module KdTree open System type I2DCoords = abstract X : float abstract Y : float // Compare 'e1' and 'e2' by X. let cmpX (e1: I2DCoords) (e2: I2DCoords) : int = match e1.X.CompareTo(e2.X) with | 0 -> match e1.Y.CompareTo(e2.Y) with | 0 -> e1.GetHashCode().CompareTo(e2.GetHashCode()) | v -> v | v -> v // Compare 'e1' and 'e2' by Y. let cmpY (e1: I2DCoords) (e2: I2DCoords) : int = match e1.Y.CompareTo(e2.Y) with | 0 -> match e1.X.CompareTo(e2.X) with | 0 -> e1.GetHashCode().CompareTo(e2.GetHashCode()) | v -> v | v -> v type Region = { minX: float; maxX: float; minY: float; maxY: float } with member this.Contains px py : bool = px >= this.minX && px <= this.maxX && py >= this.minY && py <= this.maxY member this.IsSub otherRegion : bool = this.minX >= otherRegion.minX && this.maxX <= otherRegion.maxX && this.minY >= otherRegion.minY && this.maxY <= otherRegion.maxY member this.Intersects otherRegion : bool = this.minX < otherRegion.maxX && this.maxX >= otherRegion.minX && this.minY < otherRegion.maxY && this.maxY >= otherRegion.minY type Tree<'a when 'a :> I2DCoords> = | Node of float * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a> | Leaf of 'a static member BuildTree (l: 'a list) : Tree<'a> = let xSorted = List.toArray l let ySorted = List.toArray l Array.sortInPlaceWith cmpX xSorted Array.sortInPlaceWith cmpY ySorted let rec buildTreeFromSortedArray (pXSorted: 'a[]) (pYSorted: 'a[]) (depth: int) : Tree<'a> = if pXSorted.Length = 1 then Leaf pXSorted.[0] else if depth % 2 = 1 // 'depth' is odd -> vertical splitting else horizontal splitting. then let leftX, rightX = Array.splitAt ((pXSorted.Length + 1) / 2) pXSorted let splitElement = Array.last leftX let leftY, rightY = Array.partition (fun (e: 'a) -> cmpX e splitElement <= 0) pYSorted // FIXME: Maybe this operation can be optimized. Node (splitElement.X, buildTreeFromSortedArray leftX leftY (depth + 1), buildTreeFromSortedArray rightX rightY (depth + 1)) else let downY, upY = Array.splitAt ((pYSorted.Length + 1) / 2) pYSorted let splitElement = Array.last downY let downX, upX = Array.partition (fun (e: 'a) -> cmpY e splitElement <= 0) pXSorted // FIXME: Maybe this operation can be optimized. Node (splitElement.Y, buildTreeFromSortedArray downX downY (depth + 1), buildTreeFromSortedArray upX upY (depth + 1)) buildTreeFromSortedArray xSorted ySorted 1 member this.Search (searchRegion: Region) : 'a list = let rec valuesFrom (tree: Tree<'a>) : 'a list = match tree with | Leaf v -> [v] | Node (_, part1, part2) -> (valuesFrom part1) @ (valuesFrom part2) let rec searchWithRegion (tree: Tree<'a>) (currentRegion: Region) (depth: int) : 'a list = match tree with | Leaf v -> if searchRegion.Contains v.X v.Y then [v] else [] | Node (splitValue, part1, part2) -> let valuesInRegion (region: Region) (treeRegion: Tree<'a>) = if region.IsSub searchRegion then valuesFrom treeRegion elif region.Intersects searchRegion then searchWithRegion treeRegion region (depth + 1) else [] if depth % 2 = 1 // Vertical splitting. then let leftRegion = { currentRegion with maxX = splitValue } let rightRegion = { currentRegion with minX = splitValue } (valuesInRegion leftRegion part1) @ (valuesInRegion rightRegion part2) else // Horizontal splitting. let downRegion = { currentRegion with maxY = splitValue } let upRegion = { currentRegion with minY = splitValue } (valuesInRegion downRegion part1) @ (valuesInRegion upRegion part2) searchWithRegion this { minX = Double.MinValue; maxX = Double.MaxValue; minY = Double.MinValue; maxY = Double.MaxValue } 1 ///// Tests. TODO: to put in a unit test. type Point (x: float, y: float) = interface I2DCoords with member this.X = x member this.Y = y override this.ToString () = sprintf "(%.1f, %.1f)" x y // TODO: test with identical X or Y coords let test () = let pts = [ Point(1.0, 1.0) Point(2.0, 2.0) Point(1.5, 3.6) Point(3.0, 3.2) Point(4.0, 4.0) Point(3.5, 1.5) Point(2.5, 0.5) ] let tree = Tree.BuildTree pts Utils.dprintfn "Tree: %A" tree let s1 = tree.Search { minX = 0.0; maxX = 5.0; minY = 0.0; maxY = 5.0 } // All points. Utils.dprintfn "s1: %A" s1 let s2 = tree.Search { minX = 2.8; maxX = 4.5; minY = 3.0; maxY = 4.5 } Utils.dprintfn "s2: %A" s2 let s3 = tree.Search { minX = 2.0; maxX = 2.0; minY = 2.0; maxY = 2.0 } Utils.dprintfn "s3: %A" s3 let test2 () = let pts = [ Point(1.0, 1.0) Point(1.0, 2.0) Point(1.0, 3.0) ] let tree = Tree.BuildTree pts Utils.dprintfn "Tree: %A" tree let s1 = tree.Search { minX = 1.0; maxX = 1.0; minY = 1.0; maxY = 1.0 } Utils.dprintfn "s1: %A" s1 let s2 = tree.Search { minX = 1.0; maxX = 1.0; minY = 2.0; maxY = 2.0 } Utils.dprintfn "s2: %A" s2 // This case result is wrong: FIXME let s3 = tree.Search { minX = 1.0; maxX = 1.0; minY = 3.0; maxY = 3.0 } Utils.dprintfn "s3: %A" s3 let s4 = tree.Search { minX = 0.0; maxX = 2.0; minY = 0.0; maxY = 4.0 } Utils.dprintfn "s4: %A" s4