[package] name = "rup" version = "1.0.0" authors = ["Grégory Burri "] edition = "2018" [dependencies] actix-web = "2.0" actix-rt = "1.1" actix-files = "0.2" serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] } openssl = "0.10" listenfd = "0.3" # To watch file modifications and automatically launch a build process (only used in dev/debug). ron = "0.6" # Rust object notation, to load configuration files. itertools = "0.9" percent-encoding = "2.1" base64 = "0.12" rand = "0.7" r2d2_sqlite = "0.15" # Connection pool with rusqlite (SQLite access). r2d2 = "0.8" futures = "0.3" # Needed by askam with the feature 'with-actix-web'. common = { path = "../common" } [dependencies.rusqlite] version = "0.22" features = ["bundled"] # Template system. [dependencies.askama] version = "0.9" features = ["with-actix-web"]