+// Adds colors from the specified property of the element to the given list
+function webdeveloper_addColor(element, property, colorList)
+ // If the element, property and color list are set
+ if(element && property && colorList)
+ {
+ var computedStyle = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
+ var color = computedStyle.getPropertyCSSValue(property);
+ // If the color is set and it is a color
+ if(color && color.primitiveType == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_RGBCOLOR)
+ {
+ color = color.getRGBColorValue();
+ colorList.push("#" + webdeveloper_formatColor(color.red.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER)) + webdeveloper_formatColor(color.green.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER)) + webdeveloper_formatColor(color.blue.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER)));
+ }
+ }
+// Displays all abbreviations
+function webdeveloper_displayAbbreviations(element)
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/display_abbreviations.css", "webdeveloper-display-abbreviations");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-abbreviations-tooltips", "*:before");
+// Displays all access keys
+function webdeveloper_displayAccessKeys(element)
+ var accessKeyElement = null;
+ var accessKeyElementList = null;
+ var accessKeyElementsLength = null;
+ var display = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var text = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-access-keys']");
+ // If displaying
+ if(display)
+ {
+ accessKeyElementList = webdeveloper_evaluateXPath(pageDocument, "//*[@accesskey]");
+ accessKeyElementsLength = accessKeyElementList.length;
+ // Loop through all the access key elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < accessKeyElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ accessKeyElement = accessKeyElementList[j];
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ text = "Accesskey=" + accessKeyElement.getAttribute("accesskey");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-access-keys");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", text);
+ spanElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(text));
+ accessKeyElement.parentNode.insertBefore(spanElement, accessKeyElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/imports/tooltips.css", "webdeveloper-display-access-keys");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-access-keys-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-access-keys");
+// Displays all anchors
+function webdeveloper_displayAnchors(element)
+ var anchorElement = null;
+ var anchorElementList = null;
+ var anchorElementsLength = null;
+ var anchorText = null;
+ var display = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var linkElement = null;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-anchors']");
+ // If displaying
+ if(display)
+ {
+ anchorElementList = webdeveloper_evaluateXPath(pageDocument, "//*[@id] | //a[@name]");
+ anchorElementsLength = anchorElementList.length;
+ // Loop through all the anchor elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < anchorElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ anchorElement = anchorElementList[j];
+ linkElement = pageDocument.createElement("a");
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ // If the anchor element has an id attribute
+ if(anchorElement.hasAttribute("id"))
+ {
+ anchorText = "#" + anchorElement.getAttribute("id");
+ }
+ else if(anchorElement.hasAttribute("name"))
+ {
+ anchorText = "#" + anchorElement.getAttribute("name");
+ }
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", anchorText);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("title", anchorText);
+ linkElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(anchorText));
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-anchors");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", anchorText);
+ spanElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ // Try to insert the anchor element
+ try
+ {
+ anchorElement.parentNode.insertBefore(spanElement, anchorElement);
+ }
+ catch(exception)
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/display_anchors.css", "webdeveloper-display-anchors");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-anchors-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-anchors, span.webdeveloper-display-anchors a");
+// Displays all block sizes
+function webdeveloper_displayBlockSize(element)
+ var blockSizeElement = null;
+ var blockSizeElementList = null;
+ var blockSizeElementsLength = null;
+ var display = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var height = null;
+ var left = null;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var text = null;
+ var top = null;
+ var width = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-block-size']");
+ // If displaying
+ if(display)
+ {
+ blockSizeElementList = webdeveloper_evaluateXPath(pageDocument, "//div | //form | //table");
+ blockSizeElementsLength = blockSizeElementList.length;
+ // Loop through the block size elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < blockSizeElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ blockSizeElement = blockSizeElementList[j];
+ height = blockSizeElement.offsetHeight;
+ left = blockSizeElement.offsetLeft;
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ top = blockSizeElement.offsetTop;
+ width = blockSizeElement.offsetWidth;
+ text = webdeveloper_getElementDescription(blockSizeElement) + " " + width + "x" + height;
+ spanElement.style.left = left + "px";
+ spanElement.style.position = "absolute";
+ spanElement.style.top = top + "px";
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-block-size");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", text);
+ spanElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(text));
+ webdeveloper_insertAsFirstChild(blockSizeElement, spanElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/display_block_size.css", "webdeveloper-display-block-size");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-block-size-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-block-size");
+// Displays the order of the divs on the page
+function webdeveloper_displayDivOrder(element)
+ var display = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var divElement = null;
+ var divElementList = null;
+ var divElementsLength = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var text = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-div-order']");
+ // If displaying
+ if(display)
+ {
+ divElementList = pageDocument.getElementsByTagName("div");
+ divElementsLength = divElementList.length;
+ // Loop through the div elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < divElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ divElement = divElementList[j];
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ text = webdeveloper_getElementDescription(divElement) + " " + (j + 1);
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-div-order");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", text);
+ spanElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(text));
+ webdeveloper_insertAsFirstChild(divElement, spanElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/display_div_order.css", "webdeveloper-display-div-order");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-div-order-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-div-order");
+// Displays id and class details for the page
+function webdeveloper_displayIdClassDetails(element)
+ var display = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var idClassElement = null;
+ var idClassElementList = null;
+ var idClassElementsLength = null;
+ var idClassElementText = null;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-id-class-details']");
+ // If displaying
+ if(display)
+ {
+ idClassElementList = webdeveloper_evaluateXPath(pageDocument, "//*[@class] | //*[@id]");
+ idClassElementsLength = idClassElementList.length;
+ // Loop through all the id class elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < idClassElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ idClassElement = idClassElementList[j];
+ // If the id class element is a Web Developer element
+ if((idClassElement.hasAttribute("class") && idClassElement.getAttribute("class").indexOf("webdeveloper-")) || (idClassElement.hasAttribute("id") && idClassElement.getAttribute("id").indexOf("webdeveloper-")))
+ {
+ idClassElementText = "";
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ // If the id class element has an id attribute
+ if(idClassElement.hasAttribute("id"))
+ {
+ idClassElementText += " #" + idClassElement.getAttribute("id");
+ }
+ // If the id class element has a class attribute
+ if(idClassElement.hasAttribute("class"))
+ {
+ idClassElementText += " ." + idClassElement.getAttribute("class");
+ }
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-id-class-details");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", idClassElementText);
+ spanElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(idClassElementText));
+ // Try to insert the id class element
+ try
+ {
+ idClassElement.parentNode.insertBefore(spanElement, idClassElement);
+ }
+ catch(exception)
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/imports/tooltips.css", "webdeveloper-display-id-class-details");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-id-class-details-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-id-class-details");
+// Displays all link details
+function webdeveloper_displayLinkDetails(element)
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/display_link_details.css", "webdeveloper-display-link-details");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-link-details-tooltips", "*:before");
+// Displays object information
+function webdeveloper_displayObjectInformation(element)
+ var checked = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var divElement = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var objectAttributes = null;
+ var objectElement = null;
+ var objectElementList = null;
+ var objectElementsLength = null;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var paramAttributes = null;
+ var paramElement = null;
+ var paramElementList = null;
+ var paramElementsLength = null;
+ var pElement = null;
+ var treeWalker = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//div[@class='webdeveloper-display-object-information']");
+ // If the element is checked
+ if(checked)
+ {
+ objectElementList = pageDocument.getElementsByTagName("object");
+ objectElementsLength = objectElementList.length;
+ // Loop through all the object elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < objectElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ divElement = pageDocument.createElement("div");
+ objectAttributes = "";
+ objectElement = objectElementList[j];
+ paramElementList = objectElement.getElementsByTagName("param");
+ paramElementsLength = paramElementList.length;
+ pElement = pageDocument.createElement("p");
+ // If the object has an width attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("width"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' width="' + objectElement.getAttribute("width") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the object has an height attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("height"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' height="' + objectElement.getAttribute("height") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the object has an archive attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("archive"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' archive="' + objectElement.getAttribute("archive") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the object has an classid attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("classid"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' classid="' + objectElement.getAttribute("classid") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the object has an codebase attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("codebase"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' codebase="' + objectElement.getAttribute("codebase") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the object has an codetype attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("codetype"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' codetype="' + objectElement.getAttribute("codetype") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the object has an data attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("data"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' data="' + objectElement.getAttribute("data") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the object has an standby attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("standby"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' standby="' + objectElement.getAttribute("standby") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the object has an type attribute
+ if(objectElement.hasAttribute("type"))
+ {
+ objectAttributes += ' type="' + objectElement.getAttribute("type") + '"';
+ }
+ pElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("<object" + objectAttributes + ">"));
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ // Loop through all the param elements
+ for(var k = 0; k < paramElementsLength; k++)
+ {
+ paramAttributes = "";
+ paramElement = paramElementList[k];
+ pElement = pageDocument.createElement("p");
+ // If the param has a name attribute
+ if(paramElement.hasAttribute("name"))
+ {
+ paramAttributes += ' name="' + paramElement.getAttribute("name") + '"';
+ }
+ // If the param has a value attribute
+ if(paramElement.hasAttribute("value"))
+ {
+ paramAttributes += ' value="' + paramElement.getAttribute("value") + '"';
+ }
+ pElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("<param" + paramAttributes + " />"));
+ pElement.setAttribute("class", "param");
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ }
+ pElement = pageDocument.createElement("p");
+ pElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("</object>"));
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-object-information");
+ objectElement.parentNode.insertBefore(divElement, objectElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/display_object_information.css", "webdeveloper-display-object-information");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-object-information-tooltips", "div.webdeveloper-display-object-information");
+// Displays the stack level of all elements on the page
+function webdeveloper_displayStackLevels(element)
+ var display = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var pageElement = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var text = null;
+ var treeWalker = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-stack-levels']");
+ // If displaying
+ if(display)
+ {
+ treeWalker = pageDocument.createTreeWalker(pageDocument, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, webdeveloper_stackLevelFilter, false);
+ // While the tree walker has more nodes
+ while((pageElement = treeWalker.nextNode()) != null)
+ {
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ text = webdeveloper_getElementDescription(pageElement) + " Z-index=" + pageElement.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(pageElement, null).getPropertyCSSValue("z-index").cssText;
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-stack-levels");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", text);
+ spanElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(text));
+ webdeveloper_insertAsFirstChild(pageElement, spanElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/imports/tooltips.css", "webdeveloper-display-stack-levels");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-stack-levels-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-stack-levels");
+// Displays all tab indices
+function webdeveloper_displayTabIndex(element)
+ var checked = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var tabIndexElement = null;
+ var tabIndexElementList = null;
+ var tabIndexElementsLength = null;
+ var text = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-tab-index']");
+ // If the element is checked
+ if(checked)
+ {
+ tabIndexElementList = webdeveloper_evaluateXPath(pageDocument, "//*[@tabindex]");
+ tabIndexElementsLength = tabIndexElementList.length;
+ // Loop through all the tab index elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < tabIndexElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ tabIndexElement = tabIndexElementList[j];
+ text = "Tabindex=" + tabIndexElement.getAttribute("tabindex");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-tab-index");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", text);
+ spanElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ tabIndexElement.parentNode.insertBefore(spanElement, tabIndexElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/imports/tooltips.css", "webdeveloper-display-tab-index");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-tab-index-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-tab-index");
+// Displays the depth of all tables
+function webdeveloper_displayTableDepth(element)
+ var checked = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var stringBundle = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle");
+ var tableElement = null;
+ var tableElementList = null;
+ var tableElementsLength = null;
+ var text = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-table-depth']");
+ // If the element is checked
+ if(checked)
+ {
+ tableElementList = pageDocument.getElementsByTagName("table");
+ tableElementsLength = tableElementList.length;
+ // Loop through all the table elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < tableElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ tableElement = tableElementList[j];
+ text = stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_depth") + "=" + webdeveloper_getTableDepth(tableElement);
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-table-depth");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", text);
+ spanElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ tableElement.parentNode.insertBefore(spanElement, tableElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/imports/tooltips.css", "webdeveloper-display-table-depth");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-table-depth-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-table-depth");
+// Displays table information
+function webdeveloper_displayTableInformation(element)
+ var checked = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var divElement = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var tableCellElementList = null;
+ var tableCellElementsLength = null;
+ var tableElement = null;
+ var tableElementList = null;
+ var tableElementsLength = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//div[@class='webdeveloper-display-table-information']");
+ // If the element is checked
+ if(checked)
+ {
+ tableElementList = pageDocument.getElementsByTagName("table");
+ tableElementsLength = tableElementList.length;
+ // Loop through all the table elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < tableElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ tableElement = tableElementList[j];
+ tableCellElementList = tableElement.getElementsByTagName("th");
+ tableCellElementsLength = tableCellElementList.length;
+ // If the table has a summary attribute
+ if(tableElement.hasAttribute("summary"))
+ {
+ divElement = pageDocument.createElement("div");
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-table-information");
+ divElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode("Summary=" + tableElement.getAttribute("summary")));
+ tableElement.parentNode.insertBefore(divElement, tableElement);
+ }
+ // Loop through the cell elements
+ for(var k = 0; k < tableCellElementsLength; k++)
+ {
+ webdeveloper_outputTableCellInformation(tableCellElementList[k], pageDocument);
+ }
+ tableCellElementList = tableElement.getElementsByTagName("td");
+ tableCellElementsLength = tableCellElementList.length;
+ // Loop through the cell elements
+ for(k = 0; k < tableCellElementsLength; k++)
+ {
+ webdeveloper_outputTableCellInformation(tableCellElementList[k], pageDocument);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/display_table_information.css", "webdeveloper-display-table-information");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-table-information-tooltips", "div.webdeveloper-display-table-information");
+// Displays all title attributes
+function webdeveloper_displayTitleAttributes(element)
+ var checked = element.getAttribute("checked");
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var text = null;
+ var titleAttributeElement = null;
+ var titleAttributeElementList = null;
+ var titleAttributeElementsLength = null;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ // Need to do this to stop the feature running twice
+ webdeveloper_removeAllElementsByXPath(pageDocument, "//span[@class='webdeveloper-display-title-attributes']");
+ // If the element is checked
+ if(checked)
+ {
+ titleAttributeElementList = webdeveloper_evaluateXPath(pageDocument, "//*[@title]");
+ titleAttributeElementsLength = titleAttributeElementList.length;
+ // Loop through all the title attribute elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < titleAttributeElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ spanElement = pageDocument.createElement("span");
+ titleAttributeElement = titleAttributeElementList[j];
+ text = "Title=" + titleAttributeElement.getAttribute("title");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-display-title-attributes");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("title", text);
+ spanElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(text));
+ titleAttributeElement.parentNode.insertBefore(spanElement, titleAttributeElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/imports/tooltips.css", "webdeveloper-display-title-attributes");
+ webdeveloper_toggleFeatureTooltipStyles(element, "webdeveloper-display-title-attributes-tooltips", "span.webdeveloper-display-title-attributes");
+// Displays the topographic information for all elements
+function webdeveloper_displayTopographicInformation(element)
+ webdeveloper_toggleStyleSheet(element, "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/display_topographic_information.css", "webdeveloper-display-topographic-information");
+// Formats a CSS color
+function webdeveloper_formatColor(color)
+ var formattedColor = color.toString(16);
+ // If the formatted color is less than 2 characters long
+ if(formattedColor.length < 2)
+ {
+ return "0" + formattedColor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return formattedColor;
+ }
+// Returns the depth of the table
+function webdeveloper_getTableDepth(table)
+ var depth = 1;
+ // If the table is set
+ if(table)
+ {
+ var ancestorList = webdeveloper_getElementAncestors(table);
+ var ancestorLength = ancestorList.length;
+ var tagName = null;
+ // Loop through the ancestors
+ for(var i = 0; i < ancestorLength; i++)
+ {
+ tagName = ancestorList[i].tagName;
+ // If the tag name is set and equals table
+ if(tagName && tagName.toLowerCase() == "table")
+ {
+ depth++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return depth;
+// Returns the text from a table heading
+function webdeveloper_getTableHeadingText(headingNode, headingText)
+ // If the heading node is set
+ if(headingNode)
+ {
+ var childNode = null;
+ var childNodeList = headingNode.childNodes;
+ var childNodeLength = childNodeList.length;
+ var childNodeType = null;
+ // Loop through the child nodes
+ for(var i = 0; i < childNodeLength; i++)
+ {
+ childNode = childNodeList[i];
+ childNodeType = childNode.nodeType;
+ // If the child node type is an element and it does not have a webdeveloper-table-information class
+ if(childNodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (!childNode.hasAttribute("class") || childNode.getAttribute("class") != "webdeveloper-table-information"))
+ {
+ headingText = webdeveloper_getTableHeadingText(childNode, headingText);
+ }
+ else if(childNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
+ {
+ headingText += childNode.nodeValue + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return headingText.trim();
+// Outputs the information for a table cell
+function webdeveloper_outputTableCellInformation(tableCellElement, pageDocument)
+ // If the table cell element is set
+ if(tableCellElement)
+ {
+ var divElement = null;
+ var pElement = null;
+ var stringBundle = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle");
+ // If the table cell has a headers attribute
+ if(tableCellElement.hasAttribute("headers"))
+ {
+ var definitionElement = pageDocument.createElement("dd");
+ var headerList = tableCellElement.getAttribute("headers").split(" ");
+ var headersLength = headerList.length;
+ // Loop through the headers
+ for(var i = 0; i < headersLength; i++)
+ {
+ pElement = pageDocument.createElement("p");
+ pElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(webdeveloper_getTableHeadingText(pageDocument.getElementById(headerList[i]), "")));
+ definitionElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ }
+ // If the definition element has child nodes
+ if(definitionElement.childNodes.length > 0)
+ {
+ var listElement = pageDocument.createElement("dl");
+ var termElement = pageDocument.createElement("dt");
+ divElement = pageDocument.createElement("div");
+ termElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_headers")));
+ listElement.appendChild(termElement);
+ listElement.appendChild(definitionElement);
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-table-information");
+ divElement.appendChild(listElement);
+ tableCellElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ }
+ divElement = pageDocument.createElement("div");
+ // If the table cell has a scope attribute
+ if(tableCellElement.hasAttribute("scope"))
+ {
+ var scope = tableCellElement.getAttribute("scope");
+ pElement = pageDocument.createElement("p");
+ // If the scope is col
+ if(scope == "col")
+ {
+ pElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_tableInformationHeadingColumn")));
+ }
+ else if(scope == "colgroup")
+ {
+ pElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_tableInformationHeadingColumnGroup")));
+ }
+ else if(scope == "row")
+ {
+ pElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_tableInformationHeadingRow")));
+ }
+ else if(scope == "rowgroup")
+ {
+ pElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_tableInformationHeadingRowGroup")));
+ }
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ }
+ // If the table cell has an abbr attribute
+ if(tableCellElement.hasAttribute("abbr"))
+ {
+ pElement = pageDocument.createElement("p");
+ pElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_abbreviation") + "=" + tableCellElement.getAttribute("abbr")));
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ }
+ // If the table cell has an axis attribute
+ if(tableCellElement.hasAttribute("axis"))
+ {
+ pElement = pageDocument.createElement("p");
+ pElement.appendChild(pageDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_axis") + "=" + tableCellElement.getAttribute("axis")));
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ }
+ // If the div element has child nodes
+ if(divElement.childNodes.length > 0)
+ {
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-table-information");
+ tableCellElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ }
+// Sets the image file sizes for a list of images
+function webdeveloper_setImageFileSizes(imageList)
+ var image = null;
+ var imageListLength = imageList.length;
+ var newImageList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the images
+ for(var i = 0; i < imageListLength; i++)
+ {
+ image = imageList[i];
+ image.fileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(image.src);
+ newImageList.push(image);
+ }
+ return newImageList;
+// Sets the script file sizes for a list of scripts
+function webdeveloper_setScriptFileSizes(scriptList)
+ var script = null;
+ var scriptListLength = scriptList.length;
+ var newScriptList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the images
+ for(var i = 0; i < scriptListLength; i++)
+ {
+ script = scriptList[i];
+ script.fileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(script.src);
+ script.uncompressedFileSize = webdeveloper_getUncompressedFileSize(script.src);
+ newScriptList.push(script);
+ }
+ return newScriptList;
+// Sets the style sheet file sizes for a list of style sheets
+function webdeveloper_setStyleSheetFileSizes(styleSheetList)
+ var styleSheet = null;
+ var styleSheetListLength = styleSheetList.length;
+ var newStyleSheetList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the style sheets
+ for(var i = 0; i < styleSheetListLength; i++)
+ {
+ styleSheet = styleSheetList[i];
+ styleSheet.fileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(styleSheet.href);
+ styleSheet.uncompressedFileSize = webdeveloper_getUncompressedFileSize(styleSheet.href);
+ newStyleSheetList.push(styleSheet);
+ }
+ return newStyleSheetList;
+// Sorts two anchors
+function webdeveloper_sortAnchors(anchorOne, anchorTwo)
+ // If both anchors are set
+ if(anchorOne && anchorTwo)
+ {
+ var anchorOneLink = null;
+ var anchorTwoLink = null;
+ // If the first anchor has an id attribute
+ if(anchorOne.hasAttribute("id"))
+ {
+ anchorOneLink = anchorOne.getAttribute("id");
+ }
+ else if(anchorOne.hasAttribute("name"))
+ {
+ anchorOneLink = anchorOne.getAttribute("name");
+ }
+ // If the second anchor has an id attribute
+ if(anchorTwo.hasAttribute("id"))
+ {
+ anchorTwoLink = anchorTwo.getAttribute("id");
+ }
+ else if(anchorTwo.hasAttribute("name"))
+ {
+ anchorTwoLink = anchorTwo.getAttribute("name");
+ }
+ // If the anchor links are equal
+ if(anchorOneLink == anchorTwoLink)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(anchorOneLink < anchorTwoLink)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Sorts two documents
+function webdeveloper_sortDocuments(documentOne, documentTwo)
+ // If both documents are set
+ if(documentOne && documentTwo)
+ {
+ var documentOneURL = documentOne.documentURI;
+ var documentTwoURL = documentTwo.documentURI;
+ // If the documents are equal
+ if(documentOneURL == documentTwoURL)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(documentOneURL < documentTwoURL)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Sorts two documents by file size
+function webdeveloper_sortDocumentsByFileSize(documentOne, documentTwo)
+ // If both documents and their URLs are set
+ if(documentOne && documentTwo && documentOne.documentURI && documentTwo.documentURI)
+ {
+ var documentOneFileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(documentOne.documentURI);
+ var documentTwoFileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(documentTwo.documentURI);
+ // If the document file sizes are equal
+ if(documentOneFileSize == documentTwoFileSize)
+ {
+ return webdeveloper_sortDocuments(documentOne, documentTwo);
+ }
+ else if(documentOneFileSize > documentTwoFileSize)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Sorts two images by file size
+function webdeveloper_sortImagesByFileSize(imageOne, imageTwo)
+ // If both images and their file sizes are set
+ if(imageOne && imageTwo && imageOne.fileSize && imageTwo.fileSize)
+ {
+ var imageOneFileSize = imageOne.fileSize;
+ var imageTwoFileSize = imageTwo.fileSize;
+ // If the image file sizes are equal
+ if(imageOneFileSize == imageTwoFileSize)
+ {
+ return webdeveloper_sortImages(imageOne, imageTwo);
+ }
+ else if(imageOneFileSize > imageTwoFileSize)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Sorts two links
+function webdeveloper_sortLinks(linkOne, linkTwo)
+ // If both links are set
+ if(linkOne && linkTwo)
+ {
+ var linkOneHref = linkOne.href;
+ var linkTwoHref = linkTwo.href;
+ // If the links are equal
+ if(linkOneHref == linkTwoHref)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(linkOneHref < linkTwoHref)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Sorts two scripts
+function webdeveloper_sortScripts(scriptOne, scriptTwo)
+ // If both scripts and src are set
+ if(scriptOne && scriptTwo && scriptOne.src && scriptTwo.src)
+ {
+ var scriptOneSrc = scriptOne.src;
+ var scriptTwoSrc = scriptTwo.src;
+ // If the scripts are equal
+ if(scriptOneSrc == scriptTwoSrc)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(scriptOneSrc < scriptTwoSrc)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Sorts two scripts by file size
+function webdeveloper_sortScriptsByFileSize(scriptOne, scriptTwo)
+ // If both scripts and src are set
+ if(scriptOne && scriptTwo && scriptOne.src && scriptTwo.src)
+ {
+ var scriptOneFileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(scriptOne.src);
+ var scriptTwoFileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(scriptTwo.src);
+ // If the script file sizes are equal
+ if(scriptOneFileSize == scriptTwoFileSize)
+ {
+ return webdeveloper_sortScripts(scriptOne, scriptTwo);
+ }
+ else if(scriptOneFileSize > scriptTwoFileSize)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Sorts two style sheets
+function webdeveloper_sortStyleSheets(styleSheetOne, styleSheetTwo)
+ // If both style sheets and href are set
+ if(styleSheetOne && styleSheetTwo && styleSheetOne.href && styleSheetTwo.href)
+ {
+ var styleSheetOneSrc = styleSheetOne.href;
+ var styleSheetTwoSrc = styleSheetTwo.href;
+ // If the style sheets are equal
+ if(styleSheetOneSrc == styleSheetTwoSrc)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(styleSheetOneSrc < styleSheetTwoSrc)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Sorts two style sheets by file size
+function webdeveloper_sortStyleSheetsByFileSize(styleSheetOne, styleSheetTwo)
+ // If both style sheets and href are set
+ if(styleSheetOne && styleSheetTwo && styleSheetOne.href && styleSheetTwo.href)
+ {
+ var styleSheetOneFileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(styleSheetOne.href);
+ var styleSheetTwoFileSize = webdeveloper_getFileSize(styleSheetTwo.href);
+ // If the style sheet file sizes are equal
+ if(styleSheetOneFileSize == styleSheetTwoFileSize)
+ {
+ return webdeveloper_sortStyleSheets(styleSheetOne, styleSheetTwo);
+ }
+ else if(styleSheetOneFileSize > styleSheetTwoFileSize)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Filter for stack level tree walker
+function webdeveloper_stackLevelFilter(node)
+ // If the node has a class attribute and it starts with webdeveloper
+ if(node && (!node.hasAttribute("class") || node.getAttribute("class").indexOf("webdeveloper-") != 0))
+ {
+ var zIndex = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, null).getPropertyCSSValue("z-index").cssText;
+ // If the node has a z-index and it is not set to auto
+ if(zIndex && zIndex != "auto")
+ {
+ return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
+ }
+ }
+ return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
+// Tidies a list of anchors by removing duplicates and sorting
+function webdeveloper_tidyAnchors(anchorList)
+ var anchor = null;
+ var anchorLink = null;
+ var anchorListLength = anchorList.length;
+ var newAnchorList = new Array();
+ var newAnchorListLength = null;
+ var nextAnchor = null;
+ var nextAnchorLink = null;
+ var tidiedAnchorList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the anchors
+ for(var i = 0; i < anchorListLength; i++)
+ {
+ newAnchorList.push(anchorList[i]);
+ }
+ newAnchorList.sort(webdeveloper_sortAnchors);
+ newAnchorListLength = newAnchorList.length;
+ // Loop through the anchors
+ for(i = 0; i < newAnchorListLength; i++)
+ {
+ anchor = newAnchorList[i];
+ // If the anchor has an id attribute
+ if(anchor.hasAttribute("id"))
+ {
+ anchorLink = anchor.getAttribute("id");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ anchorLink = anchor.getAttribute("name");
+ }
+ // If this is not the last anchor
+ if(i + 1 < newAnchorListLength)
+ {
+ nextAnchor = newAnchorList[i + 1];
+ // If the next anchor has an id attribute
+ if(nextAnchor.hasAttribute("id"))
+ {
+ nextAnchorLink = nextAnchor.getAttribute("id");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nextAnchorLink = nextAnchor.getAttribute("name");
+ }
+ // If the anchor link is the same as the next anchor link
+ if(anchorLink == nextAnchorLink)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ tidiedAnchorList.push(anchor);
+ }
+ return tidiedAnchorList;
+// Tidies a list of colors by removing duplicates and sorting
+function webdeveloper_tidyColors(colorList)
+ var color = null;
+ var colorListLength = colorList.length;
+ var newColorList = new Array();
+ var newColorListLength = null;
+ var tidiedColorList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the colors
+ for(var i = 0; i < colorListLength; i++)
+ {
+ newColorList.push(colorList[i]);
+ }
+ newColorList.sort();
+ newColorListLength = newColorList.length;
+ // Loop through the colors
+ for(i = 0; i < newColorListLength; i++)
+ {
+ color = newColorList[i];
+ // If this is not the last color and the color is the same as the next color
+ if(i + 1 < newColorListLength && color == newColorList[i + 1])
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ tidiedColorList.push(color);
+ }
+ return tidiedColorList;
+// Tidies a list of documents by removing duplicates and sorting
+function webdeveloper_tidyDocuments(documentList)
+ var documentListLength = documentList.length;
+ var documentURL = null;
+ var newDocumentList = new Array();
+ var newDocumentListLength = null;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var tidiedDocumentList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentListLength; i++)
+ {
+ newDocumentList.push(documentList[i]);
+ }
+ newDocumentList.sort(webdeveloper_sortDocuments);
+ newDocumentListLength = newDocumentList.length;
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(i = 0; i < newDocumentListLength; i++)
+ {
+ pageDocument = newDocumentList[i];
+ // If this is not the last document and the document is the same as the next document
+ if(i + 1 < newDocumentListLength && pageDocument.documentURI == newDocumentList[i + 1].documentURI)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ tidiedDocumentList.push(pageDocument);
+ }
+ return tidiedDocumentList;
+// Tidies a list of links by removing duplicates and sorting
+function webdeveloper_tidyLinks(linkList)
+ var link = null;
+ var linkListLength = linkList.length;
+ var newLinkList = new Array();
+ var newLinkListLength = null;
+ var tidiedLinkList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the links
+ for(var i = 0; i < linkListLength; i++)
+ {
+ link = linkList[i];
+ // If this link is set
+ if(link.href)
+ {
+ newLinkList.push(link);
+ }
+ }
+ newLinkList.sort(webdeveloper_sortLinks);
+ newLinkListLength = newLinkList.length;
+ // Loop through the links
+ for(i = 0; i < newLinkListLength; i++)
+ {
+ link = newLinkList[i];
+ // If this is not the last link and the link is the same as the next link
+ if(i + 1 < newLinkListLength && link.href == newLinkList[i + 1].href)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ tidiedLinkList.push(link);
+ }
+ return tidiedLinkList;
+// Tidies a list of scripts by removing duplicates and sorting
+function webdeveloper_tidyScripts(scriptList)
+ var script = null;
+ var scriptListLength = scriptList.length;
+ var newScriptList = new Array();
+ var newScriptListLength = null;
+ var tidiedScriptList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the scripts
+ for(var i = 0; i < scriptListLength; i++)
+ {
+ script = scriptList[i];
+ // If this script and the src is set
+ if(script && script.src)
+ {
+ newScriptList.push(script);
+ }
+ }
+ newScriptList.sort(webdeveloper_sortScripts);
+ newScriptListLength = newScriptList.length;
+ // Loop through the scripts
+ for(i = 0; i < newScriptListLength; i++)
+ {
+ script = newScriptList[i];
+ // If this is not the last script and the script is the same as the next script
+ if(i + 1 < newScriptListLength && script.src == newScriptList[i + 1].src)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ tidiedScriptList.push(script);
+ }
+ return tidiedScriptList;
+// Tidies a list of style sheets by removing duplicates and sorting
+function webdeveloper_tidyStyleSheets(styleSheetList)
+ var styleSheet = null;
+ var styleSheetListLength = styleSheetList.length;
+ var newStyleSheetList = new Array();
+ var newStyleSheetListLength = null;
+ var tidiedStyleSheetList = new Array();
+ // Loop through the style sheets
+ for(var i = 0; i < styleSheetListLength; i++)
+ {
+ styleSheet = styleSheetList[i];
+ // If this style sheet and the href is set
+ if(styleSheet && styleSheet.href)
+ {
+ newStyleSheetList.push(styleSheet);
+ }
+ }
+ newStyleSheetList.sort(webdeveloper_sortStyleSheets);
+ newStyleSheetListLength = newStyleSheetList.length;
+ // Loop through the style sheets
+ for(i = 0; i < newStyleSheetListLength; i++)
+ {
+ styleSheet = newStyleSheetList[i];
+ // If this is not the last style sheet and the style sheet is the same as the next style sheet
+ if(i + 1 < newStyleSheetListLength && styleSheet.href == newStyleSheetList[i + 1].href)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ tidiedStyleSheetList.push(styleSheet);
+ }
+ return tidiedStyleSheetList;
+// Updates the information menu
+function webdeveloper_updateInformationMenu(suffix)
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-abbreviations-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-abbreviations");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-access-keys-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-access-keys");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-anchors-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-anchors");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-block-size-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-block-size");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-div-order-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-div-order");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-element-information-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-element-information");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-id-class-details-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-id-class-details");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-link-details-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-link-details");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-object-information-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-object-information");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-stack-levels-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-stack-levels");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-tab-index-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-tab-index");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-table-depth-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-table-depth");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-table-information-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-table-information");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-title-attributes-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-title-attributes");
+ webdeveloper_configureElementByAppliedStyle(document.getElementById("webdeveloper-display-topographic-information-" + suffix), "checked", "webdeveloper-display-topographic-information");
+// Displays all the anchors for the page
+function webdeveloper_viewAnchorInformation()
+ var anchor = null;
+ var anchorLength = null;
+ var anchorLink = null;
+ var anchorList = null;
+ var divElement = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var documentURL = null;
+ var linkElement = null;
+ var linkHref = null;
+ var linkLength = null;
+ var listElement = null;
+ var listItemElement = null;
+ var oldTab = getBrowser().selectedTab;
+ var oldURL = getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
+ var generatedDocument = webdeveloper_generateDocument("");
+ var bodyElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentBodyElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentHeadElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h1");
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var pElement = null;
+ var scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var stringBundle = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle");
+ var title = stringBundle.getFormattedString("webdeveloper_viewAnchorInformationTitle", [oldURL]);
+ generatedDocument.title = title;
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedStyles(generatedDocument);
+ headerElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(title));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedTools(generatedDocument);
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ divElement = generatedDocument.createElement("div");
+ headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h2");
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ anchorList = webdeveloper_evaluateXPath(pageDocument, "//*[@id] | //a[@name]");
+ documentURL = pageDocument.documentURI;
+ spanElement = generatedDocument.createElement("span");
+ // If the tidy information preference is set
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.information.tidy", true))
+ {
+ anchorList = webdeveloper_tidyAnchors(anchorList);
+ }
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "expanded pivot");
+ headerElement.appendChild(spanElement);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", documentURL);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(documentURL));
+ headerElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ anchorLength = anchorList.length;
+ // If there are no anchors
+ if(anchorLength == 0)
+ {
+ pElement = generatedDocument.createElement("p");
+ pElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_noAnchors")));
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ listElement = generatedDocument.createElement("ol");
+ // Loop through the links
+ for(var j = 0; j < anchorLength; j++)
+ {
+ anchor = anchorList[j];
+ // If the anchor has an id attribute
+ if(anchor.hasAttribute("id"))
+ {
+ anchorLink = "#" + anchor.getAttribute("id");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ anchorLink = "#" + anchor.getAttribute("name");
+ }
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ listItemElement = generatedDocument.createElement("li");
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", documentURL + anchorLink);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(anchorLink));
+ listItemElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ listElement.appendChild(listItemElement);
+ }
+ divElement.appendChild(listElement);
+ }
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "output");
+ bodyElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/common/xpath.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/generated/output_pivot.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ // If the open tabs in background preference is set to true
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.open.tabs.background", true))
+ {
+ getBrowser().selectedTab = oldTab;
+ }
+// Displays all the colors on the page
+function webdeveloper_viewColorInformation()
+ var color = null;
+ var colorList = null;
+ var colorsLength = null;
+ var definitionElement = null;
+ var definitionListElement = null;
+ var divElement = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var documentURL = null;
+ var element = null;
+ var oldTab = getBrowser().selectedTab;
+ var oldURL = getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
+ var generatedDocument = webdeveloper_generateDocument("");
+ var bodyElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentBodyElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentHeadElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h1");
+ var linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("link");
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var termElement = null;
+ var title = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle").getFormattedString("webdeveloper_viewColorInformationTitle", [oldURL]);
+ var treeWalker = null;
+ generatedDocument.title = title;
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedStyles(generatedDocument);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/generated/view_color_information.css");
+ linkElement.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
+ linkElement.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
+ headElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ headerElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(title));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedTools(generatedDocument);
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ colorList = new Array();
+ divElement = generatedDocument.createElement("div");
+ headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h2");
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ documentURL = pageDocument.documentURI;
+ spanElement = generatedDocument.createElement("span");
+ treeWalker = pageDocument.createTreeWalker(webdeveloper_getDocumentBodyElement(pageDocument), NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, false);
+ // Loop through the anchor elements
+ while((element = treeWalker.nextNode()) != null)
+ {
+ webdeveloper_addColor(element, "background-color", colorList);
+ webdeveloper_addColor(element, "border-bottom-color", colorList);
+ webdeveloper_addColor(element, "border-left-color", colorList);
+ webdeveloper_addColor(element, "border-right-color", colorList);
+ webdeveloper_addColor(element, "border-top-color", colorList);
+ webdeveloper_addColor(element, "color", colorList);
+ }
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "expanded pivot");
+ headerElement.appendChild(spanElement);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", documentURL);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(documentURL));
+ headerElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ colorList = webdeveloper_tidyColors(colorList);
+ colorsLength = colorList.length;
+ // Loop through the colors
+ for(var j = 0; j < colorsLength; j++)
+ {
+ color = colorList[j];
+ definitionElement = generatedDocument.createElement("dd");
+ definitionListElement = generatedDocument.createElement("dl");
+ termElement = generatedDocument.createElement("dt");
+ termElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(color));
+ definitionListElement.appendChild(termElement);
+ definitionElement.setAttribute("style", "background-color: " + color);
+ definitionListElement.appendChild(definitionElement);
+ divElement.appendChild(definitionListElement);
+ }
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "output");
+ bodyElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/common/xpath.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/generated/output_pivot.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ // If the open tabs in background preference is set to true
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.open.tabs.background", true))
+ {
+ getBrowser().selectedTab = oldTab;
+ }
+// Displays an outline of the page
+function webdeveloper_viewDocumentOutline()
+ var divElement = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var documentURL = null;
+ var headerElementList = null;
+ var headerElementsLength = null;
+ var headerLevel = null;
+ var headerTagName = null;
+ var headerText = null;
+ var oldTab = getBrowser().selectedTab;
+ var oldURL = getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
+ var generatedDocument = webdeveloper_generateDocument("");
+ var bodyElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentBodyElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentHeadElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h1");
+ var linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("link");
+ var outlineElement = null;
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var previousHeaderLevel = null;
+ var scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var stringBundle = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle");
+ var title = stringBundle.getFormattedString("webdeveloper_viewDocumentOutlineTitle", [oldURL]);
+ var treeWalker = null;
+ generatedDocument.title = title;
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedStyles(generatedDocument);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/stylesheets/generated/view_document_outline.css");
+ linkElement.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
+ linkElement.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
+ headElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ headerElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(title));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedTools(generatedDocument);
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ divElement = generatedDocument.createElement("div");
+ headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h2");
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ documentURL = pageDocument.documentURI;
+ headerElementList = webdeveloper_evaluateXPath(pageDocument, "//h1 | //h2 | //h3 | //h4 | //h5 | //h6");
+ headerElementsLength = headerElementList.length;
+ previousHeaderLevel = 0;
+ spanElement = generatedDocument.createElement("span");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "expanded pivot");
+ headerElement.appendChild(spanElement);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", documentURL);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(documentURL));
+ headerElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ // Loop through the heading elements
+ for(var j = 0; j < headerElementsLength; j++)
+ {
+ headerElement = headerElementList[j];
+ headerTagName = headerElement.tagName.toLowerCase();
+ headerText = webdeveloper_getElementText(headerElement).trim();
+ headerLevel = parseInt(headerTagName.substring(1));
+ // Loop through any missing headers
+ for(var k = previousHeaderLevel + 1; k < headerLevel; k++)
+ {
+ outlineElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h" + k);
+ outlineElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-document-outline webdeveloper-document-outline-missing");
+ outlineElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_viewDocumentOutlineMissingHeading")));
+ divElement.appendChild(outlineElement);
+ }
+ // If there is no header text
+ if(!headerText)
+ {
+ headerText = stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_viewDocumentOutlineEmptyHeading");
+ }
+ outlineElement = generatedDocument.createElement(headerTagName);
+ outlineElement.setAttribute("class", "webdeveloper-document-outline");
+ outlineElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(headerText));
+ divElement.appendChild(outlineElement);
+ previousHeaderLevel = headerLevel;
+ }
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "output");
+ bodyElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/common/xpath.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/generated/output_pivot.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ // If the open tabs in background preference is set to true
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.open.tabs.background", true))
+ {
+ getBrowser().selectedTab = oldTab;
+ }
+// View JavaScript
+function webdeveloper_viewJavaScript()
+ var divElement = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var documentURL = null;
+ var linkElement = null;
+ var oldTab = getBrowser().selectedTab;
+ var oldURL = getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
+ var generatedDocument = webdeveloper_generateDocument("");
+ var bodyElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentBodyElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentHeadElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h1");
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var preElement = null;
+ var scriptElement = null;
+ var scriptLength = null;
+ var scriptList = new Array();
+ var scriptSource = null;
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var stringBundle = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle");
+ var title = stringBundle.getFormattedString("webdeveloper_viewJavaScriptTitle", [oldURL]);
+ generatedDocument.title = title;
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedStyles(generatedDocument);
+ headerElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(title));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedTools(generatedDocument);
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h2");
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ documentURL = pageDocument.documentURI;
+ scriptList = pageDocument.getElementsByTagName("script");
+ scriptLength = scriptList.length;
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", pageDocument.documentURI);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(documentURL));
+ headerElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ // Loop through the scripts
+ for(var j = 0; j < scriptLength; j++)
+ {
+ divElement = generatedDocument.createElement("div");
+ headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h3");
+ preElement = generatedDocument.createElement("pre");
+ scriptElement = scriptList[j];
+ scriptSource = scriptElement.src;
+ spanElement = generatedDocument.createElement("span");
+ // If the script is external
+ if(scriptSource)
+ {
+ // If this is a not chrome script
+ if(scriptSource.indexOf("chrome://") != 0)
+ {
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "expanded pivot");
+ headerElement.appendChild(spanElement);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", scriptSource);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(scriptSource));
+ headerElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ preElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(webdeveloper_retrieveSource(scriptSource).replace(new RegExp("\r", "gi"), "\n")));
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "output");
+ divElement.appendChild(preElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "expanded pivot");
+ headerElement.appendChild(spanElement);
+ headerElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getFormattedString("webdeveloper_inlineScript", [documentURL])));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ preElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(scriptElement.innerHTML));
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "output");
+ divElement.appendChild(preElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/common/xpath.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/generated/output_pivot.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ // If the open tabs in background preference is set to true
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.open.tabs.background", true))
+ {
+ getBrowser().selectedTab = oldTab;
+ }
+// Displays all the links for the page
+function webdeveloper_viewLinkInformation()
+ var divElement = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var documentURL = null;
+ var link = null;
+ var linkElement = null;
+ var linkHref = null;
+ var linkLength = null;
+ var links = null;
+ var listElement = null;
+ var listItemElement = null;
+ var oldTab = getBrowser().selectedTab;
+ var oldURL = getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
+ var generatedDocument = webdeveloper_generateDocument("");
+ var bodyElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentBodyElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentHeadElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h1");
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var pElement = null;
+ var scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var stringBundle = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle");
+ var title = stringBundle.getFormattedString("webdeveloper_viewLinkInformationTitle", [oldURL]);
+ generatedDocument.title = title;
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedStyles(generatedDocument);
+ headerElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(title));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedTools(generatedDocument);
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ divElement = generatedDocument.createElement("div");
+ headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h2");
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ documentURL = pageDocument.documentURI;
+ links = pageDocument.links;
+ spanElement = generatedDocument.createElement("span");
+ // If the tidy information preference is set
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.information.tidy", true))
+ {
+ links = webdeveloper_tidyLinks(links);
+ }
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "expanded pivot");
+ headerElement.appendChild(spanElement);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", documentURL);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(documentURL));
+ headerElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ linkLength = links.length;
+ // If there are no links
+ if(linkLength == 0)
+ {
+ pElement = generatedDocument.createElement("p");
+ pElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_noLinks")));
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ listElement = generatedDocument.createElement("ol");
+ // Loop through the links
+ for(var j = 0; j < linkLength; j++)
+ {
+ link = links[j];
+ linkHref = link.href;
+ // If the link is set
+ if(linkHref)
+ {
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ listItemElement = generatedDocument.createElement("li");
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", linkHref);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(linkHref));
+ listItemElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ listElement.appendChild(listItemElement);
+ }
+ }
+ divElement.appendChild(listElement);
+ }
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "output");
+ bodyElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/common/xpath.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/generated/output_pivot.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ // If the open tabs in background preference is set to true
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.open.tabs.background", true))
+ {
+ getBrowser().selectedTab = oldTab;
+ }
+// Displays all the meta tags for the page
+function webdeveloper_viewMetaTagInformation()
+ var cellDataElement = null;
+ var cellHeaderElement = null;
+ var divElement = null;
+ var documentList = webdeveloper_getDocuments(webdeveloper_getContentWindow());
+ var documentLength = documentList.length;
+ var documentURL = null;
+ var linkElement = null;
+ var metaTag = null;
+ var metaTags = null;
+ var metaTagsLength = null;
+ var oldTab = getBrowser().selectedTab;
+ var oldURL = getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
+ var generatedDocument = webdeveloper_generateDocument("");
+ var bodyElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentBodyElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentHeadElement(generatedDocument);
+ var headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h1");
+ var pageDocument = null;
+ var pElement = null;
+ var scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ var spanElement = null;
+ var stringBundle = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle");
+ var tableElement = null;
+ var tableRowElement = null;
+ var title = stringBundle.getFormattedString("webdeveloper_viewMetaTagInformationTitle", [oldURL]);
+ generatedDocument.title = title;
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedStyles(generatedDocument);
+ headerElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(title));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedTools(generatedDocument);
+ // Loop through the documents
+ for(var i = 0; i < documentLength; i++)
+ {
+ divElement = generatedDocument.createElement("div");
+ headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h2");
+ linkElement = generatedDocument.createElement("a");
+ pageDocument = documentList[i];
+ documentURL = pageDocument.documentURI;
+ metaTags = pageDocument.getElementsByTagName("meta");
+ metaTagsLength = metaTags.length;
+ spanElement = generatedDocument.createElement("span");
+ spanElement.setAttribute("class", "expanded pivot");
+ headerElement.appendChild(spanElement);
+ linkElement.setAttribute("href", documentURL);
+ linkElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(documentURL));
+ headerElement.appendChild(linkElement);
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ // If there are no meta tags
+ if(metaTagsLength == 0)
+ {
+ pElement = generatedDocument.createElement("p");
+ pElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_noMetaTags")));
+ divElement.appendChild(pElement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tableElement = generatedDocument.createElement("table");
+ tableRowElement = generatedDocument.createElement("tr");
+ // Name heading
+ cellHeaderElement = generatedDocument.createElement("th");
+ cellHeaderElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_name")));
+ tableRowElement.appendChild(cellHeaderElement);
+ // Content heading
+ cellHeaderElement = generatedDocument.createElement("th");
+ cellHeaderElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(stringBundle.getString("webdeveloper_content")));
+ tableRowElement.appendChild(cellHeaderElement);
+ tableElement.appendChild(tableRowElement);
+ // Loop through the meta tags
+ for(var j = 0; j < metaTagsLength; j++)
+ {
+ metaTag = metaTags[j];
+ tableRowElement = generatedDocument.createElement("tr");
+ // If this is an even row
+ if(j % 2 != 0)
+ {
+ tableRowElement.setAttribute("class", "shaded");
+ }
+ cellDataElement = generatedDocument.createElement("td");
+ // If the meta tag has a name attribute
+ if(metaTag.hasAttribute("name"))
+ {
+ cellDataElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(metaTag.getAttribute("name")));
+ }
+ else if(metaTag.hasAttribute("http-equiv"))
+ {
+ cellDataElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(metaTag.getAttribute("http-equiv")));
+ }
+ tableRowElement.appendChild(cellDataElement);
+ // Content
+ cellDataElement = generatedDocument.createElement("td");
+ cellDataElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(metaTag.getAttribute("content")));
+ tableRowElement.appendChild(cellDataElement);
+ tableElement.appendChild(tableRowElement);
+ }
+ tableElement.setAttribute("class", "sortable");
+ divElement.appendChild(tableElement);
+ }
+ divElement.setAttribute("class", "output");
+ bodyElement.appendChild(divElement);
+ }
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/common/dom.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/common/xpath.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/generated/output_pivot.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ scriptElement = generatedDocument.createElement("script");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "chrome://webdeveloper/content/generated/table_sort.js");
+ scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
+ headElement.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ // If the open tabs in background preference is set to true
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.open.tabs.background", true))
+ {
+ getBrowser().selectedTab = oldTab;
+ }
+// View page information
+function webdeveloper_viewPageInformation(chromeLocation)
+ window.openDialog(chromeLocation, "webdeveloper-page-information-dialog", "chrome,dialog=no,resizable");
+// View the response headers
+function webdeveloper_viewResponseHeaders()
+ var headerElement = null;
+ var oldTab = getBrowser().selectedTab;
+ var oldURL = getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
+ var generatedDocument = webdeveloper_generateDocument("");
+ var bodyElement = webdeveloper_getDocumentBodyElement(generatedDocument);
+ var preElement = null;
+ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ var responseHeaders = null;
+ var title = document.getElementById("webdeveloper-string-bundle").getFormattedString("webdeveloper_viewResponseHeadersTitle", [oldURL]);
+ request.open("get", oldURL, false);
+ request.send(null);
+ responseHeaders = request.getAllResponseHeaders();
+ generatedDocument.title = title;
+ webdeveloper_addGeneratedStyles(generatedDocument);
+ headerElement = generatedDocument.createElement("h1");
+ headerElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(title));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(headerElement);
+ preElement = generatedDocument.createElement("pre");
+ preElement.appendChild(generatedDocument.createTextNode(responseHeaders + "\n" + request.status + " " + request.statusText));
+ bodyElement.appendChild(preElement);
+ // If the open tabs in background preference is set to true
+ if(webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference("webdeveloper.open.tabs.background", true))
+ {
+ getBrowser().selectedTab = oldTab;
+ }