descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownergit repository hosting
last changeSun, 23 Jun 2024 21:58:17 +0000 (23:58 +0200)
2024-06-23 Greg BurriAvoid systemd in user mode master
2024-06-21 Greg BurriManage error in ice::get_users(..)
2024-06-20 Greg BurriCorrect some HTML issues from w3c validator.
2024-06-20 Greg BurriSend the position of each channel, they are now sorted...
2024-06-19 Greg Burriactivate lto for release build
2024-06-19 Greg BurriAdd some doc about Ice
2024-06-19 Greg BurriAdd icon when self muted of deafen
2024-06-19 Greg BurriFirst commit
2 months ago master