let rec weight tower =
tower.Weight + (tower.Above |> Seq.map weight |> Seq.sum)
- let towersByWeight = tower.Above |> Seq.groupBy weight |> Seq.sortBy (snd >> Seq.length) |> List.ofSeq
- match towersByWeight with
- | unbalanced :: others :: [] ->
- let delta = fst others - fst unbalanced
- let unbalanced' = unbalanced |> snd |> Seq.head
- findUnbalanced unbalanced' |> Option.orElse (Some (unbalanced', unbalanced'.Weight + delta))
- | _ ->
- tower.Above |> Seq.tryPick (fun t -> findUnbalanced t)
+ match tower.Above |> List.ofSeq |> List.groupBy weight |> List.sortBy (snd >> List.length) with
+ | [ w1, [ unbalanced ]; w2, _ ] -> findUnbalanced unbalanced |> Option.orElse (Some (unbalanced, unbalanced.Weight + w2 - w1))
+ | _ -> tower.Above |> Seq.tryPick (fun t -> findUnbalanced t)