+// This is wrong with a manhattan distance :( but works in my case :)
let nearestZero (particules : Particule[]) : int =
particules |> Array.indexed |> Array.minBy (fun (_, p) -> p.A.SquareNorm, p.V.SquareNorm, p.Pos.SquareNorm) |> fst
-let collide (p1 : Particule) (p2 : Particule) : int64 option =
+let collide (p1 : Particule) (p2 : Particule) : int option =
+ // https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=solve+a%2B(b%2Bc%2F2)*t%2B1%2F2*c*t%5E2+-+d-(e%2Bf%2F2)*t-1%2F2*f*t%5E2+%3D+0
let t a b c d e f =
let denom = 2. * (c - f)
if denom = 0. then
- (d - a) / (b - e)
+ [ (d - a) / (b - e) ] // 0 / 0 -> NaN (particules have the same properties), n / 0 -> infinite (particules don't collide)
let root = (2. * b + c - 2. * e - f) ** 2. - 8. * (a - d) * (c - f)
if root < 0. then
- Double.PositiveInfinity
+ [ Double.PositiveInfinity ]
let f sign = (-2. * b - c + 2. * e + f + sign * sqrt root) / denom
- max (f 1.) (f -1.)
+ [ f 1.; f -1. ] |> List.filter ((<=) 0.)
let ts =
- t p1.Pos.X p1.V.X p1.A.X p2.Pos.X p2.V.X p2.A.X
- t p1.Pos.Y p1.V.Y p1.A.Y p2.Pos.Y p2.V.Y p2.A.Y
- t p1.Pos.Z p1.V.Z p1.A.Z p2.Pos.Z p2.V.Z p2.A.Z
+ yield! t p1.Pos.X p1.V.X p1.A.X p2.Pos.X p2.V.X p2.A.X
+ yield! t p1.Pos.Y p1.V.Y p1.A.Y p2.Pos.Y p2.V.Y p2.A.Y
+ yield! t p1.Pos.Z p1.V.Z p1.A.Z p2.Pos.Z p2.V.Z p2.A.Z
- |> List.filter (Double.IsNaN >> not)
- if ts |> List.isEmpty then
- Some 0L
- elif ts |> List.exists (fun t -> Double.IsInfinity t || t < 0.) then
- None
- else
- let tsInt = ts |> List.map (fun t -> t * 10. |> int64) // Rounding.
- let h = tsInt |> List.head
- if tsInt |> List.tail |> List.forall ((=) h) then
- Some h
- else
- None
+ let nbOfNaN = ts |> List.sumBy (fun t -> if Double.IsNaN t then 1 else 0)
+ let tsInt =
+ ts |> List.choose (
+ fun t ->
+ let tRound = Math.Round (t, 5) * 10000. |> int
+ if tRound % 10000 = 0 then Some tRound else None
+ )
+ tsInt |> List.groupBy id |> List.tryPick (fun (t, ts) -> if List.length ts = (3 - nbOfNaN) then Some t else None)
let nbAlive (particules : Particule[]) : int =
let nbDestroyed =