--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00\r
-# Visual Studio 2012\r
-Project("{f2a71f9b-5d33-465a-a702-920d77279786}") = "SudokuSolver", "SudokuSolver\SudokuSolver.fsproj", "{244C26E9-4AA3-42E2-BFD9-4CFB848C7230}"\r
- GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution\r
- Debug|x86 = Debug|x86\r
- Release|x86 = Release|x86\r
- EndGlobalSection\r
- GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution\r
- {244C26E9-4AA3-42E2-BFD9-4CFB848C7230}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86\r
- {244C26E9-4AA3-42E2-BFD9-4CFB848C7230}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86\r
- {244C26E9-4AA3-42E2-BFD9-4CFB848C7230}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86\r
- {244C26E9-4AA3-42E2-BFD9-4CFB848C7230}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86\r
- EndGlobalSection\r
--- /dev/null
+module SudokuSolver.GUI
+open System
+open System.Threading
+open System.Collections.ObjectModel
+open Eto
+open Eto.Forms
+open Eto.Drawing
+module Solver = Version1
+type DigitBox() as this =
+ inherit Panel()
+ let unselectedBgColor = Colors.LightSkyBlue
+ let selectedBgColor = Colors.Blue
+ let digitChanged = new Event<unit>()
+ let mutable manuallyAssigned = false
+ let mutable value = 0
+ let label =
+ new Label(
+ BackgroundColor = Colors.White,
+ Text = " ",
+ TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
+ VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
+ Font = new Font("Monospace", 18.f))
+ do
+ this.Padding <- Padding(2)
+ this.BackgroundColor <- unselectedBgColor
+ this.Content <- label
+ member this.Selected
+ with set (value: bool) =
+ this.BackgroundColor <- if value then selectedBgColor else unselectedBgColor
+ member this.ManuallyAssigned
+ with get () : bool = manuallyAssigned
+ and private set (value: bool) =
+ label.BackgroundColor <- if value then Colors.Orange else Colors.White
+ manuallyAssigned <- value
+ member this.DigitChanged = digitChanged.Publish
+ member this.Value = value
+ member this.SetValue(v, manuallyAssigned) =
+ if manuallyAssigned || not this.ManuallyAssigned || v = 0 then
+ let changed = value <> v
+ value <- v
+ label.Text <- if value > 0 && value <= 9 then string value else " "
+ this.ManuallyAssigned <- v <> 0 && manuallyAssigned
+ if manuallyAssigned && changed then
+ digitChanged.Trigger()
+type Grid() =
+ inherit TableLayout()
+type MainForm() as this =
+ inherit Form()
+ do
+ let mutable currentAsync : Async<Solver.Board> option = None
+ let mutable cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource()
+ this.Title <- "Sudoku Solver - gburri"
+ this.Size <- Size(400, 400)
+ let digitBoxes = Array2D.init 9 9 (fun _ _ -> new DigitBox())
+ let clearComputedDigits () =
+ digitBoxes |> Array2D.iter
+ (fun d ->
+ if not d.ManuallyAssigned then
+ d.SetValue(0, false))
+ let computeSolution () =
+ cancellation.Cancel()
+ cancellation.Dispose()
+ cancellation <- new CancellationTokenSource()
+ let board =
+ Solver.Board(
+ digitBoxes
+ |> Array2D.map (fun d -> if d.ManuallyAssigned then d.Value else 0))
+ clearComputedDigits ()
+ let token = cancellation.Token
+ async {
+ let! result = board.SolveAsync(token)
+ if not token.IsCancellationRequested then
+ Application.Instance.Invoke(
+ fun () ->
+ if result then
+ Array2D.iteri (fun i j v -> digitBoxes.[i, j].SetValue(v, false)) board.Values
+ else
+ clearComputedDigits ()) }
+ |> Async.Start
+ let mutable currentDigitBox = digitBoxes.[0,0]
+ digitBoxes.[0,0].Selected <- true
+ this.KeyDown.Add(
+ fun e ->
+ if e.Key = Keys.Backspace || e.Key = Keys.Delete then
+ currentDigitBox.SetValue(0, true)
+ else
+ match Int32.TryParse(e.KeyChar.ToString()) with
+ | (true, digit) when digit >= 0 && digit <= 9 -> currentDigitBox.SetValue(digit, true)
+ | _ -> ())
+ let setCurrentDigitBox db =
+ if db <> currentDigitBox then
+ currentDigitBox.Selected <- false
+ db.Selected <- true
+ currentDigitBox <- db
+ digitBoxes
+ |> Array2D.iter
+ (fun digitBox ->
+ digitBox.MouseDown.Add(fun _ -> setCurrentDigitBox digitBox)
+ digitBox.DigitChanged.Add (fun _ -> computeSolution ()))
+ let gridLayout = new Grid()
+ for i = 0 to 8 do
+ // Horizontal separations.
+ if i = 3 || i = 6 then
+ let rowSeparation = new TableRow()
+ gridLayout.Rows.Add(rowSeparation)
+ for j = 0 to 10 do
+ rowSeparation.Cells.Add(new TableCell(new Panel(BackgroundColor = Colors.Black)))
+ let row = new TableRow(ScaleHeight = true)
+ gridLayout.Rows.Add(row)
+ for j = 0 to 8 do
+ // Vertical separations.
+ if j = 3 || j = 6 then
+ row.Cells.Add(new TableCell(new Panel(BackgroundColor = Colors.Black)))
+ row.Cells.Add(new TableCell(digitBoxes.[i, j], true))
+ this.Content <- gridLayout
+ computeSolution ()
+let showMainWindow () =
+ use app = new Application()
+ use form = new MainForm()
+ form.Show()
+ app.Run(form) |> ignore
\ No newline at end of file
open System
open System.IO
-let main argv =
- use fs = new FileStream ("../../../sudokus/mm_22.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
- use sr = new StreamReader (fs)
- while sr.Peek () <> -1 do
- let b = Solver.Board sr
- b.Show System.Console.Out
- printfn "vvvvvvvvvvv"
+let printUsage () =
+ printfn "Usage: %s <suduko file>" System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName
- let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch ()
- timer.Start ()
- if b.Solve ()
- then b.Show System.Console.Out
- else printfn "No solution"
- timer.Stop ()
- printfn "Time: %A ms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds
- 0
\ No newline at end of file
+let main args =
+ if args.Length = 0 then
+ GUI.showMainWindow ()
+ 0
+ elif Array.exists (fun arg -> arg = "-h" || arg = "--help") args then
+ printUsage ()
+ 0
+ else
+ for filepath in args do
+ use fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
+ use sr = new StreamReader(fs)
+ printfn "%s" filepath
+ while sr.Peek() <> -1 do
+ let b = Solver.Board sr
+ b.Show System.Console.Out
+ printfn "vvvvvvvvvvv"
+ let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
+ timer.Start()
+ if b.Solve ()
+ then b.Show System.Console.Out
+ else printfn "No solution"
+ timer.Stop()
+ printfn "Time: %A ms" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds
+ printfn ""
+ 0
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
module SudokuSolver.Version1
open System
+open System.Threading
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
-let printUsage progname =
+let printUsage progname =
printfn "Usage: %A <filename>" progname
-type Pos =
- { i: int; j: int }
- member this.Next : Pos option =
- match this with
- | { i = 8; j = 8 } -> None
- | { i = i; j = 8 } -> Some { i = i + 1; j = 0 }
- | { i = _; j = j } -> Some { this with j = j + 1 }
-let zoneRange c =
+type Pos (i: int, j: int) =
+ member this.I = i
+ member this.J = j
+ member this.Next : Pos option =
+ match this.I, this.J with
+ | 8, 8 -> None
+ | _, 8 -> Some (Pos(this.I + 1, 0))
+ | _ -> Some (Pos(this.I, this.J + 1))
+ override this.ToString() =
+ sprintf "Pos(i = %i, j = %i)" this.I this.J
+let zoneRange c =
match c with
- | 0 | 1 | 2 -> [0 .. 2]
- | 3 | 4 | 5 -> [3 .. 5]
- | _ -> [6 .. 8]
+ | 0 | 1 | 2 -> [ 0 .. 2 ]
+ | 3 | 4 | 5 -> [ 3 .. 5 ]
+ | _ -> [ 6 .. 8 ]
// All possible positions.
-let AllPos = seq {
+let allPos = [
for i in 0 .. 8 do
- for j in 0 .. 8 -> { i = i; j = j } }
+ for j in 0 .. 8 -> Pos(i, j) ]
+let size = 9
-type Board (values : seq<int>) =
- let size = 9
+type Board (values: int [,]) =
let board = Array2D.create size size 0
- Seq.take (size * size) values |> Seq.zip AllPos |> Seq.iter (fun ({ i = iVal; j = jVal}, value) ->
- board.[iVal, jVal] <- value)
+ Array2D.blit values 0 0 board 0 0 size size
- let get pos = board.[pos.i, pos.j]
- let set pos value = board.[pos.i, pos.j] <- value
+ let get (pos: Pos) = board.[pos.I, pos.J]
+ let set (pos: Pos) (value: int) = board.[pos.I, pos.J] <- value
- let rec nextFree (pos : Pos) : Pos option =
+ let rec nextFree (pos: Pos) : Pos option =
match pos.Next with
| Some pos -> if get pos = 0 then Some pos else nextFree pos
| _ -> None
- let isValid pos n =
- List.forall (fun j -> get { pos with j = j } <> n) [0 .. 8] &&
- List.forall (fun i -> get { pos with i = i } <> n) [0 .. 8] &&
- List.forall (fun (i, j) -> get { i = i; j = j } <> n) [
- for i' in zoneRange pos.i do
- for j' in zoneRange pos.j -> i', j' ]
+ let isValid (pos: Pos) (n: int) =
+ List.forall (fun j -> if j = pos.J then true else get (Pos(pos.I, j)) <> n) [ 0 .. 8 ] &&
+ List.forall (fun i -> if i = pos.I then true else get (Pos(i, pos.J)) <> n) [ 0 .. 8 ] &&
+ List.forall (fun (i, j) -> if i = pos.I && j = pos.J then true else get (Pos(i, j)) <> n) [
+ for i' in zoneRange pos.I do
+ for j' in zoneRange pos.J -> i', j' ]
- let validNumbers pos =
- [
- let valid = isValid pos
- for n in 1 .. 9 do
- if valid n then yield n ]
+ let validNumbers pos = seq {
+ let valid = isValid pos
+ for n in 1 .. 9 do
+ if valid n then yield n }
- let show (output : TextWriter) =
+ let show (output: TextWriter) =
for i in 0 .. size - 1 do
for j in 0 .. size - 1 do
- if board.[i, j] = 0
- then output.Write '.'
+ if board.[i, j] = 0 then output.Write '.'
else output.Write board.[i, j]
if (j + 1) % 3 = 0 && j <> size - 1 then
output.Write '|'
- output.WriteLine ()
+ output.WriteLine()
if (i + 1) % 3 = 0 && i <> size - 1 then
- output.WriteLine "-----------"
+ output.WriteLine "-----------"
let presolve () =
let (|OnlyOneNumber|_|) (pos : Pos) =
- if get pos <> 0
- then None
+ if get pos <> 0 then
+ None
let numbers = Array.create 10 false
- let nb = ref 0
- let add n =
- if not numbers.[n]
- then
+ let mutable nb = 0
+ let add n =
+ if not numbers.[n] then
numbers.[n] <- true
- nb := !nb + 1
+ nb <- nb + 1
- for i in 0 .. 8 do get { pos with i = i } |> add
- for j in 0 .. 8 do get { pos with j = j } |> add
- for i in zoneRange pos.i do
- for j in zoneRange pos.j do
- get { i = i; j = j } |> add
+ for i in 0 .. 8 do get (Pos(i, pos.J)) |> add
+ for j in 0 .. 8 do get (Pos(pos.I, j)) |> add
+ for i in zoneRange pos.I do
+ for j in zoneRange pos.J do
+ get (Pos(i, j)) |> add
- match !nb with
- | 9 -> try Some (Array.findIndex not numbers) with _ -> None
+ match nb with
+ | 9 -> Array.tryFindIndex not numbers
| 10 -> None
| _ ->
// For all remaining numbers.
- let remainingNumbers = Array.mapi (fun i p -> i, p) numbers
- |> Array.fold (fun acc (i, p) -> if not p then i :: acc else acc) []
+ let remainingNumbers = Array.mapi(fun i p -> i, p) numbers
+ |> Array.fold(fun acc (i, p) -> if not p then i :: acc else acc) []
let rec findNumber numbers =
match numbers with
// If there is no other valid position, then the current is the only one.
if seq {
for i in 0 .. 8 do
- let pos' = { pos with i = i }
- if i <> pos.i && get pos' = 0
+ let pos' = Pos(i, pos.J)
+ if i <> pos.I && get pos' = 0
then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id ||
seq {
for j in 0 .. 8 do
- let pos' = { pos with j = j }
- if j <> pos.j && get pos' = 0
+ let pos' = Pos(pos.I, j)
+ if j <> pos.J && get pos' = 0
then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id ||
seq {
- for i in zoneRange pos.i do
- for j in zoneRange pos.j do
- let pos' = { i = i; j = j }
+ for i in zoneRange pos.I do
+ for j in zoneRange pos.J do
+ let pos' = Pos(i, j)
if pos' <> pos && get pos' = 0
then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id
then Some n
findNumber remainingNumbers
- while Seq.exists (fun pos ->
+ while allPos |> List.exists (fun pos ->
match pos with
| OnlyOneNumber n -> set pos n; true
- | _ -> false) AllPos do ()
- new (input : TextReader) =
- Board (seq {
- while input.Peek () <> -1 do
- match char (input.Read ()) with
- | ' ' | '.' | '0' -> yield 0
- | a when Char.IsDigit a -> yield int (Char.GetNumericValue a)
- | _ -> () } |> Seq.take 81)
+ | _ -> false) do ()
+ new (input: TextReader) =
+ let matrix = Array2D.create size size 0
+ [ while input.Peek () <> -1 do
+ match char (input.Read()) with
+ | ' ' | '.' | '0' -> yield 0
+ | a when Char.IsDigit a -> yield int (Char.GetNumericValue a)
+ | _ -> () ]
+ |> List.take (size * size)
+ |> List.zip allPos
+ |> List.iter(fun (pos, value) -> matrix.[pos.I, pos.J] <- value)
+ Board(matrix)
member this.Show = show
- member this.Solve () =
- let rec solveFrom pos : bool = // Returns true if the solution is valid and complete.
- match nextFree pos with
- | Some pos' ->
- if List.exists (fun n -> set pos' n; solveFrom pos') (validNumbers pos')
- then true
- else
- set pos' 0
+ member this.Values : int [,] =
+ Array2D.copy board
+ member this.SolveAsync (token: CancellationToken) : Async<bool> =
+ async {
+ let rec solveFrom pos : bool = // Returns true if the solution is valid and complete.
+ if token.IsCancellationRequested then
+ false
+ else
+ match nextFree pos with
+ | Some pos' ->
+ if validNumbers pos' |> Seq.exists (fun n -> set pos' n; solveFrom pos') then
+ true
+ else
+ set pos' 0
+ false
+ | _ -> true
+ let valid =
+ allPos |> List.forall (
+ fun p ->
+ let n = get p
+ if n = 0 then true else isValid p n)
+ return
+ if not valid then
- | _ -> true
- presolve ()
- solveFrom { i = 0; j = -1 }
+ else
+ presolve ()
+ solveFrom (Pos(0, -1)) }
+ member this.Solve () : bool =
+ let cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource()
+ this.SolveAsync(cancellation.Token) |> Async.RunSynchronously
\ No newline at end of file
module SudokuSolver.Version2
-open System
-open System.IO
-open System.Collections.Generic
-let printUsage progname =
- printfn "Usage: %A <filename>" progname
-type Pos =
- { i: int; j: int }
- member this.Next : Pos option =
- match this with
- | { i = 8; j = 8 } -> None
- | { i = i; j = 8 } -> Some { i = i + 1; j = 0 }
- | { i = _; j = j } -> Some { this with j = j + 1 }
-let zoneRange c =
- match c with
- | 0 | 1 | 2 -> [0 .. 2]
- | 3 | 4 | 5 -> [3 .. 5]
- | _ -> [6 .. 8]
-// All possible positions.
-let AllPos = seq {
- for i in 0 .. 8 do
- for j in 0 .. 8 -> { i = i; j = j } }
-type Board (values : seq<int>) =
- let size = 9
- let board = Array2D.create size size 0
- do
- Seq.take (size * size) values |> Seq.zip AllPos |> Seq.iter (fun ({ i = iVal; j = jVal}, value) ->
- board.[iVal, jVal] <- value)
- let get pos = board.[pos.i, pos.j]
- let set pos value = board.[pos.i, pos.j] <- value
- let rec nextFree (pos : Pos) : Pos option =
- match pos.Next with
- | Some pos -> if get pos = 0 then Some pos else nextFree pos
- | _ -> None
- let isValid pos n =
- List.forall (fun j -> get { pos with j = j } <> n) [0 .. 8] &&
- List.forall (fun i -> get { pos with i = i } <> n) [0 .. 8] &&
- List.forall (fun (i, j) -> get { i = i; j = j } <> n) [
- for i' in zoneRange pos.i do
- for j' in zoneRange pos.j -> i', j' ]
- let validNumbers pos =
- [
- let valid = isValid pos
- for n in 1 .. 9 do
- if valid n then yield n ]
- let show (output : TextWriter) =
- for i in 0 .. size - 1 do
- for j in 0 .. size - 1 do
- if board.[i, j] = 0
- then output.Write '.'
- else output.Write board.[i, j]
- if (j + 1) % 3 = 0 && j <> size - 1 then
- output.Write '|'
- output.WriteLine ()
- if (i + 1) % 3 = 0 && i <> size - 1 then
- output.WriteLine "-----------"
- let presolve () =
- let (|OnlyOneNumber|_|) (pos : Pos) =
- if get pos <> 0
- then None
- else
- let numbers = Array.create 10 false
- let nb = ref 0
- let add n =
- if not numbers.[n]
- then
- numbers.[n] <- true
- nb := !nb + 1
- for i in 0 .. 8 do get { pos with i = i } |> add
- for j in 0 .. 8 do get { pos with j = j } |> add
- for i in zoneRange pos.i do
- for j in zoneRange pos.j do
- get { i = i; j = j } |> add
- match !nb with
- | 9 -> try Some (Array.findIndex not numbers) with _ -> None
- | 10 -> None
- | _ ->
- // For all remaining numbers.
- let remainingNumbers = Array.mapi (fun i p -> i, p) numbers
- |> Array.fold (fun acc (i, p) -> if not p then i :: acc else acc) []
- let rec findNumber numbers =
- match numbers with
- | [] -> None
- | n :: tail ->
- // If there is no other valid position, then the current is the only one.
- if seq {
- for i in 0 .. 8 do
- let pos' = { pos with i = i }
- if i <> pos.i && get pos' = 0
- then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id ||
- seq {
- for j in 0 .. 8 do
- let pos' = { pos with j = j }
- if j <> pos.j && get pos' = 0
- then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id ||
- seq {
- for i in zoneRange pos.i do
- for j in zoneRange pos.j do
- let pos' = { i = i; j = j }
- if pos' <> pos && get pos' = 0
- then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id
- then Some n
- else findNumber tail
- findNumber remainingNumbers
- while Seq.exists (fun pos ->
- match pos with
- | OnlyOneNumber n -> set pos n; true
- | _ -> false) AllPos do ()
- new (input : TextReader) =
- Board (seq {
- while input.Peek () <> -1 do
- match char (input.Read ()) with
- | ' ' | '.' | '0' -> yield 0
- | a when Char.IsDigit a -> yield int (Char.GetNumericValue a)
- | _ -> () } |> Seq.take 81)
- member this.Show = show
- member this.Solve () =
- let rec solveFrom pos : bool = // Returns true if the solution is valid and complete.
- match nextFree pos with
- | Some pos' ->
- if List.exists (fun n -> set pos' n; solveFrom pos') (validNumbers pos')
- then true
- else
- set pos' 0
- false
- | _ -> true
- presolve ()
- solveFrom { i = 0; j = -1 }
--- /dev/null
+#I "packages/FAKE/tools/"
+#r @"packages/FSharp.Compiler.Service/lib/net45/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll"
+#r @"packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
+open System.Diagnostics
+open Fake
+open Fake.EnvironmentHelper
+let buildDirDebug = "./build/Debug/"
+let buildDirRelease = "./build/Release/"
+Target "Clean" (fun _ ->
+ trace "Cleaning..."
+ CleanDir buildDirDebug
+ CleanDir buildDirRelease
+Target "Debug" (fun _ ->
+ trace "Building in Debug mode..."
+ !! "**/*.fsproj" |> MSBuildDebug buildDirDebug "Build" |> Log "Debug-Output:"
+Target "Release" (fun _ ->
+ trace "Building in Release mode..."
+ !! "**/*.fsproj" |> MSBuildRelease buildDirRelease "Build" |> Log "Release-Output:"
+Target "Deploy" (fun _ ->
+ trace "Deployement..."
+"Clean" ==> "Release"
+"Release" ==> "Deploy"
+RunTargetOrDefault "Debug"
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+packages/FAKE/tools/FAKE.exe build.fsx debug
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+chmod u+x packages/FAKE/tools/FAKE.exe
+packages/FAKE/tools/FAKE.exe build.fsx release
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+./build_debug.sh && mono build/Debug/SudokuSolver.exe #sudokus/mm_2016_25.txt
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+if [ ! -d .paket ]; then
+ echo "Installing Paket"
+ mkdir .paket
+ curl https://github.com/fsprojects/Paket/releases/download/1.4.0/paket.bootstrapper.exe -L --insecure -o .paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe
+ chmod u+x .paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe
+ .paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe
+ chmod u+x .paket/paket.exe
+ chmod u+x packages/FAKE/tools/FAKE.exe
+if [ ! -f paket.lock ]; then
+ echo "Installing dependencies"
+ .paket/paket.exe install
+ echo "Restoring dependencies"
+ .paket/paket.exe restore
--- /dev/null
+source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
+nuget FSharp.Compiler.Service
+nuget FAKE
+nuget Eto.Forms
+nuget Eto.Platform.Gtk3
+nuget GtkSharp
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+ |1 2|
+5 |8 7| 4
+ 4| 6|7
+641| | 32
+ | |
+72 | |916
+ 6|5 |1
+ 8 |7 4| 5
+ |2 3|
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ | 1 |
+17 | | 24
+ 9|7 3|1
+ 5| 4 |8
+3 |621| 9
+ 1| 7 |2
+ 2|4 8|3
+91 | | 87
+ | 6 |
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ 48| |7 2
+7 |94 |
+9 | | 6
+ 3 | 9 |
+ 9 |168| 3
+ | 2 | 5
+1 | | 9
+ | 83| 1
+2 7| |86
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ 7| 8 |92
+ 51| | 86
+49 | 6 | 3
+ |2 |
+8 4| |5 9
+ | 1|
+5 | 9 | 71
+78 | |46
+ 13| 2 |8
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ 6 |1 2| 3
+54 | | 82
+ | 7 |
+6 | 3 | 8
+ 9|7 8|2
+3 | 5 | 4
+ | 9 |
+72 | | 19
+ 8 |4 1| 5
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