--- /dev/null
+Fichier : 1305121398-0001.png
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/imgRGBResampled.png}
+ \caption{Image originale}
+ \label{fig:imgRGBResampled}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/gtResampled.png}
+ \caption{Ground truth}
+ \label{fig:gtResampled}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/imgH.png}
+ \caption{Composante teinte (Hue)}
+ \label{fig:imgH}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/imgS.png}
+ \caption{Composante saturation}
+ \label{fig:imgS}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/imgHFiltered.png}
+ \caption{Composante teinte filtrée : filtre médian 5x5 + \it{morphological area closing}}
+ \label{fig:imgHFiltered}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/imgSFiltered.png}
+ \caption{Composante saturation filtrée : filtre médian 5x5 + \it{morphological area closing}}
+ \label{fig:imgSFiltered}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../granulometry_histogram.png}
+ \caption{Granulométrie \it{(Pattern spectrum)}}
+ \label{fig:granulometry_histogram}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/MH.png}
+ \caption{Marqueurs des parasites pour la composante teinte suite à l'application d'un maximum regional}
+ \label{fig:MH}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/MS.png}
+ \caption{Marqueurs des parasites pour la composante saturation suite à l'application d'un maximum regional}
+ \label{fig:MS}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/MHS.png}
+ \caption{Intersection entre MH et MS}
+ \label{fig:MHS}
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../output/THS.png}
+ \caption{Seuillage afin d'obtenir les parasites et globules blanc (actuellement erroné)}
+ \label{fig:THS}
--- /dev/null
+% Detection of parasites by means of granulometry and regional maxima.
+%% Parameters
+imageFolder = '1305121398';
+imageNumber = '0001';
+scaleFactor = 0.6;
+% Load the image and its ground truth.
+[imgRGB, gt] = loadImg(imageFolder, imageNumber);
+%% Extracting of H, S and V components
+% Resample the image and its ground truth.
+imgRGBResampled = imresize(imgRGB, scaleFactor);
+gtResampled = imresize(gt, scaleFactor);
+imgHSV = rgb2hsv(imgRGBResampled);
+imgH = imgHSV(:, :, 1) * 255;
+% We shift the hue to have the greatest value for the nuclei.
+hueShiftValue = 195; % 100
+imgH = uint8(mod(255 - imgH + hueShiftValue, 256));
+imgS = uint8(imgHSV(:, :, 2) * 255);
+% imgV = uint8(imgHSV(:, :, 3) * 255); % The value component isn't used.
+% imgH = 255 - imgV; % We use the value component instead of the hue one (just for testing)
+% p. 136: median filter to smooth the noise and
+% area closing to enhance the bright objects and make flatter, darker and cleaner the image background.
+imgFiltered{1} = mmareaclose(medfilt2(imgH, [5, 5]), 400); % Hue.
+imgFiltered{2} = mmareaclose(medfilt2(imgS, [5, 5]), 400); % Saturation.
+% Shading correction with a Top-hat transformation (p. 673).
+% imgHFiltered = mmopenth(imgHFiltered, mmsedisk(80, '2D', 'OCTAGON'));
+% imgSFiltered = mmopenth(imgSFiltered, mmsedisk(80, '2D', 'OCTAGON'));
+%% Granulometry
+% We use the saturation component to find the red cells mean size.
+redCellMaxSize = 42; % Radius [px].
+funVolume = @(m) sum(sum(m));
+volImg = funVolume(imgFiltered{2});
+sizeDistribution = zeros(redCellMaxSize, 1);
+parfor k = 1:redCellMaxSize
+ SE = mmsedisk(k, '2D', 'OCTAGON');
+ imgOpened = mmopen(imgFiltered{2}, SE);
+ A = funVolume(imgOpened);
+ N = 1 - A / volImg;
+ sizeDistribution(k) = N;
+patternSpectrum = zeros(redCellMaxSize - 1, 1);
+for k = 1:redCellMaxSize - 1
+ patternSpectrum(k) = abs(sizeDistribution(k + 1) - sizeDistribution(k));
+% The paper choose the biggest red cell size among the possible red cell sizes. (FIXME)
+[m, c] = max(patternSpectrum);
+c = c + 3;
+nucleiRadius = 5; % Find a way to extract this information from the pattern spectrum histogram. (FIXME)
+%% Regional extrema
+% The size of the SE (c) must be equal to the size of red cells (see granulometry below).
+regionalMaxSE = mmsedisk(c, '2D', 'OCTAGON');
+parfor i = 1:2
+ % This operation is very time consuming!
+ M{i} = mmregmax(imgFiltered{i}, regionalMaxSE);
+nucleiSE = mmsedisk(nucleiRadius, '2D', 'OCTAGON');
+MHS = mmdil(M{1}, nucleiSE) & mmdil(M{2}, nucleiSE);
+volumeMHS = funVolume(~MHS);
+muH = funVolume(uint8(~MHS) .* imgFiltered{1}) / volumeMHS;
+muS = funVolume(uint8(~MHS) .* imgFiltered{2}) / volumeMHS;
+TH = im2bw(imgFiltered{1}, double(muH) / 255);
+TS = im2bw(imgFiltered{2}, double(muS) / 255);
+THS = TH & TS;
+%% Output
+mkdir('../output') % Just in case the 'output' directory doesn't exist.
+imwrite(imgRGBResampled, '../output/imgRGBResampled.png')
+imwrite(gtResampled, '../output/gtResampled.png')
+imwrite(imgH, '../output/imgH.png')
+imwrite(imgS, '../output/imgS.png')
+imwrite(M{1}, '../output/MH.png')
+imwrite(imgFiltered{1}, '../output/imgHFiltered.png');
+imwrite(M{2}, '../output/MS.png')
+imwrite(imgFiltered{2}, '../output/imgSFiltered.png');
+imwrite(MHS, '../output/MHS.png')
+imwrite(THS, '../output/THS.png')
+%% Display
+figure('Position', [100 100 1600 800])
+subplot(2, 4, 1);
+title(['Original: ', imageFolder, '/', imageNumber]);
+subplot(2, 4, 2);
+title('Hue component');
+subplot(2, 4, 3);
+title('Saturation component');
+subplot(2, 4, 4);
+subplot(2, 4, 5);
+subplot(2, 4, 6);
+subplot(2, 4, 7);
+% print("-f1"\92, "-dpng", "Toto.png")
--- /dev/null
+% These tests are mainly from http://mmorph.com/mxmorph/html/mmdemos/mmdcells.html
+% Load the image and its ground truth.
+imageFolder = '1305121398';
+imageNumber = '0001';
+[img, gt] = loadImg(imageFolder, imageNumber);
+% Resample the image and its ground truth.
+img = imresize(img, 0.2);
+gt = imresize(gt, 0.2);
+% Crop the image (for testing).
+% img = img(1:300, 1:300, :);
+% Image properties.
+[h, w, d] = size(img); % height, width, depth
+%% To gray.
+img = rgb2hsv(img);
+imgGray = zeros(h, w);
+% hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb);
+% S = hsv (:, :, 3);
+for i = 1:h
+ for j = 1:w
+ h = img(i, j, 1);
+ s = img(i, j, 2);
+ v = img(i, j, 3);
+ imgGray(i, j) = h;
+% if (h > 0.861 || h < 0.042) && s > 0.05 && v < 0.85
+% imgGray(i, j) = 255 * v;
+% else
+% imgGray(i, j) = 0;
+% end
+ end
+%% Normalization. // Pas forcément utile
+minimum = min(min(imgGray));
+maximum = max(max(imgGray));
+imgGrayNorm = uint8(255 * (imgGray - minimum) / (maximum - minimum));
+%% Morphologic transformation
+% Top-hat transformation (p 673).
+% Try to do some shading correction // MMOPENPH
+a = imgGrayNorm - mmopen(imgGrayNorm, mmsedisk(40)); % Octagon bcp plus rapide.
+% Area opening to flatten the cells.
+b = mmareaopen(a, 200);
+% Threshold the image to segment cells. // Seuil automatique: graythresh.
+% Seuil otsu -> mieux.
+c = mmcmp(uint8(0), '<=', b, '<=', uint8(45));
+% Smooth the cells and remove little holes.
+d = mmopen(c, mmsedisk(2, '2D', 'OCTAGON'));
+% Distance of each cell pixel to its border.
+e1 = mmdist(d, mmsebox, 'EUCLIDEAN');
+e2 = mmregmax(e1); % Regional maxima,default SE is a 3x3 cross.
+e = mmdil(e2); % Dilation by a 3x3 cross.
+% Watershed.
+f = mmneg(e1);
+fs = mmsurf(f);
+g = mmcwatershed(f, e, mmsebox);
+% Cell separation.
+h = mmintersec(c, mmneg(g));
+% Removing the cells touching the border and too small cells.
+i = mmopen(mmedgeoff(h), mmsedisk(3));
+% Create the border of each cell.
+j = mmgradm(i);
+figure('Position', [100 100 1000 800])
+subplot(2, 2, 1);
+title([imageFolder, '-', imageNumber]);
+subplot(2, 2, 2);
+subplot(2, 2, 3);
+subplot(2, 2, 4);
+figure('Position', [100 100 1000 800])
+subplot(2, 2, 1);
+subplot(2, 2, 2);
+title('Surface of e1');
+subplot(2, 2, 3);
+subplot(2, 2, 4);
+mmshow(imgGrayNorm, j);
+title('Original + j');
+% figure('Position', [100 100 1000 800])
+% colormap(gray);
+% subplot(2, 2, 1);
+% imagesc(f);
+% title('f');
+% subplot(2, 2, 2);
+% imagesc(fs);
+% title('fs');
+% image(imfuse(img, gt, 'blend'));
+% colormap('HSV')
+% image(gt);
+% colormap([0 0 0; 1 1 1]);
+% disp('Some tests ...');
filename = [name, '-', num, '.png'];
img = imread([imagesFolder, '/', name, '/', filename]);
- gt = imread([groundTruthFolder, '/', name, '/', filename]) ./ 255;
+ gt = imread([groundTruthFolder, '/', name, '/', filename]);
+++ /dev/null
-% Load the image and its ground truth.
-imageFolder = '1305121398';
-imageNumber = '0001';
-[img, gt] = loadImg(imageFolder, imageNumber);
-% Resample the image and its ground truth.
-img = imresize(img, 0.2);
-gt = imresize(img, 0.2);
-% Crop the image (for testing).
-% img = img(1:300, 1:300, :);
-% Image properties.
-[h, w, d] = size(img); % height, width, depth
-%% To gray.
-img = rgb2hsv(img);
-imgGray = zeros(h, w);
-for i = 1:h
- for j = 1:w
- h = img(i, j, 1);
- s = img(i, j, 2);
- v = img(i, j, 3);
- imgGray(i, j) = v;
-% if (h > 0.861 || h < 0.042) && s > 0.05 && v < 0.85
-% imgGray(i, j) = 255 * v;
-% else
-% imgGray(i, j) = 0;
-% end
- end
-%% Normalization.
-minimum = min(min(imgGray));
-maximum = max(max(imgGray));
-imgGrayNorm = uint8(255 * (imgGray - minimum) / (maximum - minimum));
-%% Morphologic transformation
-% Top-hat transformation (p 673).
-% Try to do some shading correction
-a = imgGrayNorm - mmopen(imgGrayNorm, mmsedisk(40));
-% Area opening to flatten the cells.
-b = mmareaopen(a, 200);
-% Threshold the image to segment cells.
-c = mmcmp(uint8(0), '<=', b, '<=', uint8(45));
-% Smooth the cells and remove little holes.
-d = mmopen(c, mmsedisk(2, '2D', 'OCTAGON'));
-% Distance of each cell pixel to its border.
-e1 = mmdist(d, mmsebox, 'EUCLIDEAN');
-e2 = mmregmax(e1); % Regional maxima,default SE is a 3x3 cross.
-e = mmdil(e2); % Dilation by a 3x3 cross.
-% Watershed.
-f = mmneg(e1);
-fs = mmsurf(f);
-g = mmcwatershed(f, e, mmsebox);
-% Cell separation.
-h = mmintersec(c, mmneg(g));
-% Removing the cells touching the border and too small cells.
-i = mmopen(mmedgeoff(h), mmsedisk(3));
-% Create the border of each cell.
-j = mmgradm(i);
-figure('Position', [100 100 1000 800])
-subplot(2, 2, 1);
-title([imageFolder, '-', imageNumber]);
-subplot(2, 2, 2);
-subplot(2, 2, 3);
-subplot(2, 2, 4);
-figure('Position', [100 100 1000 800])
-subplot(2, 2, 1);
-subplot(2, 2, 2);
-title('Surface of e1');
-subplot(2, 2, 3);
-subplot(2, 2, 4);
-mmshow(imgGrayNorm, j);
-title('Original + j');
-% figure('Position', [100 100 1000 800])
-% colormap(gray);
-% subplot(2, 2, 1);
-% imagesc(f);
-% title('f');
-% subplot(2, 2, 2);
-% imagesc(fs);
-% title('fs');
-% image(imfuse(img, gt, 'blend'));
-% colormap('HSV')
-% image(gt);
-% colormap([0 0 0; 1 1 1]);
-% disp('Some tests ...');