MOD beginning of the refactoring .. ^-^
[euphorik.git] / styles / 1 / euphorik.css
1 /* coding: utf-8 */
3 @import url(pageMinichat.css);
4 @import url(pageAdmin.css);
5 @import url(pageProfileRegister.css);
6 @import url(pageAbout.css);
8 * {
9 padding: 0px;
10 margin: 0px;
11 }
13 body {
14 font-family: sans-serif;
15 font-size: 12px;
16 color: #841919;
17 background-color: #f6dfc2;
18 }
20 #container {
21 height: auto;
22 margin: 0px;
23 }
25 /***** Textile *****/
26 em.leger {
27 font-style: italic
28 }
29 em.fort {
30 font-style: normal;
31 font-weight: bold
32 }
34 /***** Une barre de progression s'affichant lors des communications entre le client et le serveur *****/
35 #waitbar {
36 text-align: center;
37 height: 16px;
38 width:100%;
39 position: fixed;
40 left: 0px;
41 top: 0px;
42 z-index: 500;
43 }
44 #waitbar .image {
45 background-image: url(../../img/waitbar.gif);
46 margin-top: 3px;
47 margin-right: 3px;
48 float: right;
49 height: 13px;
50 width: 105px;
51 }
53 /***** Textile *****/
54 em.leger {
55 font-style: italic
56 }
57 em.fort {
58 font-style: normal;
59 font-weight: bold
60 }
62 /***** Menu *****/
63 ul#menu {
64 background-image: url(img/logo_fond.png);
65 height:129px;
66 width: 100%;
67 font-size: 11px;
68 list-style-type:none;
69 }
70 #menu li:first-child {
71 margin-left: 340px;
72 }
73 #menu li {
74 margin-top: 47px;
75 font-size: 14px;
76 text-align: center;
77 cursor: pointer;
78 height:30px;
79 z-index: 20;
80 float: left;
81 min-width: 60px;
82 background-color: #f6dfc2;
83 line-height: 32px;
84 }
85 #menu li.courante {
86 background-color: #ffffff;
87 background-image: url(img/triangle.png);
88 background-repeat: no-repeat;
89 background-position: center bottom
90 }
91 #menu li:hover {
92 background-color: #ffffff;
93 }
95 /***** Le menu pour le choix de la CSS *****/
96 #menuCss {
97 position: absolute;
98 z-index: 10;
99 left: 550px;
100 top:0px;
101 font-size: 9px;
102 }
104 /***** Le style du contenu des pages *****/
105 #page {
106 font-size: 12px;
107 background-color: #f6dfc2;
108 padding: 10px 10px 15px 10px;
109 }
110 #page > h1 {
111 margin-top: 10px;
112 margin-left: 0px;
113 font-size: 18px;
114 }
115 #page > h2 {
116 margin-top: 10px;
117 margin-left: 10px;
118 font-size: 16px;
119 }
120 #page > h3 {
121 margin-top: 10px;
122 margin-left: 20px;
123 font-size: 14px;
124 background-color : #FFFFFF
125 }
126 #page > h4 {
127 margin-top: 10px;
128 margin-left: 25px;
129 font-size: 12px;
130 }
131 #page > p {
132 margin-top: 3px;
133 margin-left: 35px;
134 }
135 #page > ul {
136 margin-top: 3px;
137 margin-left: 45px;
138 }
139 #logo {
140 z-index: 10;
141 background-image: url(img/logo.png);
142 background-repeat: no-repeat;
143 width: 304px;
144 height: 129px;
145 position: absolute;
146 }
147 #logo.ekMaster {
148 background-image: url(img/logo_ek_master.png);
149 }
151 /***** Le pied de page *****/
152 #footer {
153 background-color: #e19671;
154 text-align: right;
155 font-size: 9px;
156 padding: 2px
157 }
158 #footer a img{
159 border-style: none;
160 vertical-align: middle;
161 margin-right: 5px;
162 }
163 #footer span{
164 margin-right: 10px;
165 }
167 /***** La boite d'information (s'apparente à une MessageBox) *****/
168 div#info {
169 text-align: center;
170 width:100%;
171 position: fixed;
172 left: 0px;
173 top: 0px;
174 background-color: #841919;
175 border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
176 z-index: 100;
177 color: #f0df95
178 }
179 div#info div.fermer {
180 float:right;
181 cursor: pointer;
182 height:16px;
183 width: 16px;
184 background-image: url(../../img/fermer.gif)
185 }
186 div#info #icone {
187 float:left;
188 height:16px;
189 width: 16px;
190 }
191 div#info #icone.interrogation {
192 background-image: url(../../img/interrogation.gif)
193 }
194 div#info #icone.information {
195 background-image: url(../../img/information.gif)
196 }
197 div#info #icone.exclamation {
198 background-image: url(../../img/exclamation.gif)
199 }
200 div#info .boutons {
201 padding: 1px;
202 }
203 div#info .boutons div {
204 cursor: pointer;
205 background-color: #c62929;
206 display: inline;
207 padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
208 margin: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
209 }
210 div#info .boutons div:hover {
211 background-color: #e84747;
212 }
214 /***** Les infos bulles *****/
215 #flecheBulle {
216 position: absolute;
217 z-index: 50;
218 display: none
219 }
220 .flecheBulleHaut {
221 background-image: url(img/fleche_bulle_haut.png);
222 width: 15px;
223 height: 8px;
224 }
225 .flecheBulleDroite {
226 background-image: url(img/fleche_bulle_droite.png);
227 width: 8px;
228 height: 15px;
229 }
230 .flecheBulleBas {
231 background-image: url(img/fleche_bulle_bas.png);
232 width: 15px;
233 height: 8px;
234 }
235 .flecheBulleGauche {
236 background-image: url(img/fleche_bulle_gauche.png);
237 width: 8px;
238 height: 15px;
239 }
240 #messageBulle {
241 position: absolute;
242 z-index: 50;
243 color: #ffffff;
244 background-color: #841919;
245 display: none;
246 font-size: 10px;
247 }
248 #messageBulle p {
249 padding: 3px 6px;
250 }
252 /***** Le faux captcha *****/
253 .captcha {
254 display:none;
255 }
257 /***** Les formulaires *****/
258 form input,
259 form button,
260 form select {
261 color: #841919;
262 background-color: #f0df95;
263 border: #841919 1px solid;
264 }
265 form input:hover, form input:focus,
266 form button:hover, form button:focus,
267 form select:hover, form select:focus {
268 background-color: #ffffff;
269 }
270 form input,
271 form select {
272 font-size: 12px;
273 }
274 form button {
275 font-size: 11px;
276 }
277 form input[readonly] {
278 background-color: #d0c9aa
279 }
281 /***** Les liens *****/
282 .lien, a {
283 text-decoration: underline;
284 color: #c62929;
285 }
286 .lien {
287 cursor: pointer
288 }
289 a:link, a:visited {
290 color: #c62929;
291 }
292 .lien:hover, .lien:active, a:hover, a:active {
293 color: #e84747;
294 }