+++ /dev/null
-// coding: utf-8\r
-// Copyright 2008 Grégory Burri\r
-// This file is part of Euphorik.\r
-// Euphorik is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\r
-// (at your option) any later version.\r
-// Euphorik is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
-// GNU General Public License for more details.\r
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
-// along with Euphorik. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\r
-/*jslint laxbreak:true */\r
- * An object for text formatting like Wiki syntax or smiles substitution.\r
- * TODO : improve the performance of the smiles substitution\r
- */\r
-euphorik.Formater = function() {\r
- this.smiles = euphorik.conf.smiles;\r
- this.protocols = "http|https|ed2k";\r
- \r
- this.regexUrl = new RegExp("(?:(?:" + this.protocols + ")://|www\\.)[^ ]*", "gi");\r
- this.regexImg = new RegExp("^.*?\\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg|bmp|tiff)$", "i");\r
- this.regexDomain = new RegExp("^(?:(?:" + this.protocols + ")://)(.*?)(?:$|/).*$", "i");\r
- this.regexTestIfProtocolExists = new RegExp("^(?:" + this.protocols + ")://.*$", "i");\r
- this.regexProtocolName = new RegExp("^(.*?)://");\r
- * Formats a nick given by the user.\r
- * Trim and remove "{..}".\r
- * @param nick the given nick\r
- * @return the cleaned nick\r
- */\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.formatNick = function(nick) {\r
- return nick.replace(/\{|\}/g, "").trim();\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.getSmilesHTML = function() {\r
- var XHTML = "";\r
- objectEach(this.smiles, function(name) {\r
- XHTML += "<img class=\"" + name + "\" src=\"img/smileys/" + name + ".gif\" alt =\"" + name + "\" />";\r
- });\r
- return XHTML;\r
- * Complete fomratting process applied to a text.\r
- * - Remove HTML markups\r
- * - Substitutes wiki syntax with HTML\r
- * - Replaces URL with 'a' tag\r
- * - Replaces smiles with HTML\r
- * - Replaces the link to a conversation with HTML\r
- * @m the raw message\r
- * @nick optional, attaches the nick and the message to each images like "<pseudo> : <message>"\r
- */\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.completeProcessing = function(m, nick) {\r
- return this.processConversationLinks(this.processSmiles(this.traiterURL(this.traiterWikiSyntaxe(this.remplacerBalisesHTML(m)), nick)));\r
- * Processes all conversation links.\r
- * The user can click on a conversation link to open it.\r
- * A link is a number in between brackets like that : "{5F}" where '5F' is the id of the root message.\r
- * This link will be turn in '<span class="conversationLink">{5F}</span>' which can be clicked to open the '5F' conversation.\r
- */\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.processConversationLinks = function(m) {\r
- return m.replace(\r
- /\{\w+\}/g,\r
- function(lien) {\r
- return "<span class=\"conversationLink\">" + lien + "</span>";\r
- }\r
- );\r
- * Substitute the smiles (':)', ':P', etc.) with HTML.\r
- * FIXME : This function is very heavy, to optimize !\r
- * Average : 234ms\r
- */\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.processSmiles = function(m) { \r
- objectEach(this.smiles, function(name, smiles) {\r
- for (var i = 0; i < smiles.length; i++) {\r
- m = m.replace(smiles[i], "<img src=\"img/smileys/" + name + ".gif\" alt =\"" + name + "\" />");\r
- }\r
- });\r
- return m;\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.remplacerBalisesHTML = function(m) {\r
- return m.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """);\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.traiterURL = function(m, nick) {\r
- var thisFormater = this;\r
- var traitementUrl = function(url) { \r
- // si ya pas de protocole on rajoute "http://"\r
- if (!thisFormater.regexTestIfProtocolExists.test(url)) {\r
- url = "http://" + url;\r
- }\r
- var extension = thisFormater.getShort(url);\r
- return "<a " + (extension[1] ? "title=\"" + (nick ? thisFormater.traiterPourFenetreLightBox(nick, url) + ": " : "") + thisFormateur.traiterPourFenetreLightBox(m, url) + "\"" + " rel=\"lightbox\"" : "") + " href=\"" + url + "\" >[" + extension[0] + "]</a>";\r
- };\r
- return m.replace(this.regexUrl, traitementUrl);\r
- * Formatage en utilisant un sous-ensemble des règles de Textile : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile_(markup_language).\r
- * par exemple _italic_ devient <i>italic</i>.\r
- */\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.traiterWikiSyntaxe = function(m) {\r
- return m.replace(\r
- /(?:^| )_(.*?)_(?:$| )/g,\r
- function(texte, c1, c2, c3) {\r
- return '<em>' + c1 + c2 + c3 + '</em>';\r
- }\r
- ).replace(\r
- /(?:^| )\*(.*?)\*(?:$| )/g,\r
- function(texte, c1, c2, c3) {\r
- return '<strong>' + c1 + c2 + c3 + '</strong>';\r
- }\r
- );\r
- * Renvoie une version courte de l'url.\r
- * par exemple : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakov_Smirnoff devient en.wikipedia.org\r
- */\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.getShort = function(url) {\r
- var estUneImage = false;\r
- var versionShort = null;\r
- var rechercheImg = this.regexImg.exec(url);\r
- \r
- if (rechercheImg) {\r
- versionShort = rechercheImg[1].toLowerCase();\r
- if (versionShort === "jpeg") {\r
- versionShort = "jpg"; // jpeg -> jpg\r
- }\r
- estUneImage = true;\r
- } else {\r
- var rechercheDomaine = this.regexDomain.exec(url);\r
- if (rechercheDomaine && rechercheDomaine.length >= 2) {\r
- versionShort = rechercheDomaine[1];\r
- } else {\r
- var protocolName = this.regexProtocolName.exec(url);\r
- if (protocolName && protocolName.length >= 2) {\r
- versionShort = protocolName[1];\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
- return [versionShort ? versionShort : "url", estUneImage];\r
- };\r
- \r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.supprimerSmiles = function(m) {\r
- objectEach(this.smiles, function(name, smiles) {\r
- for (var i = 0; i < smiles.length; i++) {\r
- m = m.replace(smiles[i], "");\r
- }\r
- });\r
- return m;\r
- * Traite les nick et messages à être affiché dans le titre d'une image visualisé avec lightbox.\r
- * Supprime les smiles pour pas qu'ils puissent être remplacés par la fonction 'processSmiles'.\r
- * TODO : trouver un moyen pour que les smiles puissent être conservés\r
- */\r
-euphorik.Formater.prototype.traiterPourFenetreLightBox = function(M, urlCourante) {\r
- var thisFormater = this;\r
- var traitementUrl = function(url) {\r
- return "[" + thisFormater.getShort(url)[0] + (urlCourante === url ? "*" : "") + "]";\r
- };\r
- \r
- return this.remplacerBalisesHTML(this.supprimerSmiles(M)).replace(this.regexUrl, traitementUrl);\r
--- /dev/null
+// coding: utf-8\r
+// Copyright 2008 Grégory Burri\r
+// This file is part of Euphorik.\r
+// Euphorik is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\r
+// (at your option) any later version.\r
+// Euphorik is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+// GNU General Public License for more details.\r
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
+// along with Euphorik. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\r
+/*jslint laxbreak:true */\r
+ * An object for text formatting like Wiki syntax or smiles substitution.\r
+ * TODO : improve the performance of the smiles substitution\r
+ */\r
+euphorik.Formatter = function() {\r
+ this.smiles = euphorik.conf.smiles;\r
+ this.protocols = "http|https|ed2k";\r
+ \r
+ this.regexUrl = new RegExp("(?:(?:" + this.protocols + ")://|www\\.)[^ ]*", "gi");\r
+ this.regexImg = new RegExp("^.*?\\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg|bmp|tiff)$", "i");\r
+ this.regexDomain = new RegExp("^(?:(?:" + this.protocols + ")://)(.*?)(?:$|/).*$", "i");\r
+ this.regexTestIfProtocolExists = new RegExp("^(?:" + this.protocols + ")://.*$", "i");\r
+ this.regexProtocolName = new RegExp("^(.*?)://");\r
+ * Formats a nick given by the user.\r
+ * Trim and remove "{..}".\r
+ * @param nick the given nick\r
+ * @return the cleaned nick\r
+ */\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.formatNick = function(nick) {\r
+ return nick.replace(/\{|\}/g, "").trim();\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.getSmilesHTML = function() {\r
+ var XHTML = "";\r
+ objectEach(this.smiles, function(name) {\r
+ XHTML += "<img class=\"" + name + "\" src=\"img/smileys/" + name + ".gif\" alt =\"" + name + "\" />";\r
+ });\r
+ return XHTML;\r
+ * Complete fomratting process applied to a text.\r
+ * - Remove HTML markups\r
+ * - Substitutes wiki syntax with HTML\r
+ * - Replaces URL with 'a' tag\r
+ * - Replaces smiles with HTML\r
+ * - Replaces the link to a conversation with HTML\r
+ * @m the raw message\r
+ * @nick optional, attaches the nick and the message to each images like "<pseudo> : <message>"\r
+ */\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.completeProcessing = function(m, nick) {\r
+ return this.processConversationLinks(this.processSmiles(this.traiterURL(this.traiterWikiSyntaxe(this.remplacerBalisesHTML(m)), nick)));\r
+ * Processes all conversation links.\r
+ * The user can click on a conversation link to open it.\r
+ * A link is a number in between brackets like that : "{5F}" where '5F' is the id of the root message.\r
+ * This link will be turn in '<span class="conversationLink">{5F}</span>' which can be clicked to open the '5F' conversation.\r
+ */\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.processConversationLinks = function(m) {\r
+ return m.replace(\r
+ /\{\w+\}/g,\r
+ function(lien) {\r
+ return "<span class=\"conversationLink\">" + lien + "</span>";\r
+ }\r
+ );\r
+ * Substitute the smiles (':)', ':P', etc.) with HTML.\r
+ * FIXME : This function is very heavy, to optimize !\r
+ * Average : 234ms\r
+ */\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.processSmiles = function(m) {\r
+ objectEach(this.smiles, function(name, smiles) {\r
+ for (var i = 0; i < smiles.length; i++) {\r
+ m = m.replace(smiles[i], "<img src=\"img/smileys/" + name + ".gif\" alt =\"" + name + "\" />");\r
+ }\r
+ });\r
+ return m;\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.remplacerBalisesHTML = function(m) {\r
+ return m.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """);\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.traiterURL = function(m, nick) {\r
+ var thisFormater = this;\r
+ var traitementUrl = function(url) { \r
+ // si ya pas de protocole on rajoute "http://"\r
+ if (!thisFormater.regexTestIfProtocolExists.test(url)) {\r
+ url = "http://" + url;\r
+ }\r
+ var extension = thisFormater.getShort(url);\r
+ return "<a " + (extension[1] ? "title=\"" + (nick ? thisFormater.traiterPourFenetreLightBox(nick, url) + ": " : "") + thisFormateur.traiterPourFenetreLightBox(m, url) + "\"" + " rel=\"lightbox\"" : "") + " href=\"" + url + "\" >[" + extension[0] + "]</a>";\r
+ };\r
+ return m.replace(this.regexUrl, traitementUrl);\r
+ * Formatage en utilisant un sous-ensemble des règles de Textile : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile_(markup_language).\r
+ * par exemple _italic_ devient <i>italic</i>.\r
+ */\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.traiterWikiSyntaxe = function(m) {\r
+ return m.replace(\r
+ /(?:^| )_(.*?)_(?:$| )/g,\r
+ function(texte, c1, c2, c3) {\r
+ return '<em>' + c1 + c2 + c3 + '</em>';\r
+ }\r
+ ).replace(\r
+ /(?:^| )\*(.*?)\*(?:$| )/g,\r
+ function(texte, c1, c2, c3) {\r
+ return '<strong>' + c1 + c2 + c3 + '</strong>';\r
+ }\r
+ );\r
+ * Renvoie une version courte de l'url.\r
+ * par exemple : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakov_Smirnoff devient en.wikipedia.org\r
+ */\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.getShort = function(url) {\r
+ var estUneImage = false;\r
+ var versionShort = null;\r
+ var rechercheImg = this.regexImg.exec(url);\r
+ \r
+ if (rechercheImg) {\r
+ versionShort = rechercheImg[1].toLowerCase();\r
+ if (versionShort === "jpeg") {\r
+ versionShort = "jpg"; // jpeg -> jpg\r
+ }\r
+ estUneImage = true;\r
+ } else {\r
+ var rechercheDomaine = this.regexDomain.exec(url);\r
+ if (rechercheDomaine && rechercheDomaine.length >= 2) {\r
+ versionShort = rechercheDomaine[1];\r
+ } else {\r
+ var protocolName = this.regexProtocolName.exec(url);\r
+ if (protocolName && protocolName.length >= 2) {\r
+ versionShort = protocolName[1];\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ return [versionShort ? versionShort : "url", estUneImage];\r
+ };\r
+ \r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.supprimerSmiles = function(m) {\r
+ objectEach(this.smiles, function(name, smiles) {\r
+ for (var i = 0; i < smiles.length; i++) {\r
+ m = m.replace(smiles[i], "");\r
+ }\r
+ });\r
+ return m;\r
+ * Traite les nick et messages à être affiché dans le titre d'une image visualisé avec lightbox.\r
+ * Supprime les smiles pour pas qu'ils puissent être remplacés par la fonction 'processSmiles'.\r
+ * TODO : trouver un moyen pour que les smiles puissent être conservés\r
+ */\r
+euphorik.Formatter.prototype.traiterPourFenetreLightBox = function(M, urlCourante) {\r
+ var thisFormater = this;\r
+ var traitementUrl = function(url) {\r
+ return "[" + thisFormater.getShort(url)[0] + (urlCourante === url ? "*" : "") + "]";\r
+ };\r
+ \r
+ return this.remplacerBalisesHTML(this.supprimerSmiles(M)).replace(this.regexUrl, traitementUrl);\r