module AdventOfCode2017.Day4
-open System
let forallDistinctPairs (f : string -> string -> bool) (pp : string) =
let words = pp.Split ' '
] |> List.forall not
let passphraseValid = forallDistinctPairs (=)
-let isAnagram (w1 : string) (w2 : string) =
- (w1.ToCharArray () |> Array.sort) = (w2.ToCharArray () |> Array.sort)
+let isAnagram (w1 : string) (w2 : string) = (w1.ToCharArray () |> Array.sort) = (w2.ToCharArray () |> Array.sort)
let passphraseValidAnagram = forallDistinctPairs isAnagram
-let nbPassphrasesValid (f : string -> bool) =
- f >> Seq.sumBy (fun v -> if v then 1 else 0)
\ No newline at end of file
+let nbPassphrasesValid (f : string -> bool) = f >> Seq.sumBy (fun v -> if v then 1 else 0)
\ No newline at end of file