--- /dev/null
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+pub fn read_map(raw: &str) -> Vec<(i32, i32)> {
+ let lines: Vec<&str> = raw.lines().map(|l| l.trim()).collect();
+ let mut map = Vec::<(i32, i32)>::new();
+ for x in 0 .. lines[0].len() {
+ for y in 0 .. lines.len() {
+ if lines[y].chars().nth(x) == Some('#') {
+ map.push((x as i32, y as i32));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ map
+fn angle(x1: i32, y1: i32, x2: i32, y2: i32) -> i64 {
+ // Axis are reverted to match the clockwise laser rotation beginning up.
+ let angle_f64 = (2.0 * std::f64::consts::PI - ((x1 - x2) as f64).atan2((y1 - y2) as f64)) % (2.0 * std::f64::consts::PI);
+ (angle_f64 * 1_000_000.0) as i64
+fn squared_distance(x1: i32, y1: i32, x2: i32, y2: i32) -> i64 {
+ ((x1 - x2) as i64).pow(2) + ((y1 - y2) as i64).pow(2)
+pub fn find_best_location(map: &[(i32, i32)]) -> (usize, (i32, i32)) {
+ let mut best_nb_observable_asteroid = 0;
+ let (mut best_x, mut best_y) = (0, 0);
+ for (x1, y1) in map {
+ let mut angles = HashSet::<i64>::new();
+ for (x2, y2) in map {
+ angles.insert(angle(*x1, *y1, *x2, *y2));
+ }
+ let n = angles.len();
+ if n > best_nb_observable_asteroid {
+ best_nb_observable_asteroid = n;
+ best_x = *x1;
+ best_y = *y1;
+ }
+ }
+ (best_nb_observable_asteroid, (best_x, best_y))
+pub fn location_nth_vaporized_asteroid(pos: (i32, i32), map: &[(i32, i32)], n: usize) -> (i32, i32) {
+ // Angle -> []
+ let mut asteroids = HashMap::<i64, Vec<((i32, i32), i64)>>::new();
+ let (x1, y1) = pos;
+ for (x2, y2) in map {
+ let angle = angle(x1, y1, *x2 , *y2);
+ let dist = squared_distance(x1, y1, *x2 , *y2);
+ match asteroids.get_mut(&angle) {
+ Some (lineup_asteroids) => lineup_asteroids.push(((*x2, *y2), dist)),
+ None => { asteroids.insert(angle, vec![((*x2, *y2), dist)]); }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut sorted_angles: Vec<i64> = asteroids.keys().copied().collect();
+ sorted_angles.sort();
+ asteroids.values_mut().for_each(|lineup_asteroids| lineup_asteroids.sort_by(|(_, l1), (_, l2)| l1.cmp(l2)));
+ dbg!(&sorted_angles);
+ dbg!(&asteroids);
+ //return (0, 0);
+ let mut i = 1;
+ loop {
+ for angle in &sorted_angles {
+ if let Some (lineup_asteroids) = asteroids.get_mut(angle) {
+ let ((x, y), _) = lineup_asteroids.remove(0);
+ if i == n {
+ return (x, y)
+ } else if lineup_asteroids.is_empty() {
+ asteroids.remove(angle);
+ }
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sample_1() {
+ let raw_map =
+ ".#..#
+ .....
+ #####
+ ....#
+ ...##";
+ let map = read_map(raw_map);
+ assert_eq!(find_best_location(&map).0, 8);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sample_2() {
+ let raw_map =
+ "......#.#.
+ #..#.#....
+ ..#######.
+ .#.#.###..
+ .#..#.....
+ ..#....#.#
+ #..#....#.
+ .##.#..###
+ ##...#..#.
+ .#....####";
+ let map = read_map(raw_map);
+ assert_eq!(find_best_location(&map).0, 33);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sampl3() {
+ let raw_map =
+ "#.#...#.#.
+ .###....#.
+ .#....#...
+ ##.#.#.#.#
+ ....#.#.#.
+ .##..###.#
+ ..#...##..
+ ..##....##
+ ......#...
+ .####.###.";
+ let map = read_map(raw_map);
+ assert_eq!(find_best_location(&map).0, 35);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sample_4() {
+ let raw_map =
+ ".#..#..###
+ ####.###.#
+ ....###.#.
+ ..###.##.#
+ ##.##.#.#.
+ ....###..#
+ ..#.#..#.#
+ #..#.#.###
+ .##...##.#
+ .....#.#..";
+ let map = read_map(raw_map);
+ assert_eq!(find_best_location(&map).0, 41);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sample_5() {
+ let raw_map =
+ ".#..##.###...#######
+ ##.############..##.
+ .#.######.########.#
+ .###.#######.####.#.
+ #####.##.#.##.###.##
+ ..#####..#.#########
+ ####################
+ #.####....###.#.#.##
+ ##.#################
+ #####.##.###..####..
+ ..######..##.#######
+ ####.##.####...##..#
+ .#####..#.######.###
+ ##...#.##########...
+ #.##########.#######
+ .####.#.###.###.#.##
+ ....##.##.###..#####
+ .#.#.###########.###
+ #.#.#.#####.####.###
+ ###.##.####.##.#..##";
+ let map = read_map(raw_map);
+ assert_eq!(find_best_location(&map).0, 210);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part2_sample_1() {
+ let raw_map =
+ ".#....#####...#..
+ ##...##.#####..##
+ ##...#...#.#####.
+ ..#.....X...###..
+ ..#.#.....#....##";
+ let map = read_map(raw_map);
+ let pos = (8, 3);
+ let pos_200th = location_nth_vaporized_asteroid(pos, &map, 200);
+ dbg!(pos_200th);
+ assert_eq!(2, 210);
+ }
+ /*
+ #[test]
+ fn part2_sample_2() {
+ let raw_map =
+ ".#..##.###...#######
+ ##.############..##.
+ .#.######.########.#
+ .###.#######.####.#.
+ #####.##.#.##.###.##
+ ..#####..#.#########
+ ####################
+ #.####....###.#.#.##
+ ##.#################
+ #####.##.###..####..
+ ..######..##.#######
+ ####.##.####...##..#
+ .#####..#.######.###
+ ##...#.##########...
+ #.##########.#######
+ .####.#.###.###.#.##
+ ....##.##.###..#####
+ .#.#.###########.###
+ #.#.#.#####.####.###
+ ###.##.####.##.#..##";
+ let map = read_map(raw_map);
+ let pos = find_best_location(&map).1;
+ let pos_200th = location_nth_vaporized_asteroid(pos, &map, 200);
+ dbg!(pos_200th);
+ assert_eq!(2, 210);
+ }
+ */
\ No newline at end of file