open System
-type Instruction = string * string * int * string * string * int
+type Instruction = string * string * int * string * (int -> int -> bool) * int
let parseInput (lines : string[]) : Instruction list =
|> List.ofArray
|> (
fun line ->
- let line = line.Split ([| '\r'; '\t'; ' ' |], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
- ( line.[0], line.[1], int line.[2], line.[4], line.[5], int line.[6])
+ let line = line.Split ' '
+ line.[0], line.[1], int line.[2], line.[4], (match line.[5] with ">" -> (>) | "<" -> (<) | ">=" -> (>=) | "<=" -> (<=) | "!=" -> (<>) | "==" | _ -> (=)), int line.[6]
let execute (input : Instruction list) : int * int =
|> List.fold (
fun (highest, register) (reg, ins, value, regCond, op, valueCond) ->
- let regCondValue = register |> Map.tryFind regCond |> Option.defaultValue 0
- let op' = match op with ">" -> (>) | "<" -> (<) | ">=" -> (>=) | "<=" -> (<=) | "!=" -> (<>) | "==" | _ -> (=)
- if op' regCondValue valueCond then
+ if op (register |> Map.tryFind regCond |> Option.defaultValue 0) valueCond then
let regValue' = (register |> Map.tryFind reg |> Option.defaultValue 0) + match ins with "inc" -> value | "dec" -> -value | _ -> 0
max highest regValue', register |> Map.add reg regValue'