemove useless font
2025-01-08 Greg BurriUpdate CSS (WIP)
2025-01-07 Greg Burri[Database] Add 'creation_datetime' to User + some littl...
2025-01-07 Greg BurriAvoid to use an hash map in translations
2025-01-06 Greg BurriSet user language to new recipe + cleaning
2025-01-06 Greg BurriTranslation of the recipe edit page
2025-01-06 Greg BurriTranslation support + french.
2025-01-05 Greg BurriTranslation (WIP)
2025-01-04 Greg BurriTags can now be added and removed
2025-01-03 Greg BurriAdd API to manage recipe tags
2025-01-03 Greg BurriLanguages list is now sorted.
2024-12-31 Greg BurriGo to home after recipe delete
2024-12-31 Greg BurriAdd a way to delete recipe
2024-12-28 Greg BurriRecipe edit, we can now delete groups, steps and ingred...
2024-12-27 Greg BurriRecipe edit (WIP): Buttons to add steps and inrgedients
2024-12-26 Greg BurriRecipe edit (WIP): all form fields are now saved
2024-12-26 Greg BurriRecipe edit (WIP): forms to edit groups, steps and...
2024-12-23 Greg BurriRecipe edit (WIP): add API to set some recipe values
2024-12-21 Greg BurriRecipe edit (WIP)
2024-12-18 Greg BurriSplit db::Connection implementation in submodules ...
2024-12-17 Greg BurriUser profile edit page
2024-12-05 Greg BurriReduce the memory used by argon2 (less secure)
2024-12-05 Greg BurriIncrease the number of database concurrent connection
2024-12-05 Greg BurriCompile frontend when deploying
2024-12-04 Greg Burri* Create a minimalistic toast
2024-11-15 Greg BurriProfile edit (WIP)
2024-11-14 Greg BurriBegining of a RON API to edit profile
2024-11-09 Greg BurriTell the user if the reset password token is expired.
2024-11-09 Greg BurriAdd a way to reset password
2024-11-06 Greg BurriAdd a way to reset password (WIP)
2024-11-06 Greg BurriFrontend:
2024-11-03 Greg BurriAdd a trace layer
2024-11-03 Greg BurriReplace Rusqlite by Sqlx and Actix by Axum (A lot of...
2023-04-10 Greg BurriWIP...
2022-12-15 Greg BurriRemove generated file 'frontend.js'
2022-12-15 Greg Burrirustfmt
2022-12-15 Greg BurriService for editing/creating recipe
2022-12-14 Greg Burridbtest program argument now clear the database.
2022-12-13 Greg Burrirustfmt
2022-12-13 Greg BurriBeginning of frontend + recipe editing
2022-12-06 Greg BurriAdd frontend tests and other stuff
2022-11-29 Greg BurriAdd asynchronous call to database.
2022-11-27 Greg BurriRead the http header from the proxy to get the client IP
2022-11-26 Greg BurriSign out
2022-11-26 Greg BurriSign up form and other stuff
2022-11-25 Greg BurriRemove config from repo
2022-11-24 Greg BurriReplace powershell script by nushell script
2022-11-22 Greg BurriSign up/in/out and authentication.
2022-11-22 Greg BurriSign up method.
2022-11-22 Greg BurriUpdate dependencies
2022-11-18 Greg BurriAdd some data access methods to Connection
2022-11-18 Greg BurriAdd clap crate to parse program arguments
2022-11-17 Greg BurriMerge branch 'master' of