+use itertools::Itertools;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::cmp::Ordering;
+use std::rc::Rc;
-pub fn parse(input: &str) {
+pub struct Vault {
+ tunnels: Vec<Vec<char>>,
+ entrance: (i32, i32),
+const START_SYMBOL: char = '@';
+const WALL_SYMBOL: char = '#';
+const FLOOR_SYMBOL: char = '.';
+impl Vault {
+ pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Self {
+ let mut tunnels = Vec::<Vec<char>>::new();
+ let mut row = 0;
+ let mut entrance = (0, 0);
+ for line in input.lines() {
+ tunnels.push(line.trim().chars().collect::<Vec<char>>());
+ if let Some((col, _)) = tunnels.last().unwrap().iter().find_position(|c| c == &&START_SYMBOL) {
+ entrance = (row, col as i32);
+ }
+ row += 1;
+ }
+ Vault { tunnels, entrance }
+ }
+struct Node {
+ parent: Option<Rc<Node>>,
+ length_to_parent: u32,
+ key: char,
+struct NodeIterator {
+ current: Option<Rc<Node>>
+impl NodeIterator {
+ fn from(node: Rc<Node>) -> NodeIterator { NodeIterator { current: Some(node) } }
+impl Iterator for NodeIterator {
+ type Item = Rc<Node>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Rc<Node>> {
+ let next = self.current.as_ref().map(|n| Rc::clone(n));
+ self.current =
+ match self.current.as_ref() {
+ Some(n) => n.parent.as_ref().map(|n| Rc::clone(n)),
+ None => None
+ };
+ next
+ }
+impl Node {
+ fn new(parent: Option<Rc<Node>>, length_to_parent: u32, key: char) -> Self {
+ Node { parent, length_to_parent, key }
+ }
+fn iter(node: Rc<Node>) -> NodeIterator {
+ NodeIterator::from(node)
+fn nb_of_keys(node: Rc<Node>) -> u32 { iter(node).count() as u32 - 1 }
+fn length(node: Rc<Node>) -> u32 { iter(node).fold(0, |sum, node| sum + node.length_to_parent) }
+fn can_open(node: Rc<Node>, door: char) -> bool {
+ let key_needed = door.to_ascii_lowercase();
+ iter(node).any(|node| node.key == key_needed)
+fn has_key(node: Rc<Node>, key: char) -> bool {
+ iter(node).any(|node| node.key == key)
+pub fn nb_steps_to_collect_all_key(vault: &Vault) -> u32 {
+ //dbg!(vault);
+ fn find_keys(from : (i32, i32), parent: Rc<Node>, vault: &Vault) -> Vec<Rc<Node>> {
+ let mut to_visit = vec![(from, 1)];
+ let mut visited_positions: HashSet<(i32, i32)> = HashSet::new();
+ let mut reachable_keys = Vec::<Rc<Node>>::new();
+ //println!("find_keys: from:{:?}", from);
+ //println!("Nb of keys: {}", nb_of_keys(Rc::clone(&parent)));
+ while let Some((pos, steps)) = to_visit.pop() {
+ //println!("Pos to visit: {:?}", pos);
+ visited_positions.insert(pos);
+ //steps += 1;
+ for pos_d in &[(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)] {
+ let adjacent = (pos.0 + pos_d.0, pos.1 + pos_d.1);
+ //println!("Adjacent: {:?}", adjacent);
+ if adjacent.0 >= 0 && adjacent.0 < vault.tunnels.len() as i32 && adjacent.1 >= 0 && adjacent.1 < vault.tunnels[0].len() as i32 && !visited_positions.contains(&adjacent) {
+ match vault.tunnels[adjacent.0 as usize][adjacent.1 as usize] {
+ // Simple floor or a door or a owned key.
+ c if c == FLOOR_SYMBOL || c == START_SYMBOL || c.is_ascii_uppercase() && can_open(Rc::clone(&parent), c) || c.is_ascii_lowercase() && has_key(Rc::clone(&parent), c) => {
+ //println!("-> To visit");
+ to_visit.push((adjacent, steps + 1));
+ },
+ c if c.is_ascii_lowercase() => { // A non-owned key.
+ //println!("-> A new key! {:?}", c);
+ visited_positions.insert(adjacent);
+ let node = Rc::new(Node::new(Some(Rc::clone(&parent)), steps, c));
+ reachable_keys.append(&mut find_keys(adjacent, node, vault));
+ },
+ WALL_SYMBOL | _ => (), //println!("-> WALL"),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if reachable_keys.is_empty() {
+ reachable_keys.push(parent);
+ }
+ reachable_keys
+ }
+ let root = Rc::new(Node::new(None, 0, START_SYMBOL));
+ let nodes = find_keys(vault.entrance, root, vault);
+ nodes.iter().map(|n| (length(Rc::clone(n)), nb_of_keys(Rc::clone(n)))).sorted_by(|(l1, n1), (l2, n2)| n1.cmp(&n2).then(l1.cmp(&l2))).nth(0).unwrap().0
+pub fn nb_steps_to_collect_all_key(vault: &Vault) -> u32 {
+ 42
mod tests {
use super::*;
+ let vault = Vault::parse(input);
+ let steps = nb_steps_to_collect_all_key(&vault);
+ println!("Steps: {}", steps);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sample2() {
+ let input =
+ "########################
+ #f.D.E.e.C.b.A.@.a.B.c.#
+ ######################.#
+ #d.....................#
+ ########################";
+ let vault = Vault::parse(input);
+ let steps = nb_steps_to_collect_all_key(&vault);
+ println!("Steps: {}", steps);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sample3() {
+ let input =
+ "########################
+ #...............b.C.D.f#
+ #.######################
+ #.....@.a.B.c.d.A.e.F.g#
+ ########################";
+ let vault = Vault::parse(input);
+ let steps = nb_steps_to_collect_all_key(&vault);
+ println!("Steps: {}", steps);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sample4() {
+ let input =
+ "#################
+ #..G..c...e..H..#
+ ########.########
+ #..A..b...f..D..#
+ ########@########
+ #..E..a...g..B..#
+ ########.########
+ #..F..d...h..C..#
+ #################";
+ let vault = Vault::parse(input);
+ let steps = nb_steps_to_collect_all_key(&vault);
+ println!("Steps: {}", steps);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_sample5() {
+ let input =
+ "########################
+ #@..............ac.GI.b#
+ ###d#e#f################
+ ###A#B#C################
+ ###g#h#i################
+ ########################";
+ let vault = Vault::parse(input);
+ let steps = nb_steps_to_collect_all_key(&vault);
+ println!("Steps: {}", steps);
\ No newline at end of file