**Result for part 2**: $(nb_bags_contained(\"shiny gold\", input_day7))
+# ╔═╡ c35b8110-3a0a-11eb-11e8-73b1b2080079
+md"## Day 8"
+# ╔═╡ 7c64c710-3a0c-11eb-17bb-1db527c932a3
+struct Instruction
+ operator :: Symbol
+ argument :: Int
+# ╔═╡ c8548b80-3a0a-11eb-067d-9dc6716dc325
+function parse_day8(lines)
+ map(lines) do line
+ splitted = split(line, ' ')
+ Instruction(Symbol(splitted[1]), parse(Int, splitted[2]))
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 9d1a8980-3a0d-11eb-380e-8fcaf30c849c
+function execute(instructions) :: Tuple{Bool, Int}
+ pos = 1
+ accumulator = 0
+ n = length(instructions)
+ visited_positions = falses(n)
+ while pos ≤ n && !visited_positions[pos]
+ visited_positions[pos] = true
+ ins = instructions[pos]
+ if ins.operator == :acc
+ accumulator += ins.argument
+ pos += 1
+ elseif ins.operator == :jmp
+ pos += ins.argument
+ else # :nop.
+ pos += 1
+ end
+ end
+ pos > n, accumulator
+# ╔═╡ 0f1d5380-3a10-11eb-2a71-1f0fddf65b70
+function fix_to_not_loop(instructions)
+ copy = deepcopy(instructions) # To avoid modifying the input.
+ function switch(pos)
+ if copy[pos].operator == :jmp
+ copy[pos] = Instruction(:nop, copy[pos].argument)
+ true
+ elseif copy[pos].operator == :nop
+ copy[pos] = Instruction(:jmp, copy[pos].argument)
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ for i ∈ 1:length(copy)
+ if switch(i)
+ finished, accumulator = execute(copy)
+ if finished
+ return accumulator
+ end
+ switch(i)
+ end
+ end
+# ╔═╡ d6afedee-3a0a-11eb-31d7-3f16633dbf5d
+ input = "nop +0
+acc +1
+jmp +4
+acc +3
+jmp -3
+acc -99
+acc +1
+jmp -4
+acc +6"
+ code = parse_day8(split(input, '\n'))
+ test1_part1 = execute(code)
+ test1_part2 = fix_to_not_loop(code)
+ md"
+Test 1, part 1: $(test1_part1 == (false, 5))
+Test 1, part 2: $(test1_part2 == 8)
+ "
+# ╔═╡ aa322be0-3a0e-11eb-27ec-d13acf9084aa
+input_day8 = parse_day8(readlines("data/day08.txt"))
+# ╔═╡ d867dd80-3a12-11eb-1ae7-3119a294b25a
+**Result for part 1**: $(execute(input_day8))
+**Result for part 2**: $(fix_to_not_loop(input_day8))
# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╟─661be9a0-353b-11eb-3598-a5b5245368cb
# ╟─f0dd4400-3313-11eb-3295-af913c2212fb
# ╟─30488570-388f-11eb-2ede-b10bdd1a06e8
# ╟─20351e70-396e-11eb-25da-87d7ef27f902
# ╟─e825e690-39f9-11eb-21bc-099cc7a9e389
+# ╟─c35b8110-3a0a-11eb-11e8-73b1b2080079
+# ╠═7c64c710-3a0c-11eb-17bb-1db527c932a3
+# ╠═c8548b80-3a0a-11eb-067d-9dc6716dc325
+# ╠═9d1a8980-3a0d-11eb-380e-8fcaf30c849c
+# ╠═0f1d5380-3a10-11eb-2a71-1f0fddf65b70
+# ╟─d6afedee-3a0a-11eb-31d7-3f16633dbf5d
+# ╟─aa322be0-3a0e-11eb-27ec-d13acf9084aa
+# ╟─d867dd80-3a12-11eb-1ae7-3119a294b25a