[Scala.git] / Anagrams.scala
1 package anagrams
3 /**
4 * Sentence anagrams generation
5 * MSE course, T-AdvPrPa course
6 */
7 object Anagrams {
8 /**
9 * Types definitions
10 */
11 type Word = String
12 type Occurrences = List[(Char, Int)]
13 type Sentence = List[Word]
15 /**
16 * The dictionary is simply a sequence of words.
17 * It is predefined and obtained as a sequence using the utility method `loadDictionary`.
18 */
19 val dictionary: List[Word] = loadDictionary()
21 /**
22 * Question 1 : converts the word into its character occurrence list.
23 *
24 * For instance,
25 * wordOccurences("abcd") gives List(('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('c', 1), ('d', 1))
26 * wordOccurences("aabcddd") gives List(('a', 2), ('b', 1), ('c', 1), ('d', 3))
27 *
28 * Note: the upper case and lower case version of the character are treated as the
29 * same character, and are represented as a lower case character in the occurrence list.
30 * The list is sorted alphabeticaly.
31 */
32 def wordOccurrences(w: Word): Occurrences =
33 w.toLowerCase().groupBy(identity).toList.map{ case (_, letters) => (letters(0), letters.length) }.sortWith((a, b) => a._1 < b._1)
35 /**
36 * Question 2: Valid words
37 *
38 * The `dictionaryByOccurrences` is a `Map` from different occurrences to a sequence of all
39 * the words that have that occurrence count. This map serves as an easy way to obtain all the anagrams of a word given its occurrence list.
40 */
41 lazy val dictionaryByOccurrences: Map[Occurrences, List[Word]] =
42 dictionary groupBy (w => wordOccurrences(w))
44 /**
45 * Question 3: Returns all the anagrams of a given word
46 */
47 def wordAnagrams(word: Word): List[Word] =
48 dictionaryByOccurrences get wordOccurrences(word) match {
49 case Some(words) => words
50 case None => List()
51 }
53 /**
54 * Question 4: Returns all the subsets of an occurrence list
55 */
57 /**
58 * Generates all the subsets of a set
59 */
60 def combinations(occurrences: Occurrences): List[Occurrences] = {
61 def generator[T](x: List[List[T]]): List[List[T]] = x match {
62 case Nil => List(Nil)
63 case h :: t => for (j <- generator(t); i <- h) yield i :: j
64 }
66 def combinationsOnNumber(occurs : Occurrences) : List[Occurrences] =
67 generator(occurs map {case (c: Char, i: Int) => (1 to i) map (j => (c, j)) toList})
69 val combs = for (
70 i <- 1 to occurrences.length;
71 l <- occurrences combinations i; // Combination on letters.
72 l2 <- combinationsOnNumber(l) // Combination on numbers
73 ) yield l2
75 List() :: (combs toList)
76 }
78 /**
79 * Question 5: remove occurrences from x that are in y
80 */
81 def subtract(x: Occurrences, y: Occurrences): Occurrences = {
82 def subtractMap(x: Map[Char, Int], y: Occurrences): Occurrences = y match {
83 case Nil => x.toList
84 case (cy, ny) :: t => {
85 val nx = x(cy)
86 val remaining = nx - ny
87 if (remaining <= 0)
88 subtractMap(x - cy, t)
89 else
90 subtractMap(x.updated(cy, remaining), t)
91 }
92 }
93 subtractMap(x.toMap, y).sortWith((a, b) => a._1 < b._1)
94 }
96 /**
97 * Question 6 - Generate sentence anagrams
98 */
100 /** Converts a sentence into its character occurrence list. */
101 def sentenceOccurrences(s: Sentence): Occurrences =
102 if (s.isEmpty)
103 List()
104 else
105 wordOccurrences(s.reduce(_ + _))
107 def sentenceAnagrams(sentence: Sentence): List[Sentence] = {
108 def loop(sentence: Sentence, remaining: Occurrences) : List[Sentence] = {
109 if (remaining.isEmpty)
110 List(sentence)
111 else
112 for (
113 c <- combinations(remaining);
114 word <- dictionaryByOccurrences.applyOrElse(c, (_: Occurrences) => List());
115 s <- loop(word :: sentence, subtract(remaining, c))
116 ) yield s
117 }
118 loop(List(), sentenceOccurrences(sentence))
119 }
120 }