module SudokuSolver.Version1 open System open System.Threading open System.IO open System.Collections.Generic let printUsage progname = printfn "Usage: %A " progname [] type Pos (i: int, j: int) = member this.I = i member this.J = j member this.Next : Pos option = match this.I, this.J with | 8, 8 -> None | _, 8 -> Some (Pos(this.I + 1, 0)) | _ -> Some (Pos(this.I, this.J + 1)) override this.ToString() = sprintf "Pos(i = %i, j = %i)" this.I this.J let zoneRange c = match c with | 0 | 1 | 2 -> [ 0 .. 2 ] | 3 | 4 | 5 -> [ 3 .. 5 ] | _ -> [ 6 .. 8 ] // All possible positions. let allPos = [ for i in 0 .. 8 do for j in 0 .. 8 -> Pos(i, j) ] let size = 9 type Board (values: int [,]) = let board = Array2D.create size size 0 do Array2D.blit values 0 0 board 0 0 size size let get (pos: Pos) = board.[pos.I, pos.J] let set (pos: Pos) (value: int) = board.[pos.I, pos.J] <- value let rec nextFree (pos: Pos) : Pos option = match pos.Next with | Some pos -> if get pos = 0 then Some pos else nextFree pos | _ -> None let isValid (pos: Pos) (n: int) = List.forall (fun j -> if j = pos.J then true else get (Pos(pos.I, j)) <> n) [ 0 .. 8 ] && List.forall (fun i -> if i = pos.I then true else get (Pos(i, pos.J)) <> n) [ 0 .. 8 ] && List.forall (fun (i, j) -> if i = pos.I && j = pos.J then true else get (Pos(i, j)) <> n) [ for i' in zoneRange pos.I do for j' in zoneRange pos.J -> i', j' ] let validNumbers pos = seq { let valid = isValid pos for n in 1 .. 9 do if valid n then yield n } let show (output: TextWriter) = for i in 0 .. size - 1 do for j in 0 .. size - 1 do if board.[i, j] = 0 then output.Write '.' else output.Write board.[i, j] if (j + 1) % 3 = 0 && j <> size - 1 then output.Write '|' output.WriteLine() if (i + 1) % 3 = 0 && i <> size - 1 then output.WriteLine "-----------" let presolve () = let (|OnlyOneNumber|_|) (pos : Pos) = if get pos <> 0 then None else let numbers = Array.create 10 false let mutable nb = 0 let add n = if not numbers.[n] then numbers.[n] <- true nb <- nb + 1 for i in 0 .. 8 do get (Pos(i, pos.J)) |> add for j in 0 .. 8 do get (Pos(pos.I, j)) |> add for i in zoneRange pos.I do for j in zoneRange pos.J do get (Pos(i, j)) |> add match nb with | 9 -> Array.tryFindIndex not numbers | 10 -> None | _ -> // For all remaining numbers. let remainingNumbers = Array.mapi(fun i p -> i, p) numbers |> Array.fold(fun acc (i, p) -> if not p then i :: acc else acc) [] let rec findNumber numbers = match numbers with | [] -> None | n :: tail -> // If there is no other valid position, then the current is the only one. if seq { for i in 0 .. 8 do let pos' = Pos(i, pos.J) if i <> pos.I && get pos' = 0 then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id || seq { for j in 0 .. 8 do let pos' = Pos(pos.I, j) if j <> pos.J && get pos' = 0 then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id || seq { for i in zoneRange pos.I do for j in zoneRange pos.J do let pos' = Pos(i, j) if pos' <> pos && get pos' = 0 then yield not (isValid pos' n) } |> Seq.forall id then Some n else findNumber tail findNumber remainingNumbers while allPos |> List.exists (fun pos -> match pos with | OnlyOneNumber n -> set pos n; true | _ -> false) do () new (input: TextReader) = let matrix = Array2D.create size size 0 [ while input.Peek () <> -1 do match char (input.Read()) with | ' ' | '.' | '0' -> yield 0 | a when Char.IsDigit a -> yield int (Char.GetNumericValue a) | _ -> () ] |> List.take (size * size) |> allPos |> List.iter(fun (pos, value) -> matrix.[pos.I, pos.J] <- value) Board(matrix) member this.Show = show member this.Values : int [,] = Array2D.copy board member this.SolveAsync (token: CancellationToken) : Async = async { let rec solveFrom pos : bool = // Returns true if the solution is valid and complete. if token.IsCancellationRequested then false else match nextFree pos with | Some pos' -> if validNumbers pos' |> Seq.exists (fun n -> set pos' n; solveFrom pos') then true else set pos' 0 false | _ -> true let valid = allPos |> List.forall ( fun p -> let n = get p if n = 0 then true else isValid p n) return if not valid then false else presolve () solveFrom (Pos(0, -1)) } member this.Solve () : bool = let cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource() this.SolveAsync(cancellation.Token) |> Async.RunSynchronously