module ParasitemiaCore.ParasitesMarker open System.Drawing open System.Linq open Emgu.CV open Emgu.CV.Structure open Utils open Histogram open Otsu open Morpho open ImgTools type Result = { darkStain: Image // Colored pixel, it's independent of the size of the areas. It corresponds to white cells, schizontes, gametocytes, throphozoites. nucleus: Image // Parasite nucleus. It may contain some debris. It shouldn't contain thrombocytes or larger elements. parasite: Image } // The whole parasites. let find (img: Image) (config: Config.Config) : Result * Image * Image = let imgWithoutNucleus = img.Copy() areaCloseF imgWithoutNucleus (roundInt config.RBCRadius.NucleusArea) let darkStain = // We use the filtered image to find the dark stain. let _, mean_fg, mean_bg = let hist = histogramImg imgWithoutNucleus 300 otsu hist imgWithoutNucleus.Cmp(-(float mean_bg) * config.Parameters.darkStainLevel + (float mean_fg), CvEnum.CmpType.LessThan) let marker (img: Image) (closed: Image) (level: float) : Image = let diff = img.Copy() diff._Mul(level) CvInvoke.Subtract(closed, diff, diff) diff._ThresholdBinary(Gray(0.0), Gray(255.)) diff.Convert() let nucleusMarker = marker img imgWithoutNucleus (1. / config.Parameters.infectionSensitivity) let imgWithoutParasite = img.CopyBlank() let kernelSize = let size = roundInt (config.RBCRadius.Pixel / 5.f) if size % 2 = 0 then size + 1 else size use kernel = if kernelSize <= 3 then CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(CvEnum.ElementShape.Rectangle, Size(3, 3), Point(-1, -1)) else CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(CvEnum.ElementShape.Ellipse, Size(kernelSize, kernelSize), Point(-1, -1)) CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(img, imgWithoutParasite, CvEnum.MorphOp.Close, kernel, Point(-1, -1), 1, CvEnum.BorderType.Replicate, MCvScalar()) let parasiteMarker = marker img imgWithoutParasite (1. / config.Parameters.cytoplasmSensitivity) { darkStain = darkStain nucleus = nucleusMarker parasite = parasiteMarker }, imgWithoutParasite, imgWithoutNucleus