(elChildren root)
+type ParseState = C.Cursor
+newtype Parse alpha = Parse {
+ runParse :: ParseState -> Either String (alpha, ParseState)
+ }
+identity :: alpha -> Parse alpha
+identity a = Parse (\s -> Right (a, s))
+parseNextSibilingContent :: Parse String
+parseNextSibilingContent =
+ getState ==> \initState ->
+ case nextSibilingElement initState of
+ Nothing ->
+ bail "no more sibiling slement"
+ Just (elem, cursor) ->
+ putState cursor ==> \_ ->
+ identity (strContent elem)
+getState :: Parse ParseState
+getState = Parse (\s -> Right (s, s))
+-- Remplace the current state by a new one.
+putState :: ParseState -> Parse ()
+putState s = Parse (\_ -> Right ((), s))
+-- Construct a parser which return a string error.
+bail :: String -> Parse alpha
+bail err = Parse $ \s ->
+ Left $
+ err ++ "\nFail at " ++
+ case C.current s of
+ Elem elem -> "element '" ++ qName (elName elem) ++ "'" ++ showLine (elLine elem)
+ Text txt -> "text '" ++ cdData txt ++ "'" ++ showLine (cdLine txt)
+ CRef cref -> "cref '" ++ cref
+ where
+ showLine line =
+ case line of
+ Just l -> " (line " ++ show l ++ ")"
+ Nothing -> ""
+(==>) :: Parse alpha -> (alpha -> Parse beta) -> Parse beta
+firstParser ==> secondParser = Parse chainedParser
+ where
+ chainedParser initState =
+ case runParse firstParser initState of
+ Left errMessage ->
+ Left errMessage
+ Right (firstResult, newState) ->
+ runParse (secondParser firstResult) newState
elementXMLToMovie :: Element -> Maybe Movie
elementXMLToMovie elem =
Just (emptyMovie, C.fromElement elem) >>?