{% block content %}
<div class="content" id="recipe-edit">
- <label for="input-title">Title</label>
+ <label for="input-title">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeTitle) }}</label>
value="{{ recipe.title }}"
autofocus="true" />
- <label for="text-area-description">Description</label>
+ <label for="text-area-description">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeDescription) }}</label>
id="text-area-description">{{ recipe.description }}</textarea>
- <label for="input-servings">Servings</label>
+ <label for="input-servings">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeServings) }}</label>
step="1" min="1" max="100"
- {% match recipe.servings %}
- {% when Some with (s) %}
+ {% if let Some(s) = recipe.servings %}
{{ s }}
- {% when None %}
+ {% endif %}"/>
- {% endmatch %}"/>
- <label for="input-estimated-time">Estimated time [min]</label>
+ <label for="input-estimated-time">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeEstimatedTime) }}</label>
- step="1" min="0" max="1000"
+ step="10" min="0" max="1000"
- {% match recipe.estimated_time %}
- {% when Some with (t) %}
+ {% if let Some(t) = recipe.estimated_time %}
{{ t }}
- {% when None %}
- {% endmatch %}"/>
+ {% endif %}"/>
- <label for="select-difficulty">Difficulty</label>
+ <label for="select-difficulty">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeDifficulty) }}</label>
<select id="select-difficulty">
<option value="0" {%+ call is_difficulty(common::ron_api::Difficulty::Unknown) %}> - </option>
- <option value="1" {%+ call is_difficulty(common::ron_api::Difficulty::Easy) %}>Easy</option>
- <option value="2" {%+ call is_difficulty(common::ron_api::Difficulty::Medium) %}>Medium</option>
- <option value="3" {%+ call is_difficulty(common::ron_api::Difficulty::Hard) %}>Hard</option>
+ <option value="1" {%+ call is_difficulty(common::ron_api::Difficulty::Easy) %}>{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeDifficultyEasy) }}</option>
+ <option value="2" {%+ call is_difficulty(common::ron_api::Difficulty::Medium) %}>{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeDifficultyMedium) }}</option>
+ <option value="3" {%+ call is_difficulty(common::ron_api::Difficulty::Hard) %}>{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeDifficultyHard) }}</option>
- <!--
- * Event on 'input':
- * Trim left
- * for all w in "<word> ":
- * Call recipe/add_tags with all w
- * Add all w to tag list (DOM)
- * Event on 'click' on del tag button:
- * Call recipe/rm_tags
- * Remove the tag to the html list (DOM)
- * 'enter' key to add the current tag
- -->
<div id="container-tags">
- <label for="input-tags" >Tags</label>
+ <label for="input-tags" >{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeTags) }}</label>
<span class="tags"></span>
value="" />
- <label for="select-language">Language</label>
+ <label for="select-language">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeLanguage) }}</label>
<select id="select-language">
{% for lang in languages %}
<option value="{{ lang.1 }}"
{% endif %}
- <label for="input-is-published">Is published</label>
+ <label for="input-is-published">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeIsPublished) }}</label>
- <input id="input-delete" type="button" value="Delete recipe" />
+ <input id="input-delete" type="button" value="{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeDelete) }}" />
<div id="groups-container">
- <input id="input-add-group" type="button" value="Add a group" />
+ <input id="input-add-group" type="button" value="{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeAddAGroup) }}" />
<div id="hidden-templates">
<div class="group">
- <label for="input-group-name">Name</label>
+ <label for="input-group-name">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeGroupName) }}</label>
<input class="input-group-name" type="text" />
- <label for="input-group-comment">Comment</label>
+ <label for="input-group-comment">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeGroupComment) }}</label>
<input class="input-group-comment" type="text" />
- <input class="input-group-delete" type="button" value="Remove group" />
+ <input class="input-group-delete" type="button" value="{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeRemoveGroup) }}" />
<div class="steps"></div>
- <input class="input-add-step" type="button" value="Add a step" />
+ <input class="input-add-step" type="button" value="{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeAddAStep) }}" />
<div class="step">
- <label for="text-area-step-action">Action</label>
+ <label for="text-area-step-action">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeStepAction) }}</label>
<textarea class="text-area-step-action"></textarea>
- <input class="input-step-delete" type="button" value="Remove step" />
+ <input class="input-step-delete" type="button" value="{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeRemoveStep) }}" />
<div class="ingredients"></div>
- <input class="input-add-ingredient" type="button" value="Add an ingredient"/>
+ <input class="input-add-ingredient" type="button" value="{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeAddAnIngredient) }}"/>
<div class="ingredient">
- <label for="input-ingredient-name">Name</label>
+ <label for="input-ingredient-name">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeIngredientName) }}</label>
<input class="input-ingredient-name" type="text" />
- <label for="input-ingredient-quantity">Quantity</label>
+ <label for="input-ingredient-quantity">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeIngredientQuantity) }}</label>
<input class="input-ingredient-quantity" type="number" step="0.1" min="0" max="10000" />
- <label for="input-ingredient-unit">Unit</label>
+ <label for="input-ingredient-unit">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeIngredientUnit) }}</label>
<input class="input-ingredient-unit" type="text" />
- <label for="input-ingredient-comment">Comment</label>
+ <label for="input-ingredient-comment">{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeIngredientComment) }}</label>
<input class="input-ingredient-comment" type="text" />
- <input class="input-ingredient-delete" type="button" value="Remove ingredient" />
+ <input class="input-ingredient-delete" type="button" value="{{ tr.t(Sentence::RecipeRemoveIngredient) }}" />
RecipeNotAllowedToEdit: "Not allowed to edit this recipe",
RecipeNotAllowedToView: "Not allowed the view the recipe {}",
RecipeNotFound: "Recipe not found",
+ RecipeTitle : "Title",
+ RecipeDescription : "Description",
+ RecipeServings : "Servings",
+ RecipeEstimatedTime : "Estimated time [min]",
+ RecipeDifficulty : "Difficulty",
+ RecipeDifficultyEasy : "Easy",
+ RecipeDifficultyMedium : "Medium",
+ RecipeDifficultyHard : "Hard",
+ RecipeTags : "Tags",
+ RecipeLanguage : "Language",
+ RecipeIsPublished : "Is published",
+ RecipeDelete : "Delete recipe",
+ RecipeAddAGroup : "Add a group",
+ RecipeRemoveGroup : "Remove group",
+ RecipeGroupName : "Name",
+ RecipeGroupComment : "Comment",
+ RecipeAddAStep : "Add a step",
+ RecipeRemoveStep : "Remove step",
+ RecipeStepAction : "Action",
+ RecipeAddAnIngredient : "Add an ingredient",
+ RecipeRemoveIngredient : "Remove ingredient",
+ RecipeIngredientName : "Name",
+ RecipeIngredientQuantity : "Quantity",
+ RecipeIngredientUnit : "Unit",
+ RecipeIngredientComment : "Comment",
RecipeNotAllowedToEdit: "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à éditer cette recette",
RecipeNotAllowedToView: "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à voir la recette {}",
RecipeNotFound: "Recette non-trouvée",
+ RecipeTitle : "Titre",
+ RecipeDescription : "Description",
+ RecipeServings : "Nombre de personnes",
+ RecipeEstimatedTime : "Temps estimé",
+ RecipeDifficulty : "Difficulté",
+ RecipeDifficultyEasy : "Facile",
+ RecipeDifficultyMedium : "Moyen",
+ RecipeDifficultyHard : "Difficile",
+ RecipeTags : "Tags",
+ RecipeLanguage : "Langue",
+ RecipeIsPublished : "Est publié",
+ RecipeDelete : "Supprimer la recette",
+ RecipeAddAGroup : "Ajouter un groupe",
+ RecipeRemoveGroup : "Supprimer le groupe",
+ RecipeGroupName : "Nom",
+ RecipeGroupComment : "Commentaire",
+ RecipeAddAStep : "Ajouter une étape",
+ RecipeRemoveStep : "Supprimer l'étape",
+ RecipeStepAction : "Action",
+ RecipeAddAnIngredient : "Ajouter un ingrédient",
+ RecipeRemoveIngredient : "Supprimer l'ingrédient",
+ RecipeIngredientName : "Nom",
+ RecipeIngredientQuantity : "Quantité",
+ RecipeIngredientUnit : "Unité",
+ RecipeIngredientComment : "Commentaire",
\ No newline at end of file