+ <Compile Include="Day06.fs" />\r
<Compile Include="Day05.fs" />\r
<Compile Include="Day04.fs" />\r
<Compile Include="Day03.fs" />\r
<Compile Include="Day02.fs" />\r
<Compile Include="Day01.fs" />\r
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />\r
+ <Content Include="Data/day06.input">\r
+ <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>\r
+ </Content>\r
<Content Include="Data/day05.input">\r
--- /dev/null
+module AdventOfCode2018.Day06\r
+open System\r
+type Coords = { X : int; Y : int }\r
+ with\r
+ member this.Distance (coords : Coords) : int =\r
+ abs (coords.X - this.X) + abs (coords.Y - this.Y)\r
+ static member Parse (str : string) =\r
+ let coords = str.Split ','\r
+ { X = int coords.[0]; Y = int coords.[1] }\r
+let parseInput (str : string) : Coords array =\r
+ str.Split ([| '\r'; '\n'; |], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)\r
+ |> Array.map Coords.Parse\r
+let getLargestArea (coords : Coords array) : int =\r
+ let coordsX = coords |> Array.map (fun coords -> coords.X)\r
+ let coordsY = coords |> Array.map (fun coords -> coords.Y)\r
+ let minX, minY, maxX, maxY = coordsX |> Array.min, coordsY |> Array.min, coordsX |> Array.max, coordsY |> Array.max\r
+ let areas = Array.zeroCreate coords.Length\r
+ for x = minX to maxX do\r
+ for y = minY to maxY do\r
+ let pos = { X = x; Y = y }\r
+ let mutable nearest = -1\r
+ let mutable distance = Int32.MaxValue\r
+ let mutable equalDistance = false\r
+ for i = 0 to coords.Length - 1 do\r
+ let distance' = pos.Distance coords.[i]\r
+ if distance' = distance then\r
+ equalDistance <- true\r
+ if distance' < distance then\r
+ nearest <- i\r
+ distance <- distance'\r
+ equalDistance <- false\r
+ if not equalDistance then\r
+ if x = minX || y = minY || x = maxX || y = maxY then\r
+ areas.[nearest] <- -1\r
+ elif areas.[nearest] <> -1 then\r
+ areas.[nearest] <- areas.[nearest] + 1\r
+ areas |> Array.max\r
+let getAreaWithTotalDistanceLessThan (total : int) (coords : Coords array) : int =\r
+ let coordsX = coords |> Array.map (fun coords -> coords.X)\r
+ let coordsY = coords |> Array.map (fun coords -> coords.Y)\r
+ let minX, minY, maxX, maxY = coordsX |> Array.min, coordsY |> Array.min, coordsX |> Array.max, coordsY |> Array.max\r
+ let mutable area = 0\r
+ for x = minX to maxX do\r
+ for y = minY to maxY do\r
+ let pos = { X = x; Y = y }\r
+ let mutable totalDistance = 0\r
+ for i = 0 to coords.Length - 1 do\r
+ totalDistance <- totalDistance + pos.Distance coords.[i]\r
+ if totalDistance < total then\r
+ area <- area + 1\r
+ area
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+namespace AdventOfCode2018.Tests\r
+open System\r
+open Xunit\r
+open Xunit.Abstractions\r
+open Swensen.Unquote\r
+open AdventOfCode2018\r
+type ``Day06 tests`` (output : ITestOutputHelper) =\r
+ let input =\r
+ """1, 1\r
+ 1, 6\r
+ 8, 3\r
+ 3, 4\r
+ 5, 5\r
+ 8, 9"""\r
+ [<Fact>]\r
+ let ``(Part1) From web page`` () =\r
+ let coords = Day06.parseInput input\r
+ Day06.getLargestArea coords =! 17\r
+ [<Fact>]\r
+ let ``(Part2) From web page`` () =\r
+ let coords = Day06.parseInput input\r
+ Day06.getAreaWithTotalDistanceLessThan 32 coords =! 16\r