+module Parasitemia.GUI
+open System.IO
+open System.Windows
+open System.Windows.Media
+open System.Windows.Markup
+open System.Windows.Shapes
+open System.Windows.Controls
+open System.Drawing
+open System.Diagnostics
+open Microsoft.Win32 // For the common dialogs.
+open Emgu.CV
+open Emgu.CV.Structure
+open Emgu.CV.WPF
+open Config
+let run (defaultConfig: Config) =
+ let app = new Application()
+ let mainWindow = Views.MainWindow()
+ let ctrl (name: string): 'a =
+ mainWindow.Root.FindName(name) :?> 'a
+ // Utils.log <- (fun m -> log mainWindow m)
+ let state = State.State()
+ let exit: Controls.MenuItem = ctrl "menuExit"
+ let save: Controls.MenuItem = ctrl "menuSave"
+ let load: Controls.MenuItem = ctrl "menuOpen"
+ let txtPatient: Controls.TextBox = ctrl "txtPatient"
+ let synchronizeState () =
+ state.PatientID <- txtPatient.Text
+ let synchronizeView () =
+ txtPatient.Text <- state.PatientID
+ exit.Click.AddHandler(fun obj args -> mainWindow.Root.Close())
+ save.Click.AddHandler(fun obj args ->
+ synchronizeState ()
+ if state.FilePath = ""
+ then
+ let dialog = SaveFileDialog(AddExtension = true, DefaultExt = Pia.extension, Filter = Pia.filter);
+ let res = dialog.ShowDialog()
+ if res.HasValue && res.Value
+ then
+ state.FilePath <- dialog.FileName
+ state.Save()
+ else
+ state.Save())
+ load.Click.AddHandler(fun obj args ->
+ // TODO: if current state not saved and not empty, ask to save it.
+ let dialog = OpenFileDialog(Filter = Pia.filter)
+ let res = dialog.ShowDialog()
+ if res.HasValue && res.Value
+ then
+ state.FilePath <- dialog.FileName
+ state.Load()
+ synchronizeView ())
+ (*let txtPatient: Controls.TextBox = ctrl "txtPatient"
+ txtPatient.TextChanged.AddHandler(fun obj args ->
+ state.PatientID <- txtPatient.Text)*)
+ (*saveFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*" ;
+ saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2 ;
+ saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true ;*)
+ // display mainWindow img
+ mainWindow.Root.Show()
+ app.Run()
\ No newline at end of file