import System.IO (readFile, FilePath(..))
+import System.Directory (
+ getDirectoryContents
+ , doesDirectoryExist
+ )
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import Data.List
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.XML.Light
+import Control.Monad (foldM)
type Movies = [Movie]
, url :: String
} deriving (Show)
-data Arg = XML | MoviesDir deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Arg = XML | MovieDir deriving (Show, Eq)
type Args = [(Arg, String)]
main = do
case checkArgs $ readArgs args of
Nothing -> printf usage progName
Just args -> do
- let dir = case lookup MoviesDir args of
- Just d -> d
- Nothing -> "."
+ let Just dir = lookup MovieDir args
+ let Just xmlFile = lookup XML args
paths <- moviePaths dir
- file <- readFile "../xml/test.xml"
- print $ parseXMLDoc file
+ movies <- readXMLFile xmlFile
+ print movies
+ print paths
movieExtenstions = ["avi", "mkv", "rmvb", "ogm", "divx"]
-usage = "Usage : %s -x <XML file> [-d <Movies dir>]\n"
+usage = "Usage : %s -d <Movies dir> -x <XML file>\n"
checkArgs :: Maybe Args -> Maybe Args
checkArgs Nothing = Nothing
-checkArgs (Just args) = if any (\(a, _) -> a == XML) args
- then Just args
- else Nothing
+checkArgs (Just args) =
+ case (lookup XML args, lookup MovieDir args) of
+ (Just _, Just _) -> Just args
+ otherwise -> Nothing
readArgs :: [String] -> Maybe Args
readArgs (name:value:rest)
| name == "-x" = (XML, value) <:> readArgs rest
- | name == "-d" = (MoviesDir, value) <:> readArgs rest
+ | name == "-d" = (MovieDir, value) <:> readArgs rest
| otherwise = Nothing
_ <:> Nothing = Nothing
readArgs (_) = Just []
moviePaths :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-moviePaths dir = undefined
+moviePaths dir = do
+ paths <- filePaths (\filename ->
+ any (`isSuffixOf` filename) movieExtenstions) dir
+ -- Keep only the relative path.
+ return $ map (drop $ Data.List.length dir + 1) paths
+filePaths :: (String -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
+filePaths predicat baseDir = do
+ processDir baseDir
+ where
+ processDir dir = do
+ contents <- getDirectoryContents dir
+ foldM (\acc entry -> do
+ let absDir = dir </> entry
+ doesDirectoryExist absDir >>= \exists ->
+ if exists
+ then do
+ paths <- processDir absDir
+ return (paths ++ acc)
+ else
+ if predicat entry
+ then
+ return (absDir : acc)
+ else
+ return acc)
+ []
+ (contents \\ ["..", "."])
readXMLFile :: FilePath -> IO Movies
readXMLFile file = undefined
+ file <- readFile "../xml/test.xml"
+ --print $ parseXMLDoc file
writeXMLFile :: Movies -> FilePath -> IO ()
writeXMLFile movies file = undefined